How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting you?

B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
4 years ago
59 posts


Hey B.Ross, there are two bearded guys with plaid shirts in that video. nerd2

Ooops, the other one is Steve Taylor, our bass section leader ... my shirt is red.plaid. HIs hair is grey, and if you could hear him individually you would hear a North of England accent.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

The return to gatherings with family and friends is so wonderful. Scrabble, Banagrams, or just sharing a bottle of wine.

I just booked tickets for the family to visit my folks, whom we haven't seen in nearly two years, since the summer before the pandemic.  And we're attending a neighborhood party this evening, when we've all pitched in to hire a pizza truck, two guys with a wood-fired oven that they tow around from their van.  All the adults and kids over 12 in the neighborhood have been vaccinated, and we'll be outdoors anyway.  It will be so nice to hang out with people again.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
4 years ago
2,323 posts

James that is so nice... enjoy your lovely visit!
I played Bananagrams at the kitchen table with my daughter and my son in law. So 'normal'  and so fun! This is their first time visiting anyone since Feb 2020.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

@james-phillips Have fun catching up with your mom and playing Scrabble!  

James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

I can honestly say, the one thing about all this is, at least among the people I know, is the sense of community and that we are all in this together.  We've been been vax'd since April (with working at Dart Container we fell into Phase 1B of the roll-out here in IL) and for the first time since March of 2020 tonight we'll be going to my Mom's for dinner and Scrabble.  It's been tough not doing anything together in person with my Mom so am looking forward to it.

4 years ago
2,323 posts

Hey B.Ross, there are two bearded guys with plaid shirts in that video. nerd2

Dusty Turtle:I'm sitting with my daughter in the outdoor patio of a neighborhood café.  It feels so strange to be in public with no mask on. 

This morning i was sitting my MY daughter in the outdoor patio of our neighborhood cafe too Dusty!.  :)
Yes it does feel strange to be out and about without a mask on next to people outdoors. (like a lot of folks I know, we still feel better wearing masks when indoors with strangers, and when in stores)   I'm especially grateful the weather in our part of the world allows us to eat in outside restaurants.
I'm beginning to feel much safer near others. This mental adjustment does take a little time. When outdoors, i no longer wear mask at all, indoors I still do unless i know everyone has been vaxilated.  ;D  Us 'human magnets' gotta stick together, after all... ahahahah!!!  I find it so handy to just stick my car keys on my forehead now... i never lose track of them anymore.  biglaugh

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 06/11/21 04:54:21PM
B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
4 years ago
59 posts

Got my second dose of Moderna yesterday. Sandie is on track to get her second Pfizer shot in about two weeks. Ontario is opening up gradually ... patios opened last night just after midnight for al fresco dining, and so  forth.

Our community choir released our 2021 final concert video on Youtube about a week ago ... I'm the bearded guy wearing a plaid shirt in the three new songs recorded remotely.

The link is also posted on our website

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

I'm sitting with my daughter in the outdoor patio of a neighborhood café.  It feels so strange to be in public with no mask on.  Here in California, where the state is approaching that magical 70 percent vaccination rate, the pandemic restrictions are going to be lifted in about a week.  This café is even hosting its first ever open mic night a few days after the state re-opens.  A return to normal?  I wonder how long it will be before I'm comfortable with no mask on.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
4 years ago
77 posts

Yeah some of my friends got their shots too, so we are looking forward for meeting the first time after one year.

4 years ago
2,323 posts

Good for you Jost!  Soon you will be able to do everyday things with less apprehension. I can vouch that it feels reeeeeally good to know you have strong protection.  catdance

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
4 years ago
77 posts

Got my Johnson & Johnson shot today. Up to now without side effects.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

@lisavb, I'm glad that you and yours have gotten vaccinated.  The mass vaccination site near us also operated very efficiently.  I'm not sure they were all so successful, though.

