Show Us Your Pets!

4 years ago
2,316 posts

They look very sweet Venni!
I've had a rabbit or two during my lifetime of pet keeping, too.  nod

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Richard Streib
Richard Streib
4 years ago
254 posts

The blessings of cats.

4 years ago
2,316 posts

Our cat Sheba (aka BooBoo) carefully wrapped herself up in the top sheet like a burrito this morning, while I had the comforter and bedspread off being washed...

Of course the whole reason I had to take off the blankets to wash them was because 'someone' hurled up a big hairball on the bed when we weren't watching. Cats. This is why we can't have nice things.

BooBoo hiding her shame...


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
5 years ago
87 posts

Our little stray who showed up just shy of a year ago has us so well trained.  It's amazing how we cater to her.  She jumps on our laps for a short time, but it hs to be her decision.  And we are so honored.  Love that little critter.

Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
5 years ago
3 posts

Bran the black rescue cat from Christmas 2016 has turned into snuggly little cuddle-bug, especially since the dog arrived in February. He will now come and sit on my lap for cuddles and a sleep - voluntarily! I think it has a lot to do with senior cat Pug keeping away, avoiding the dog, and leaving the lap free. He even comes looking for nighttime snoozing under the doona!

When the dog is outside Pug will come for his usual "leg spot", and Bran will hop up for the "lap spot"! Now all I have to do is get all three in the right places at the same time!

There is still a little friction, because Biddy wants to play with the cats, but the cat don't want to play with her! Bran smacked her the other night, but without claws - just a little warning 'don't you dare do that'!

Patience, patience, patience!

updated by @anne-maguire: 07/26/20 07:45:53PM
5 years ago
509 posts

Beautiful pets in this thread!

Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
5 years ago
3 posts

Your big blue looks like my late Humbug would have looked with a few more years under his fur!

5 years ago
2,316 posts

We have three cats. Our big handsome grey boy cat Teddy is usually sweet, but he's very big and strong and turns into a powerful deadly tiger when any vets try to examine him. Imagine our dread when we found out he has to get a medicine drop in his one troublesome eye twice a day in forever. Yikes!

At first he fought it a bit, but we kept turning the event into a petting/brushing mini session after his drop...he loooves being petted or brushed. So now two months later he absolutely demands we give him his eye drop twice a day, coming to get us, meowing loudly and leading us to the bedroom where we sit on the bed to give him his eye drop and then the reward of 30 seconds of petting or brushing. It's too funny! he gets so excited and in the middle of giving the drop he starts purring so hard he rumbles.  thumbsup   That's when we call him Rumble Purr Teddy.


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
5 years ago
2,316 posts

@anne-maguire , nice to see you checking in! I hope those animules all realize how lucky they are and settle into polite behavior, adding extra joy to your life.  :)

@buckeye67 : sorry i missed seeing your post til now.  Those 3 "curs" are quite camera-ready and appealing! The genetics must have been a good match to produce that handsome brindle boy Sam!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
5 years ago
3 posts

Well, rescue dog Biddy is well and truly settled, and has, I think, accepted this as her permanent home - at least I hope so! There was someone running past the house and over the bridge a couple of nights ago - she went off like a bomb!! Very big, deep barks and growls - took a while to settle her down. 

Senior cat and her still at loggerheads - problem is, Pug runs from dogs, as the last dog he had anything to do with tried to eat him! Junior cat gradually becoming more and more at ease. Not cuddle up together friends yet, but while Biddy was asleep last night he did come up to the lounge, stood up to investigate a dangling dog paw, then just walked away. I think they will end up friends.

So, all working out for the best, for now!

5 years ago
5 posts

Hey everyone,

Here are my three Original Mountain Curs - Ben, Grace and their baby (who's bigger than both of them) Sam




updated by @buckeye67: 02/12/20 10:59:16AM
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
5 years ago
85 posts


Hazel, my Great Dane loves the snow.


