Show Us Your Pets!

2 years ago
8 posts

You're a delight.  Thanks for your reply.

2 years ago
2,316 posts

Yes, Teddy is the grey boy, on the right.  :)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
2 years ago
8 posts

Sweet cats!  I assume Boo Boo is on the left and Teddy is on the right, correct?  I had a cat like Teddy, her name was Mittens cause her paws were white.

2 years ago
2,316 posts

Here are Boo-Boo and Teddy chillaxin' on the couch. (with Teddy's little mini-me 'tiny teddy' stuffed cat peeking out from the cushions)


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
2 years ago
2,316 posts

Bubba looks so comfy!!

I remember Sally Ann's little kitten pix.


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
2 years ago
1,472 posts

@nate Bubba is living the life!  

2 years ago
358 posts


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David Bennett
David Bennett
2 years ago
60 posts

Hard to believe she is over 5 now.

2 years ago
87 posts

She's a cutie, David. I remember when you got her. Nina

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
2 years ago
1,472 posts

It appears Sally Ann is interested in what's in that cool mug. 

David Bennett
David Bennett
2 years ago
60 posts

Sally Ann checking things out

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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
2 years ago
1,472 posts

@anne-maguire It's wonderful you have given Biddie a safe home!  

Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
2 years ago
3 posts

Been a while!

My dog Biddie, who came to live with me in January 2020 is settling into a real sweetie. She has been a sweetie the whole time, but a pretty undisciplined one - now the is starting to learn some manners, and better behaviour! I don't know what the the first year or so of her life was like, but can guess it wasn't very nice. She was completely unsocialised, and terrified of everything, pretty much. She doesn't get the shakes when the grass is being cut any more, but she still hides under my desk. Her other great fear is water - she is terrified of getting wet. She will get her feet wet at the creek, but that's it! She is a Huntaway/GSP cross. Fortunately she has the Huntaway size, & some of the GSP spots but there rest of her is Huntaway, which is a working dog from New Zealand, an Australian Kelpie mix.

The little black cat (Bran) is doing very well. Lots of purrs, sleeping on knees, and all that lovely cat stuff. He did miss Pug, but he is an only cat now, and is enjoying all the attention. He and the dog are not friends as yet, but lbc is not afraid of Biddy, and has whopped her a couple of times!

Biddy 3.jpg
Biddy 3.jpg  •  188KB

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
3 years ago
197 posts

In my own wilder past goats were also part of my life, starting out with Alpines & Nubians, but found Toggenburgs were the breed for us.  Lived in 15.95 acres if woods, but when we needed to move, what worked for goats didn't work for people & vice versa.  Finally found a place for both, but eventually too little time.  Our last goat went as a companion to a horse, but my daughters never forgave "giving Cookie away."  May your friend have time, enjoyment, & continuing memories!

Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
3 years ago
69 posts

Milo and Frankie ❤️ Awe!!!  So sweet!

Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
3 years ago
69 posts

Daffer and Annabell are adorable!!!  Sure brings back some great memories….we had Alpines Nubians and Pygmy goats

I may have to dig up a photo that my kids wouldn’t want made public…HAHAHA!  Our 4-H goat club used to have a costume class…….

updated by @cindy-stammich: 11/20/22 10:47:02PM
3 years ago
509 posts

Milo and Frankie are real cuties!

Daffer and Annabell....gotta love the goats!

John W. McKinstry
John W. McKinstry
3 years ago
59 posts

Here are Daffer & Annabell, pets of a friend. She says that they are giving a green thumb's up to my most recent video:

"Tutorial, Simple 3 Chord Sing a Long"  where I tell of singing Home on the Range" to my goats.

Goat Test 2.jpg
Goat Test 2.jpg  •  507KB

3 years ago
4 posts

Let me introduce my two - Milo & Frankie. Frankie (on the right) was 6 yesterday, and Milo will be 7 in January.

Both of them were rescued as puppies when we lived in Spain.


updated by @knobby: 11/08/22 12:54:58PM
3 years ago
509 posts

"Always the best hello, but also the hardest goodbye" ... says it well.

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
3 years ago
197 posts

I'm correcting my C.S. Lewis quote: “No,” he said, “not our dogs.” However, he said, there would be, in heaven, “the essence of dogness.”  I think those of us loving our pets would go more with the idea of without them heaven wouldn't be heavenly. 

Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
3 years ago
197 posts

Two thoughts: C.S. Lewis said dogs (or was it pets? should look it up) must go to heaven or else we wouldn't find it heavenly; & at the lake alongside our big dog park I found tucked away a memorial stone to a dog saying it was always the best hello, but also the hardest goodbye.

My malamutes all seemed to go at 10, while my huskies could go to 12, 13, 14, so the husky in my wonderful husky/malamute mix is now 14, but oh the joint problems!  Had a woman say the final year for her mal was 15 but again those joints.  I read these losses & dread it coming.

