Jan, your dulcimer is lovely. So pretty. Cherry is my favorite wood. I bet you play it often.
Lovely cherry wood and pretty doves!
Jan, I have two all-cherry dulcimers made by Rod Hensley-- one bought new and the other got used from Dana M.
We were having a conversation about Rod Hensley dulcimers and I thought I'd show a photo of my all-cherry dulcimer with dove sound holes, made in 2012. I picked this up at his home in McKee, KY.
Jan, your dulcimer is lovely. So pretty. Cherry is my favorite wood. I bet you play it often.
Lovely cherry wood and pretty doves!
Jan, I have two all-cherry dulcimers made by Rod Hensley-- one bought new and the other got used from Dana M.
We were having a conversation about Rod Hensley dulcimers and I thought I'd show a photo of my all-cherry dulcimer with dove sound holes, made in 2012. I picked this up at his home in McKee, KY.