When my daughter's school shut down last spring, they initially said it was for a 4-day weekend to do a deep cleaning.  Then they canceled the next week of school and then the next.  No one understood at the time how long this would last.  We all thought it would "blow over," as you say.

I'll have to figure out the best way to accommodate both a small number of people live in person and a larger group spread around the world.  But one thing I can definitely conclude: dealing with the pandemic has strengthened rather than weakened the dulcimer community.  So many of our local groups had to stop meeting, but now we're connecting with so many more people spread around the country and the world.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
4 years ago
58 posts

That's exciting, Dusty!  I envision a world of at least hybrid.  One good thing to come out of this has been the online gatherings that have enabled long-distance participation.  I treasure my Jessica Comeau workshops.  People from all over the country--and outside the US, too!--join.  It's wonderful and I intend to participate as long as she holds them. 

As to live-streamed concerts...there is an annual jazzfest around here, and they took it online this year.  We "attended" a couple of concerts from the comfort of our living room.  And we enjoyed them very much.  Frankly, traffic and parking are a pain in the butt downtown, and with the live-stream, we didn't have to deal with any of that, just enjoy the concert!  We'd do it again even when things are normal.

Just got back from a nearly-a-week vacation.  Socially distanced, masked, take-out food only, rented a house, did a lot of driving backroads and photography (which is pretty socially distanced anyway).  We were 50% Pfizered at that point.  BF got his second shot Monday, I got mine yesterday afternoon.  It continues to boggle my mind that, a little over a year ago, I thought this would blow over in a couple of weeks, would be back in the office.  Still not in the office, no plans for it at this point, and I sure didn't envision visiting a mass vaccination center and looking forward to a set of shots.  The center we used is extremely well run.  Bang-zoom, you've been injected and you go sit out your 15 minutes while people keep an eye on you.  Very grateful for that center and everyone in it who makes it such a smooth (and even cheerful/pleasant!!) operation.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

I just got a call from the music shop where I used to host a monthly dulcimer club before we moved online in April or May of last year.  As of sometime in June, they will be allowed to host indoor gatherings again.  Now I have to establish whether there's sufficient interest.  Some of those who used to drive a long way to join us have already expressed that they would like to stay online.  Others have joined from around the country and a few from overseas, so I'll either have to do two gatherings a month or perhaps one hybrid gathering.  I know they have livestreamed concerts from the music store, but I'm not sure that is interactive enough. Hmm . . . 

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Brian G.
Brian G.
4 years ago
94 posts

Dusty and Robin - thanks for your encouraging words. Very much appreciated.  Stay safe everyone!  :)

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

@james-phillips I'm glad you both got in your second vaccines!  Though we rarely make videos anymore, we still play music to brighten the days.  Hope you've been able to make plenty of music!  

James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

A bit of an update - my partner and I both got our second vaccine a week ago on Thursday.  No serious side affects - had a bit of a sore arm at the injection site, a bit of a mild headache and that was it.  I didn't know if we were going to be able to function at 100% for work the next day, so we took it off which we probably didn't need to, but knowing folks that got sick or had a fever etc. I wanted to prepare for the worst case scenario.  Also finding myself contemplating doing videos again - I had not done any in ages and ages, at least a few instruments ago LOL and also been talking to our former room-mate about maybe doing some kind of monthly video serious with him singing and my playing guitar, 4 string tenor guitar or tenor sized ukulele.  Nice to have some goals to aspire to.  

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

@brian-g I appreciate you and all who have worked hard and tirelessly on all phases of dealing with SARS-CoV-2!  I know people who were sickened and I know people who died from this virus.  So much heartbreak for so many.  Thank you for posting here!  I hope you are able to take some time to play a bit of music.  