Site Moderator

updated by @jim-fawcett: 02/11/20 05:40:45AM
Jim Fawcett
Jim Fawcett
5 years ago
85 posts

He sure looks comfy soaking up the rays to warm his bones.

Site Moderator
5 years ago
87 posts

Good to have you aboard.  Sebastian sure knows how to take a nap. Dulcinina

5 years ago
1 posts

Hello everyone! New to FOTMD and just started learning to play a few weeks ago. Here is my old dog, Sebastian.


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5 years ago
509 posts

Anne, Biddy is adorable. Sure looks like the cat is keeping an eye on him. Thanks for the photos.

Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
5 years ago
3 posts

Photos as requested, and promised! Biddy is such a mad, active dog outside, it's hard to get a photo without even a little blur, but I think I've managed it!

The settling in is going well, I think. The cats are still unsure, and there is a little bit of 'spit & hiss' going on, but in general the boys will move around the same room, keeping an eye out for danger. 

Biddy is lying at my feet at the moment, having had mad gallops around the yard, which will become, I think, her own personal racetrack - whizzes around and around - fortunately, it's a big yard with plenty of room!

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Biddy 1.JPG  •  288KB

5 years ago
509 posts
Jimmy, both are so cute!
Jimmy Sample
Jimmy Sample
5 years ago
2 posts

My two boys.  Shep, the one with the mandolin, left us five years ago, but Riley is still enjoying the "Life of Riley."  Love them both.


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Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
5 years ago
3 posts

Photos will be coming soon!

Yesterday Biddy - her new name is actually Bidelia, which means 'Strong' - discovered that life with a nice big yard, windfall apples and a tennis ball was a lot of fun, and she was galloping around the yard again today. Should be nice and tired by bedtime, I hope. Didn't take to the gardener - I think somewhere in her past is a bloke with whom she did not agree. She was eventually friendly enough, but with reservations!

Have no idea about her past life other than she ended up in the pound and was then rescued in the nick of time. I think she was baled out of the pound when Tumut itself was evacuated under fire threat. Not everybody left, but the animal rescue people did get the pound evacuated - I dare say the "prisoners" ended up in rescue centres all over the place. Biddy also had to be evacuated from her rescue home, so she will have had a fair bit of upset in her short life.

She is booked in to my vet for Saturday morning for a 'meet and greet' and to have her nails trimmed - nothing traumatic! She will, whether she wants it or not, be having a bath tomorrow - running with the farm dogs has done nothing for her coat!!

updated by @anne-maguire: 02/04/20 02:46:55AM
5 years ago
509 posts

Anne, would love to see pictures. Congrats!

5 years ago
10 posts

Anne, it is so good to hear positive story coming out of the Australian fires. The best of luck with your new friend.

5 years ago
17 posts
Oh thank-you! She sure can be a handful though! I forgot what it was like having a toddler at home!
5 years ago
509 posts
David, she sure is a cute pup!
5 years ago
17 posts
We just got a new puppy a couple of weeks ago too! This is Roxy. She's a boxer/lab, born October 10. She's pretty much house-trained as long as we take her out every couple of hours. She knows how to sit,shake a paw,lay down,retrieve, and walks really good on the leash.
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Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
5 years ago
3 posts

Today I welcomed into my home my new pup, a rescue from one of the fire affected areas. She wasn't one of the fire affected pets, but was being cared for at the Walwa Dunroamin Pet Rescue after being saved from the pound at Tumut. I suppose that, strictly speaking she isn't a pup, being about 18 months old, but ...! It will be four years on Thursday since I lost Jack the Ripper - when I told my nephew about the new dog, he says "it's about time'!

She is probably a German Shorthaired Pointer cross, with either a whippet and/or a kelpie, being mainly black with brindle eyebrows, brindle legs and ears and Pointer white with black spots on three feet and her chest. She loves other dogs, and also loves cats - my two don't quite know what to make of her, and are very curious. She won't make full Pointer size, which is fine with me!

So, tonight is her first night in her new home. Hope she likes sleeping in the lounge room on her specially designated chair or her own mat - as this happened quite suddenly, she doesn't have her own bed yet!

