That's exciting, Dusty! I envision a world of at least hybrid. One good thing to come out of this has been the online gatherings that have enabled long-distance participation. I treasure my Jessica Comeau workshops. People from all over the country--and outside the US, too!--join. It's wonderful and I intend to participate as long as she holds them.
As to live-streamed concerts...there is an annual jazzfest around here, and they took it online this year. We "attended" a couple of concerts from the comfort of our living room. And we enjoyed them very much. Frankly, traffic and parking are a pain in the butt downtown, and with the live-stream, we didn't have to deal with any of that, just enjoy the concert! We'd do it again even when things are normal.
Just got back from a nearly-a-week vacation. Socially distanced, masked, take-out food only, rented a house, did a lot of driving backroads and photography (which is pretty socially distanced anyway). We were 50% Pfizered at that point. BF got his second shot Monday, I got mine yesterday afternoon. It continues to boggle my mind that, a little over a year ago, I thought this would blow over in a couple of weeks, would be back in the office. Still not in the office, no plans for it at this point, and I sure didn't envision visiting a mass vaccination center and looking forward to a set of shots. The center we used is extremely well run. Bang-zoom, you've been injected and you go sit out your 15 minutes while people keep an eye on you. Very grateful for that center and everyone in it who makes it such a smooth (and even cheerful/pleasant!!) operation.