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

Nice to hear from you Brian, and heartening to know that you've been fighting the good fight.  So many people have been working in so many ways to help us deal with this pandemic.  One day the uplifting story will be told about the determination and sacrifice of so many.  And yes, it does appear that little by little we're getting vaccinated.  Perhaps a little light at the end of the tunnel.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Brian G.
Brian G.
4 years ago
94 posts

Hello All!  It's been a long time since I've posted at FOTMD.  SARS-CoV-2 has had affected my life pretty dramatically.  I've been involved in the clinical development of a couple vaccines and therapeutics for COVID-19 (in addition to my "regular" work), and have been working insane hours.  Unfortunately, I know more than a few people who have died as a result of the disease, and many more who have suffered greatly.  This pandemic has exacerbated systemic injustices related to the social determinants of health, and the US response in particular has been pathetic.

It's heartening to read of more and more people getting vaccinated. I hope you all stay safe!  :)


4 years ago
2,323 posts

That's good news about your family, @jost.

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
4 years ago
77 posts

Both of my parents  and one of my siblings got their first vaccination dose now, it's a big relief. 

My other brother and I will have to wait though most likely up to autumn. But at least it's making progress and I can visist my family without fearing to bring the virus to them

B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
4 years ago
59 posts

Good for you @Dan !  muscle
I'm currently working on a very large patent drawing job (that's what I do for a living) that consists of drawing a million biotech research graphs, chemical charts, and diagrams. I don't understand what it all actually means, but I have to draw it on my computer accurately and clearly so it can be submitted to the US Patent Office. For 22 years I've done lots of these kinds of medical research drawing jobs, lots of it involved with cancer cures, disease, and genetics. For the first time in a job I'm now seeing lots of references to Covid-19 RNA/DNA virus testing stuff. Feels strange to be working on it and to realize I have a tiny molecular role in battling the pandemic.  pimento

That is amazing, Strumelia!

Closest I have ever got to that sort of work was in 2003 when I was still working as a receiving dock porter at Mt Sinai Hospital here in Toronto ... folks whose supplies I delivered were fighting the SARS outbreak in our hospital. I did my part, you are doing yours, it's all good.

4 years ago
134 posts

Dusty, we are in the same situation. We had our first 'in house' company' last night.  All had their shots and we had a great time.  It is good being able to re-establish person to person contact with little fear. 

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

Congratulations to all those folks getting vaccinated.  By early May everyone in my household will have gotten their second dose, and my folks are already making noise about some kind of family reunion since they haven't seen their children or grandchildren in about 18 months. I'm sure other families and friends are planning similar gatherings.

Strumelia, one day the complicated history of the fight against COVID will be told, and I'm sure we'll learn of an army of people all doing their small part to bring about vaccines and a better understanding of how the virus works.  That will be an interesting story.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie

updated by @dusty: 04/17/21 07:52:09PM
4 years ago
2,323 posts

Good for you @Danmuscle

I'm currently working on a very large patent drawing job (that's what I do for a living) that consists of drawing a million biotech research graphs, chemical charts, and diagrams. I don't understand what it all actually means, but I have to draw it on my computer accurately and clearly so it can be submitted to the US Patent Office. For 22 years I've done lots of these kinds of medical research drawing jobs, lots of it involved with cancer cures, disease, and genetics. For the first time in a job I'm now seeing lots of references to Covid-19 RNA/DNA virus testing stuff. Feels strange to be working on it and to realize I have a tiny molecular role in battling the pandemic.  pimento

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
4 years ago
191 posts

I got my second shot of Moderna today, no side effects on this one or the first......looking forward to seeing the grand babies now!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

@lisavb Yay!  Our side effects were minimal after our first Moderna; after the second inoculation we felt badly, beginning about 12 hours after getting the shot.  The effects lingered for 24-36 hours or so.  We are so glad to be fully vaccinated for now!  And plan to continue to exercise caution.  

4 years ago
58 posts

BF got Pfizer #1 on Tuesday, and I got Pfizer #1 yesterday afternoon.  All he got was some local soreness at the vax site for a couple of days.  My arm is sore today, but barely felt the shot.  Our second shots are scheduled.  A real relief to get this process underway!