The vet who had her at her place only just had her house saved - the fire came to within about 2 metres of the house, and was stopped at the house yard fence. The vet subsequently had to shoot her little flock of fifty sheep because of their injuries. Her cows were saved.

She isn't going to get any more sheep.

But I have a lovely, friendly pup who just wants to be with her human, be friends with the household cats, and anything or anyone else who comes within smooging range!

Photos will follow as I get them off the camera

6 years ago
2,316 posts

Such sweet looking fur friends, all!  lovey

RobinT... you got another doggie?   Do post a pic here soon if you can!

Our three kitties are doing fine lately- they all happen to be in their prime and healthy (knock on wood).  The only downside of that is that they'll all get old at the same time... might wind up being difficult for us!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

Anne, I'm glad Bran is doing well!  We wound up with a stray dog about a month ago. . . One never knows what will present.  

Robin NC, Ollie sure is a handsome boy!

6 years ago
5 posts

One of my two cats. This is Ollie.  He was named Dolly when we adopted him at the shelter, but he was so fluffy we couldn't tell immediately that the paperwork was wrong. He was indeed a male! So Dolly became Ollie.  He's 16 pounds, and appears to be either Ragdoll, Ragdoll mix, or a Ragamuffin. And he's got all the behavioral traits to go along with the looks and size.


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Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
6 years ago
3 posts

Bran is doing very well, thank you! I will have to give him a manicure and rub some cream into his paws tomorrow - the trouble with putting anything on cats paws is that they will insist on licking it off - I use paw paw ointment, so at least it tastes nice!

He had another little breakthrough moment last week, when he voluntarily hopped up on to my lap and snuggled up for a cuddle, with purrs! Although he will hop into bed and cuddle up, this is the first time he has stayed on my lap for more than a
passing-through minute. It is all small steps for him, but he is getting better every day. Another little 'test' will happen tomorrow when the cleaning lady comes, as he really hates the noise - if he doesn't bolt for cover straight away we will count that as a win!

This Christmas will be his third with me, and he has more than repaid the investment of time and energy - he is such a sweetie! The senior cat, Pug, is also much better with him now, although the kitchen rough and tumble gets a bit willing! 

I have out a request to the universe for a dog - I really miss my Jack the Ripper! This time, however, I want an inside-outside dog, about miniature poodle size (don't want a poodle though - been there, done that!) who will be inside with me, or out and about with me, and who won't murder the cats! If the universe is feeling generous that's what will turn up on my doorstep. I'm not going looking, but will wait for the 'right' one to come along! 

Jack the Ripper.JPG
Jack the Ripper.JPG  •  58KB

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@anne-maguire How is Bran doing?  

@david-bennett With a name like Sally Ann, she has to like old-timey music.  :)

David Bennett
David Bennett
6 years ago
60 posts

When we first got Sally Ann she didn't seem to have any interest in the dulcimer when I played it.  Then she got to where she seemed to like it in small doses but after a couple songs I was expected to stop and play with her instead. Then last week she's taken to sitting between my feet while I play and actually seems to enjoy it.


Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire
6 years ago
3 posts

Update on my little black cat, Bran. I had both my boys to the vet in July - had deliberately left taking them both down to the vet, letting Bran be thoroughly settled before taking him anywhere. Both needed their vaccinations, and checkups, etc., and Pug needed some dental work done. As you know, Bran was a rescue cat from the pet rescue via the pound, and very stressed and unhappy when I got him. I mentioned previously that his front paws were a bit odd, and the pads deformed, so I had the vet check out his feet.

Here's where it gets a bit nasty. The vet said that at some time his front paws had come into contact with something caustic, and that his 'deformed' pads weren't deformed at all, but had been partly burned away by whatever the caustic substance was. She said it could quite possibly have been accidental, but could also have been deliberate - there is no way of knowing. There are some harder areas of scar tissue that occasionally give him discomfort, so I have to keep an eye on him and look out for his sore paws. I do so hope it was accidental, but going by the condition he was in, and his level of timidity and distrust I doubt it. I don't want to think that he was hurt on purpose, but we all know that there are some very brutal people out there who don't think twice about inflicting pain on an animal.