Hugs to all losing &/or loving their pets.

3 years ago
509 posts


Hugs to all who are missing their sweet furry companions... dog1 kittywink heartbeat

brokenheart grphug

3 years ago
2,316 posts

Hugs to all who are missing their sweet furry companions... dog1 kittywink heartbeat

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
3 years ago
3 posts

I like "The Rainbow Bridge"

There are going to be quite a few canine and feline companions to meet me there!

Rainbow Bridge.png
Rainbow Bridge.png  •  658KB

3 years ago
509 posts

We lost our beautiful Cody on January 5, 2022, just before his 14th birthday. 


A sensitive, loving, and funny boy. 

As you all know, losing a pet is very difficult. They live on in our hearts. We got this canvas print, which was so appropriate for him.


Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
3 years ago
3 posts


Pug Maguire,
28 Feb 2009 - 15 Oct 2022

Pug  (4).JPG
Pug (4).JPG  •  76KB

Paul Rappell
Paul Rappell
3 years ago
31 posts

Well, Shelby, a.k.a. Schlubby, turned 16 in April - and died in May. She was skinny enough and basically just wasted away. She passed in the Mrs.' arms. We knew she was a tiny cat, but it;s been confirmed, comparing her with the two we replaced her with toward the end of the summer. They're huge by comparison, and house wreckers! They are from the same litter. The one with the Manx tail is Bobbi (which makes sense, bob tail). The one with the very soft fur is Charmin (which makes sense in a weird way). At feeding time, the two squeak like mice. But they run around the house like a herd of buffalo, and jump up on everything! They want to cling to the Mrs., and dig their nails in. Then they lie down where you trip over them. I really appreciate our Schlubby time so much more!

Our cats have never been let outdoors. We have fox, coyotes, fishers, and who knows what else. Bears and cougars are farther north - we're by the St. Lawrence River, right near Lake Ontario. But at least we don't have rattlesnakes (my sympathies, Salt Springs). For that I appreciate being here in southeastern Ontario. 

3 years ago
87 posts

Salt, I remember when you posted that Fritz was bitten by a rattlesnake.  I'm so sorry you lost him.  Those are hard times when we watch our pet decline despite all we are trying to do to save them.  Cheers to the new pup.

Mary, I met you folks and your dog a couple years ago in Berea. Love the costumes.

Nina (aka Dulcinina)

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
3 years ago
214 posts

Yes, the pup can be adorable, she's a Lab and Bulldog I think.  Really high energy 24/7.  There were 8 of them at the shelter the day we got her. I think she's 4 mos. old today, ........old Fritz was one of the best.....when a big old Black Bear pinned my old Beagle against the backyard fence and was going to do her in, Fritz covered the 300 ft in a split second and wailed that Bear and rescued the Beagle....never got a scratch, when our 16 year old cat was lost in the forest after a hurricane tore the joint up.......I turned him loose in the forest and told him to find that old hour later he brought her back...........125 lbs of spit and vinegar with a penchant for Boar's Head roast beef and fried chicken from Popeye's on Sunday. Bears at the kitchen door....he would run 'em off.  Coyote's no sweat....'nuff said.

Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
3 years ago
69 posts

Love love love the butterflies and the butterfly pup!  @mary-z-cox

Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
3 years ago
69 posts

I am so sorry about Fritz, but on a happy note - what an adorable pup @salt-springs  

Salt Springs
Salt Springs
3 years ago
214 posts

Robin Thompson:

I enjoy seeing the critters!  

@salt-springs I'm sorry about Fritz. was a bad situation that despite everything the vets at the University of Florida hospitals did and thought it just got worse over about 10 weeks.

updated by @salt-springs: 11/02/22 10:12:55PM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
3 years ago
1,472 posts

I enjoy seeing the critters!  

@salt-springs I'm sorry about Fritz.  

3 years ago
2,316 posts

Look at that sweet little babe! love

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Salt Springs
Salt Springs
3 years ago
214 posts

New Pup after Fritz was lost due to long term complications from a Rattlesnake bite......

resized.jpeg  •  161KB

updated by @salt-springs: 11/02/22 10:39:31AM
Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
3 years ago
62 posts


3 years ago
2,316 posts

I have always like 'mustached' dogs. They remind me of my very first dog Facha, and my big sweet mixed breed dog Jasper.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
3 years ago
87 posts

What a cutie.

3 years ago
509 posts


My handsome fella

He IS handsome!

3 years ago
5 posts

My handsome fella

3 years ago
509 posts


Buddy is my 11 year old Jack Russell terrier.

Such a cutie!

3 years ago
1 posts

Buddy is my 11 year old Jack Russell terrier.