4 years ago
509 posts

Bing Futch:
Susie:My favorite festival cancelled early in the year...the Evart Funfest. Going to miss another year. Hoping for a big celebratory year in 2022. Hope you'll be there again. This is from 2019.

I remember our meeting well!  If FunFest is a go next year, I'm planning to be there, fingers crossed.


updated by @susie: 04/09/21 11:12:59AM
Bing Futch
Bing Futch
4 years ago
3 posts


My favorite festival cancelled early in the year...the Evart Funfest. Going to miss another year. Hoping for a big celebratory year in 2022. Hope you'll be there again. This is from 2019.

I remember our meeting well!  If FunFest is a go next year, I'm planning to be there, fingers crossed.

BJ Jordan
BJ Jordan
4 years ago
10 posts

I'm glad to see so many getting their vaccinations and still worried about those who are not. I live part-time between KY and TN and there's lots of differences in opinions so I'll just let it go at that. I do get concerned that here in KY in the rural part people aren't taking the vaccine for many reasons. There's now more vaccine than arms to put them in. We've had snow and ice storms and then several floods which slowed things down but not now. There's now plenty of vaccine for anyone who is an adult and wants it. Our number are holding steady on those with Covid and at the lowest since last fall. They are just not showing up and some still wanting to know who's going to contact them to get their shots. It's beyond frustrating at times. I just miss the normal at times which can be overwhelming. I don't think even those of us who are vaccinated need to let our guard down completely. Stay safe and be blessed.

4 years ago
509 posts

Bing Futch:

Jae and I both got the J&J jab Monday and have only had a wee bit of fatigue plus the sore arm.  Will be interesting to see when a booster will be advised, though many in-person festivals have already scrapped spring/summer scheduling.

My favorite festival cancelled early in the year...the Evart Funfest. Going to miss another year. Hoping for a big celebratory year in 2022. Hope you'll be there again. This is from 2019.

Evart2019 2 1.jpg

updated by @susie: 04/09/21 11:00:14AM
4 years ago
2,323 posts

My husband gets his second Moderna shot in just two hours... I'm so happy!  (got both of mine already)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Mary Z. Cox
Mary Z. Cox
4 years ago
62 posts

Hi !

the destribution in Florida has been excellent . Bob & I got our vaccines in February from the health department & the vaccine seems readily available to anyone who will go get it .  
Even though the media claims disparity in the distribution—a look at the income level & rates of distribution county by county are eye opening . For instance —st.John’s County—richest in the state has a 72% vaccine rate & Leon County —only 28 in income levels also has 72%  And Gadsden —one of the poorest counties —around 60 % and that’s probably because there is a younger population there .

A lot of folks want to make a political argument out of vaccine distribution & there has definitely been favoritism —especially in the early stages—but from a pragmatic POV—the lower age requirements & fast distribution to all has actually worked well for everyone except folks in isolated rural areas who may have no one to bring them in . But by getting everyone who can arrive first —it will get to the harder to reach areas sooner too . 
Actually Leon county has gone right in to all sides of town to offer all Covid services —especially the poorer sections . 
Yes—I’m pretty sure some of the richer retirement communities got theirs first —but they got in fast —got it done & moved on to the rest of us very quick :)

Bing Futch
Bing Futch
4 years ago
3 posts

Jae and I both got the J&J jab Monday and have only had a wee bit of fatigue plus the sore arm.  Will be interesting to see when a booster will be advised, though many in-person festivals have already scrapped spring/summer scheduling.

4 years ago
509 posts

Robin Thompson:

Cases numbers here in OHio are heading in the wrong direction. shakeNo   It is heartbreaking and disheartening.   

We are #1 in Michigan, but not for the right reason. blinders

On the one hand, my family and I have been vaccinated, which is so comforting. On the other hand, the case numbers are going crazy in the State. We haven't changed our behavior, still taking the necessary precautions. We are just hoping things turn around for everyone's sake.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

Cases numbers here in OHio are heading in the wrong direction. shakeNo   It is heartbreaking and disheartening.   