6 years ago
1 posts

My mate Zak as the avatar pic  sun

updated by @ukgb: 10/13/19 08:06:57AM
6 years ago
169 posts

Not exactly a pet, but the response to my Monarch, Honeybee, hummer garden has been very rewarding. This beauty visited briefly yesterday.


The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
6 years ago
2,316 posts

David, your Sheba is very sweet looking!  kittydance

We have a kitty named Sheba too!- she's a brown tabby. We usually call her by her silly nickname, Boo Boo. 

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
6 years ago
17 posts
This one is Sheba
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Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

Haha!  Molly, I used to say of one of our dogs how she was spoiled-- just smell her.  

Molly McCurdy
Molly McCurdy
6 years ago
16 posts

They’re spoiled stinkin’ rotten, Robin!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@molly-mccurdy Those pups look like they're living the good life!  :) Great pics! 

Molly McCurdy
Molly McCurdy
6 years ago
16 posts

My two weenie girls, Emmy and Cricket, and my Granddaughter, Ariana, with my one-eyed demon weenie, Daisy, who now lives with Ariana because Daisy likes her best.

6 years ago
87 posts

Thanks everyone.  We are definitely smitten.

Steven Berger
Steven Berger
6 years ago
143 posts

Cats are the CRAZIEST people! catdance

David Bennett
David Bennett
6 years ago
60 posts

Dusty has such a pretty and unusual color coat. Pretty kitty.

6 years ago
509 posts

Dusty is very cute, congrats on the new fur-baby!

Richard Streib
Richard Streib
6 years ago
254 posts

What a beautiful and charming kitten. I know you will enjoy her in  your life.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@gulfcoastgal What a pretty cat!  She got the size Small genes.  :)

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@dulcinina Dusty sure is cute and is lucky to have her new family!  

6 years ago
87 posts

This little gal showed up 3 weeks ago, skinny, skittish and abandoned.  I began feeding her and after a week she let us pet her.  By the 2nd week we were able to pick her up.  We took her to the vet where she got a checkup and her shots.  Vet said she was about 8-10 weeks old.  We haven't had a cat in 5 years and we've never had a kitten.  She is so much fun and so loveable.  Meet Dusty who is honored to share the name with our own Dusty Turtle on FOTMD.  Nina

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6 years ago
1 posts
Her mom was 15 lbs and her dad was 20lbs She is 13
Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
6 years ago
197 posts

I agree with @paul-rappell about " the possibility of the dog flying around the car in the event of a crash."  Unfortunately my Mouthymutt (malamute/husky) chewed right through a brand new harness the very 1st time, so I'm glad it's not a law here even though I'd love to do it.

He's in the narrow extended cab of our truck, a.k.a. The Fur Wagon.

Paul Rappell
Paul Rappell
6 years ago
31 posts

The late Angus had a special harness that attached to a short belt that attached to the seatbelt. It's not just the dog escaping, it's the possibility of the dog flying around the car in the event of a crash.

6 years ago
4 posts
You are absolutely right Lois. Here in the UK a seatbelt/harness is mandatory unless the dog is caged. I was glad of this when she saw a Hare and tried to dive out after it! Now she only gets the window down at low speed and when sitting with my son.
Where my other dogs tremble if they have to travel, this one goes crazy at the mention of the word „car“. She’s also able to tolerate my dulcimer playing!
6 years ago
169 posts

Oh yeah, interstate ... 70 mph, head out, ears sound like plastic tarp!

The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
6 years ago
197 posts

Mine thinks "come" means stand there & wait for me to come to him!  I tend to use it when walking on our dirt roads & know a car is coming.  I've gotten very fast at shortening his extendable leash & coming.  Who trained who?

I love our truck's rear window over the truck bed, but learned to put a stick in the track so it only opens big enough to put his head out.  Nothing like being on the interstate & looking in your rearview mirror & your dog is past his chest trying to get out!!!

