Jan Potts


Location: Lexington, KY
Country: US

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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

style or instrument:

musician/member name: Jan Potts

streams: 121


Just started working on learning this... If I had tuned my instrument first, it would have been in B minor, I think. I'm playing this on my 20 yr. old Stockard baritone tuned AEa. If you can get your instrument to sound as much "off" as mine (sorry, JS!), then feel free to play along!
Jan Potts
12/03/20 06:55:37PM @jan-potts:

I'm so happy you like it, Cynthia.  All these positive comments really encourage me.

Cynthia Wigington
12/02/20 08:20:15AM @cynthia-wigington:

I'm soaking in the sheer beauty of this thinking about this overcast day, your kindness and the eternal beauty of your  music .

Jan Potts
12/15/17 10:46:21AM @jan-potts:

Thanks for your notes of encouragement and appreciation!  HUG

Ben Barr Jr
12/15/17 09:36:41AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Lovely tone, lovely tune even if not in the key you thought you might present it in.

Robin Thompson
12/15/17 08:47:05AM @robin-thompson:

Lovely, Jan.  And the timbre of that Stockard is so fine. 

12/15/17 07:40:23AM @jenniferc:

Lovely on the baritone! 

Sue Small
12/14/17 02:10:03PM @sue-small:

Beautiful! Love this!

Gail Webber
12/14/17 12:05:56PM @gail-webber:

This is beautiful, Jan!

Dusty Turtle
12/14/17 11:35:11AM @dusty:

Absolutely lovely, Jan. You play in such an expressive manner.

Is that the Stockard I once knew?  Glad to hear that big baby singing.

Cynthia Wigington
12/13/17 06:02:44AM @cynthia-wigington:

Simply stated and as beautiful as I've ever heard it. Thanks for this Jan.

Jan Potts
12/13/17 02:46:37AM @jan-potts:

Thank you all for your kind comments.  I was reluctant to post this very rough audio, but thought somebody might like to hear it, so I'm glad I did.

Bob, I, too, like the contrasting versions of the same song/tune and think they all are played "right", no matter how different they are.  They're all members of the same family, anyway. grphug

Shawn, I only have partial movement in my right shoulder, so I've adjusted how I play...I generally keep my right arm very close to my side and am one of the few people who prefer to play in a chair with an armrest!  Glad to hear yours is no longer "frozen"  (Hey! I think they made a movie about that! nod   )

shawn wright
12/12/17 02:22:39PM @shawn-wright:

Really enjoyed it.  One of my favorites for Advent.  I haven't played in too many months but now that my frozen shoulder is unfrozen this would be a good one to start working on.

Cat Brown
12/12/17 01:22:40PM @cat-brown:

Oh how very beautiful.  Thank you....

Patty from Virginia
12/12/17 12:07:14PM @patty-from-virginia:

Very beautiful!!! Thank you Jan for sharing!!!

Bob Reinsel
12/12/17 09:03:08AM @bob-reinsel:

Jan, Nicely done.  I think the contrast between your version and mine is really cool!  One of my favorite things about music is how each of us can interpret the material differently

Robin Clark
12/12/17 08:15:16AM @robin-clark:

That's a lovely piece.  You really make the most that wonderful dulcimer's timbre with your inspired arrangement.

12/11/17 08:18:04PM @strumelia:

How very beautiful, Jan!   I love this, especially with the low dulcimer playing this somber and heartfelt carol.