Stanley Adams
Stanley Adams
3 years ago
5 posts

what a gem that Jolene is. and great name too!  <3

3 years ago
1 posts

Jolene just turned 1 year old; I adopted her about 8 months ago from Berkeley Humane.

jolene_bday.jpg  •  110KB

3 years ago
2,316 posts

No caption needed.


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Richard Streib
Richard Streib
3 years ago
254 posts

Oh the life of the beloved household cat. I'm glad they are so pleased to own you.

3 years ago
2,316 posts

Teddy and Rufus... bros just chillin' in the sun...
TeddyRufus cuddling 2022.jpg

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
3 years ago
1,472 posts

@alphie There's no accounting for tastes in music or anything else.  :)

3 years ago
2 posts

Our Aussie. I think he has perfect pitch since when I play he leaves the room.

3 years ago
169 posts

San Juan Hill too much for him? shrugger

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
3 years ago
2,316 posts

Teddy Romeo Roosevelt just chillin'...


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Steven Berger
Steven Berger
4 years ago
143 posts

I remember Charley from Berea...nice dog!  And, at 6 months, he looks as happy as a Bassett  could possibly look!joyjoy

Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
4 years ago
62 posts

Charley @ 6 Months :)

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

Hey, Bull Terrier named Gary!  So nice you can foster, @paula!   

4 years ago
2,316 posts

Oh my. What a 'squishable' nose Gary has!  bighug

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
4 years ago
15 posts

We're currently fostering this fellow. His name is Gary. Bull Terrier.



IMG_1105.jpg  •  143KB

4 years ago
169 posts

Kitty heaven winky

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
4 years ago
2,316 posts

Our cat Teddy taking a nap in our bed today...

teddy takes a nap.jpg

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
4 years ago
2,316 posts

Both are very cute!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 05/27/21 08:08:53PM
Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
4 years ago
62 posts

Charley & Violet @ 4 months  

charley4.jpg  •  130KB

violet4.jpg  •  49KB

4 years ago
2,316 posts

Paul Rappell:

"This'll do. Please don't close it."

...doing her best cashmere sweater imitation.

This is familiar stuff to me.  ;)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Paul Rappell
Paul Rappell
4 years ago
31 posts

"This'll do. Please don't close it."

4 years ago
509 posts

David Bennett:

As Rockwell sang back in the '80s, "I always feel like somebody's watchin' me"

Love it!

David Bennett
David Bennett
4 years ago
60 posts

As Rockwell sang back in the '80s, "I always feel like somebody's watchin' me"

teleworking.JPG  •  67KB

updated by @david-bennett: 05/26/21 02:00:06PM
4 years ago
2,316 posts

Paul that's too funny!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Paul Rappell
Paul Rappell
4 years ago
31 posts

Shelby (a.k.a. Schlubby) and Angus got along. Or, I should say, Schlubby tolerated Angus. She was known to swat him from time to time. In our household the smaller pets ruled. We had a very small bunny, Abby, who jumped up onto the back of a sofa and bit Schlubby on the stomach. He chomped down and held on when she jumped off. The cats gave that little bun a wide berth.

4 years ago
4 posts

I don't have a pet right now. However, my sister's beagle, Madison, loves the dulcimer. She has told me that she prefers the dulcimer & singing over instrumental. 

4 years ago
2,316 posts

Schlubby has the sweetest facial expression, who could resist her?
It's good that you can give her the love and reassurance she needs after losing her furry companion.  kittywink

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Paul Rappell
Paul Rappell
4 years ago
31 posts

Little Shelby, a.k.a. Schlubby, turned 15 on the Ides of March. She's doing fairly well in spite of hyperthyroidism. She's on a salt-free diet, which means fewer treats. She's skinny enough as it is. Her behaviour changed after Angus died. She's acting much more needy now, and often calls out when we're out of sight. Still, she has always had a great attitude and cooperates when anything, such as cutting her nails or being checked by the vet, needs to be done.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,472 posts

I'm glad Elvis had good final months, @mary-z-cox !  Enjoy Charley!  Pets are family.  <3

Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
4 years ago
62 posts

Thanks for asking. Elvis passed last June at 15 (he had a tumor on his aorta & finally his back broke) but he had an excellent last year with several beach camping trips & a fall mountain excursion in which he was able to escape and join old man McCalls bear hunting dog pack for a night of intense hound excitement. (they were poaching on our land) But he was like a puppy until the last month or two.  We have been 9 months without a basset & just got Charley last week.  He is one of the most intelligent puppies I have ever seen & Bob & I feel like new parents again.

Keep picking,

Mary Z. Cox

4 years ago
2,316 posts

That's real cute, Mary!
Do you still have either of your previous two bassets?

That dinner looks great too.  :)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
4 years ago
62 posts

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