My childhood dog one time jumped out on a busy road when he saw something he wanted.  Fortunately other cars missed him.  Don't believe dogs won't find a way out, it can happen incredibly fast.

6 years ago
2,316 posts

These scruffy little pooches are so cute!!

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
6 years ago
169 posts

So cute and they DO love to ride. 

Gracie doesn't do 'wait' very well.


The Dulcimer. If you want to preserve it, jam it!
6 years ago
4 posts
She came to us with her spine and ribs showing, crouching to the floor if I held out my hand. Now she loves driving! Just visible on my profile picture.
Here’s another. Not that we spoil her...
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

Wow, @tautwire, you have a cute little adventuous one there!  

6 years ago
4 posts
That’s the passenger side over here!
Don Grundy
Don Grundy
6 years ago
188 posts
He’s a great little guy.
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

Boon sure is a cute pup! 

Don Grundy
Don Grundy
6 years ago
188 posts

Boon. A Havanese 

updated by @don-grundy: 07/31/19 05:57:32PM
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

Sally Ann plays scheitholt!  :)

David Bennett
David Bennett
6 years ago
60 posts

Sally Ann

IMG_E3894.JPG IMG_E3894b.JPG

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

@Phroederick Paper bags can be a cat favorite, too.  

Those eyes through the slit in the box-- perfect!  :)

6 years ago
2,316 posts

@phroedrick, of course!  catdance

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
6 years ago
197 posts

It sounds like Angus left you with many wonderful memories.  Sorry he had to go, but know he'll be waiting for you with all 4 legs on the other side.

6 years ago
8 posts

Paul Rappell:

Sad news. The other Tuesday (4 June) we had our Sheltie, Angus, put down.


Big hug, Paul.


6 years ago
8 posts

Robin Thompson:

@tssfulk I imagine Bosse may be getting to spend time outdoors soon.  

@David-Bennett Did Sally play Gray Cat on a Tennessee Farm


Yes, we'll be heading for southern Sweden (Skåne) in 3 weeks. :)


Cindy Stammich
Cindy Stammich
6 years ago
69 posts
I am so sorry to hear about Angus...
What a beautiful boy!
They truly are family, and he will live on in your hearts ❤️
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
6 years ago
1,472 posts

I'm sorry about Angus, Paul.  Pets are family.  

6 years ago
509 posts
Paul Rappell:

Sad news. The other Tuesday (4 June) we had our Sheltie, Angus, put down.

So sorry to hear that Paul. We understand how hard it is to lose a pet. Take care.
David Bennett
David Bennett
6 years ago
60 posts

Paul Rappell:

Sad news. The other Tuesday (4 June) we had our Sheltie, Angus, put down...

Sorry to hear about Angus. He was a pretty dog.


Paul Rappell
Paul Rappell
6 years ago
31 posts

Sad news. The other Tuesday (4 June) we had our Sheltie, Angus, put down. He developed cancer in the late summer of 2016. The next spring his right front leg was amputated. He coped well with that, but tore the ACL in his right rear leg, was operated on and had a pretty good recovery, but then he tore the left rear ACL. Recovery from that wasn't so good. He limped and didn't walk much. We had carpets covering most of the hardwood floors to keep him from slipping and falling. Then, this spring, he developed a hacking cough. We took him in to be put down several weeks ago, but they diagnosed it as bronchitis. But, despite the meds, the cough wouldn't go away. Finally, the Mrs. couldn't stand to see him in pain/discomfort any more. It was a quick, painless death, and he's not suffering now.

When I was in the hospital in September, a fellow patient asked how long Angus had had his cancer. When I told him it was two years (at that time) he, a veterinarian, was amazed. He said most dogs last six months. When Angus was first diagnosed, our vets said that it was a very aggressive cancer and they weren't sure he'd last the six months. Angus was always eager to please, but, when it came to his survival, he was one tough dog. Even with his bad legs, he still tried to herd the squirrels.

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