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
4 years ago
402 posts

Two weeks after my second vaccine (Pfizer) and I'm happy to report that after getting sick for about 5 days with the first shot, I only had a sore arm after the second one.  I've planned a music retreat for July and plan to go to a writing workshop in August and the Black Mountain Music Festival in October.  My book group may actually meet in person this month, outside, of course.  It's so nice to have activities on the calendar after a year of nothing but doctor appointments!  

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

@venni, I hope you are getting professional medical care and that you recover fully.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
4 years ago
59 posts

Venni aka Adrianne:

Well my condition with having COVID-19 is getting worse and I think I am going to a hospital

Yes, please do! The new variants are even faster than the first variety ...

4 years ago
620 posts


Take care & hugs from all of us

4 years ago
2,323 posts

Yes Venni, you really need to have a doctor take a look at you. 

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
4 years ago
77 posts

@venni Go to the hospital as fast as possible. Covid-19 can get seriously dangerous very fast, very soon. Take care and I hope you get better soon!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

@venni I hope you can get help with your worsening covid symptoms!  Take care.

4 years ago
2,323 posts

Most of my friends have had very little or no reaction to the vaccines other than a sore arm for a few days.
I got that weird "Covid Arm" reaction a week after my first Moderna vaccine but nothing much else. But then after my second shot, like Robin I was bedridden for a day and a half- very major immune system reaction. I'd do it all over again in a second because I feel so relieved now.
Today I went to the supermarket and for the first time in over a year I did not have that creepy feeling every time someone passed close by me, or just from touching things. Yes i used a mask and Purell but I felt sooooo much safer. Oh happy day!

Today I made a date for next week with a dear old friend (also vaccinated)- it'll be my first visit indoors with no masks, with someone other than my husband. Feels so strange to ease back into 'normal' by baby steps.  babycrawl

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990

updated by @strumelia: 04/07/21 06:06:20PM
4 years ago
58 posts

Who knew a year ago we'd all be swapping vaccine stories and brands by now?  I've heard of people with no reactions (other than local soreness you'd get from any injection), I've heard of people getting kicked with the second shot, I've heard of mild stuff in between.  I have one coworker who actually got the Covid Arm thing a week after her 1st Moderna!  They moved up the eligibility here in WA.  We became eligible 3/31, and now all adults will be eligible as of 4/15, so I wanted to get my butt in gear a little ahead of that!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

Yay, @lisavb!  

My first Moderna shot was a piece of cake.  About 12 hours after my second shot, my immune system kicked in hard.  It's good to know my immune system is working well.  

4 years ago
58 posts

Excited to report we each have our 1st Pfizer shots scheduled for next week!

B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
4 years ago
59 posts

Ken Longfield:

For a long time our grocery stores would not allow us to bring our own bags in to the store. I think that restriction has ease now, although the last two times I went to the grocery store, it was only to pick up prescriptions.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

That has happened up here in Ontario, too, Ken. The city was actually tending towatrds a ban on single-use plastic bags until the pandemic started, then they switched to recomending them, and now we have switched back. Trudeau the Lesser had said he wants a nationwide ban on single use plastics sometime soon.

B. Ross Ashley
B. Ross Ashley
4 years ago
59 posts

Hi ... I finally got my first shot of the M vaccine on Tuesday. Sandie got her shot of Pfizer on Sunday afternoon. In each case the line was not long. (In between us the age-based eligibility for a shot went down from 75, me, to 70 and over, her.)

Jan Potts
Jan Potts
4 years ago
402 posts

Your stories of having to constantly go back to the car reminds me of the husband who never left on a trip in the car with his wife without having to go back to the house so she could make sure the iron was off.  He solved that by always taking the iron and putting it in the car before they went anywhere.  Saved making a lot of trips back to the house!

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
4 years ago
2,323 posts

Yeah Ken I remember that but only for the first several months of the pandemic, when very little was known about how the virus was typically spread. At first it was thought to be spread mostly by touching, hence the bag ban.

