Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Flow Gently Sweet Afton

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:11
It's International Play Music On the Porch Day. I'm the only one here in Cowansburg, PA to play, so I hope you like it.
04/18/23 07:29:28AM @banjobeth:

Good morning, Jim. Thank you for the warm welcome. I enjoyed your recording of Sweet Afton. I played it on piano as a very young child. I love your porch swing. They both stirred up so many happy memories for me. Since I have no porch (or stairs right now! Going shopping for some today), I have a glider swing in the yard which I hope to enjoy... if it ever stops snowing here! Lol! (It was 84° on Saturday and snowing yesterday!) It needs a couple of slats replaced and I'm having a dickens of a time locating the right size lumber. Anyway, I'm looking forward to my listening time on this site and to posting a song or two when I get good enough. Have a blessed day. : )

John W. McKinstry
09/25/19 10:15:30AM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thanks Jim for sharing that song. Loved the rich sound of dulcimer and your way of playing it.


09/05/19 08:09:36PM @marg:

I had only 3 to play with me in North Houston area, Hot day but beautiful sunset. We had a good time, thanks for sharing with us. We are there with you


09/03/19 05:17:20AM @sam:

Great 'Play Music On the Porch' melody Jim. Nicely done. There would have been at least two coal trains barreling by my place if I tried to play on my porch. Very good work with your noter. 

09/02/19 08:32:56AM @ariane:

I enjoyed it very much, Jim flower

Jim Fawcett
09/02/19 07:40:53AM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks everyone for your kind words. Haven't played in a while so I just kind of winged it. I started putting the noter behind my ear a long time ago. Just seemed the natural place to keep it when not in use. Every now and again I'd forgot when I put it. Kinda like, "Where's my glasses?" LOL shrugger krazy

09/01/19 05:48:29PM @strumelia:

This is beautifully played and just so lovely, Jim!

BTW... I think you may start a new fashion trend- of noter behind the ear.  nahnah

Robin Thompson
08/31/19 11:22:51PM @robin-thompson:

Happy PMOTPD, Jim!  Nicely played-- you did right by Cowansburg, represented the town well.  :) 

08/31/19 08:47:37PM @susan-bigelow:

What a lovely song, and well-played!

08/31/19 07:50:20PM @irene:

I like it VERY MUCH and that cool swing and love this tune.   thanks so much. aloha, irene

Steven Berger
08/31/19 06:14:29PM @steven-berger:

Nice playing, Jim!

Dusty Turtle
08/31/19 05:36:18PM @dusty:

Sweet music indeed!  I love your patient, soft touch along with the occasional single bass notes and the careful noter work.  This is what dulcimer music is supposed to sound like! 

Gordon Hardy
08/31/19 05:30:43PM @gordon-hardy:

Pure beauty Jim! It’s great to see and hear you play.