I think we may see the end to automatic hand shake greetings. When you think about it, it's the best way to spread germs and get colds and flu anyway. I'm all for changing it permanently to fist or elbow bumps, or just waving or nodding hello when being introduced.   :) 

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,212 posts

For a long time our grocery stores would not allow us to bring our own bags in to the store. I think that restriction has ease now, although the last two times I went to the grocery store, it was only to pick up prescriptions.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

4 years ago
2,323 posts

I got into the habit of getting my mask on in my car before going into a store early on. What took me much longer to get used to was when I started using reusable shopping tote bags for the supermarket.  lolol!
I kept leaving those totes in the car ...until i got so fed up with having to walk back to my car, it finally became automatic to tuck them under my arm upon leaving my car. Old habits are hard to break!  Feels really good nowadays to not have all those awful plastic grocery bags to recycle. If everyone did that it would save a lot of sea creatures. I get plenty enough plastic bags from saving bread bags and using those every time i need a plastic bag.  :)

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

Dusty Turtle:

I went to Home Depot the other day, and as I was walking towards the entrance, I saw another gentleman walking up as well.  We both saw each other and said "Oh, crap" (or something similar) at the same time.  Neither of us were wearing our masks, and seeing the other guy reminded us of that. So we both turned around and got our masks out of the car.

The CDC is saying that vaccinated people can gather unmasked in small groups with other vaccinated people. But since my wife and daughter have not been vaccinated yet, I'm not risking anything.

At least you weren't Karen's and not masking Dusty and both realized at the same time and went back.  What has struck me in this is how entitled and brazen some people are thinking that they don't have to mask up or that they are above the law when it is mandated.  As I have said countless times on my personal FB page, if you can't throw on a mask for a quick shopping trip, then don't go.  We have to wear one at my job for nearly 8 hours a day save during break when having lunch.  Enough of my rant and roll on masks and not wanting to cause a stir - just sharing my own take on it.

Dusty Turtle
Dusty Turtle
4 years ago
1,797 posts

I went to Home Depot the other day, and as I was walking towards the entrance, I saw another gentleman walking up as well.  We both saw each other and said "Oh, crap" (or something similar) at the same time.  Neither of us were wearing our masks, and seeing the other guy reminded us of that. So we both turned around and got our masks out of the car.

The CDC is saying that vaccinated people can gather unmasked in small groups with other vaccinated people. But since my wife and daughter have not been vaccinated yet, I'm not risking anything.

Dusty T., Northern California
Site Moderator

As a musician, you have to keep one foot back in the past and one foot forward into the future.
-- Dizzy Gillespie
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
4 years ago
2,157 posts

I've been double jabbed, and still only unmask outdoors and not around crowds outdoors at a park or farmer's market.

updated by @ken-hulme: 03/27/21 10:08:20AM
BJ Jordan
BJ Jordan
4 years ago
10 posts

My second shot was Feb 1st but I still haven't been inside anyone's home or large crowds. As we stick our toe in to test the water maybe we will all get a little braver. I don't have a secure feeling about being in larger crowds. I will still be taking precautions like before. I don't think there's enough data yet on how well we will do at shedding the virus. I've read so many different articles and the one thing I can say is it's all clear as mud. I don't think I've had brain fog like Jan, but if I had a dollar for every time I've had to walk back to my car because I forgot my mask I could buy another dulcimer. Good luck to all and stay safe. Hope Vinni is getting better.

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

@james-phillips Like you, I'm no fan of injections either yet barely felt mine-- yay!  Other than tending to a medical emergency in a relative's apartment nearly a year ago, I have been in no one else's home in over a year.  Even after my second injection has kicked-in (a couple weeks after the injection itself), I will still take appropriate precautions.  So glad you got through the brick walls and got your first vaccine!    

James Phillips
James Phillips
4 years ago
87 posts

We finally, after running through a bunch of brick walls to get an appointment (odd as with working for Dart, we fell into Phase1B of IL's rollout of the vaccine) had the first appointment on Thursday.  I am a screamer for the most part with getting shots, and warned the nurse, and she understood.  She cleaned the area, and we made small talk about her working for Carle, which was the hospital doing it, and she then said "All done".  Did not feel a thing.  I felt a bit tired and irritable yesterday, so nothing to be afraid of.  With regards to how it is affecting me, even though before all this it was becoming a real hassle to get to her house every Sunday, we had not gone to my Mom's in a year for our Sunday lunch and Scrabble game after.  I do miss it as well as just visiting.  I was never a huge traveler so it didn't phase me as it did others.  The most into Champaign I actually have gotten was when I went to the Carle facility doing the Covid vaccine, otherwise I for the most part stay in Urbana save for going to the music store for guitar and ukulele restringings and supplies.

4 years ago
2,323 posts

That's just plain bizarre , Jan. I hope you (and your husband) stay well despite that strange brain lapse you had.  what

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Jan Potts
Jan Potts
4 years ago
402 posts

Apparently my brain's starting to turn to mush.  I had some in-person business to take care of with someone and went to their house and sat in the living room with 4 other family members and not one of us were masked, nor did anyone think about wearing a mask (I had one in my purse) the hour or so that I was there.  The 4 year old went from person to person and we all loved some on their cat.  I think I had been home an hour or so before I realized what I had done.  I hadn't visited in anyone's home for most of the past year and wouldn't have gone on a social visit.  I almost never leave the house except to use drive-thrus at the bank, library, etc.  My husband does all the grocery shopping and other shopping.  Anyway, I was glad I had already gotten my first shot 3 weeks ago...I will get the second one Saturday.  

Jan Potts, Lexington, KY
Site Moderator

"Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best." Henry Van Dyke
4 years ago
77 posts

Great news Ken.

Venni: I wish you a good and speedy recovery

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

@ken-longfield I hope you are doing well after your second vaccine and side effects are minimal for you!   

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,212 posts

Well, the second shot is in the arm. Two weeks from today I should be good to go although I will keep wearing a mask out in public. In two weeks our daughter, son-in-law, and two grandsons will be here to visit. Can't wait for them to visit. We have a lot of planning to do for our trip out to Yellowstone N.P. in late June and early July.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

4 years ago
58 posts

May the wind be at your back...oops, that might be impossible both ways.  Good luck!  We're getting excited, we will be eligible for our age group here in WA as of 3/31.  Soon!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

Ken, be safe on your drive!  Hope all goes well with your vaccine! 

4 years ago
2,323 posts

Ken Longfield:

In about 20 minutes I am off to receive my second vaccine shot. Can't wait, but I will have to fight strong winds and gusts on the way.

Ken, be brave and fight your way through the gusts like the true warrior you are. muscle smile

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
John C. Knopf
John C. Knopf
4 years ago
423 posts

Venni, that's sad.  May God help you heal from this devastating illness very soon.  

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,212 posts

In about 20 minutes I am off to receive my second vaccine shot. Can't wait, but I will have to fight strong winds and gusts on the way.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Ken Longfield
Ken Longfield
4 years ago
1,212 posts

Venni, I am saddened by the news of your contracting Covid19. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.


"The dulcimer sings a sweet song."

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
4 years ago
1,484 posts

Venni, truly, I hope you recover and feel better soon!  

4 years ago
2,323 posts

I hope you recover soon and feel better Venni. That sounds awful.

I got my 2nd shot 10 days ago, so in 4 more days I should be well protected.. such a good feeling. I can't wait to visit my vaccinated friends in person!

I did experience a very unpleasant day of side effects after the 2nd shot- felt quite sick and confined to bed for a day and a half. But it was a small price to pay, and I feel great now.  pimento

Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Richard Streib
Richard Streib
4 years ago
254 posts

So sorry Venni to hear of your disease. COVID is wicked. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

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