Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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Little Old Log Cabin In the Lane

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Duration: 00:01:08
Here's Little Old Log Cabin In the Lane.DAA tuning
Jim Fawcett
09/13/12 03:42:10PM @jim-fawcett:

I think at the time it had something to do with the grand kids.... ahhh nuff said.

Jim Fawcett
09/13/12 11:56:26AM @jim-fawcett:

What I did with the crack was to run a thin bead of CA glue along the length of it. Seems to have done the trick.

Lucky for me it's on the inside part of the dulcimer. Not that it could be seen by anyone if it were on the out side. Hasn't effected to the sound of it at all.

Jim Fawcett
08/16/12 09:07:52PM @jim-fawcett:

This is true, JK... i have a bunch of them. Some haven't seen the light of day in quite a while. Nevertheless i have a bunch.

John Keane
08/16/12 06:38:32PM @john-keane:

There's no such thing as too many cool shirts! Tongue.gif

Jim Fawcett
08/16/12 09:25:08AM @jim-fawcett:

Patty, sometimes I feel a little rusty....true, I do have a bag. I have another shirt I'll use next time, JH. but I'm not keeping up with the Jones'...LOL

John Henry
08/16/12 09:10:54AM @john-henry:

Jim, oh Jim, don't start him on that shirt buisiness again !!! It cost me a fortune trying to keep up with him and BrianG last time

Patty from Virginia
08/16/12 08:54:59AM @patty-from-virginia:

Jim, you ain't got rust. You have a bag, LOL, but you ain't got rustGrin.gif I just had to say thatGrin.gif

Jim Fawcett
08/16/12 08:52:25AM @jim-fawcett:

Psssst. Wayne. He liked my shirt...113.gif

Jim Fawcett
08/16/12 08:27:38AM @jim-fawcett:

we'll more than likely have a go at it...never can tell just might pop up that we'd like to play. as well as anybody that goes. Sometimes I forget that the noter's there. Then I go walking around wuth a piece of bamboo in my ear...

Patty from Virginia
08/16/12 08:24:33AM @patty-from-virginia:

I love this Jim! Will the other two amigos play this with you at Wartz and All?Grin.gif This is a nice tune. I like where you put your noter when you not using it (behind the ear)Grin.gif

08/15/12 11:32:58PM @sam:

Just gotta love good ol' DAA. Very nicely done Jim.

08/15/12 10:46:32PM @strumelia:

Totally spot-on playing Jim- what great strong rhythm you have. Your little doggie liked it too!

I agree with the others- your dulcimer has a beautiful tone!

John Keane
08/15/12 09:33:48PM @john-keane:

Great job and great shirt! Grin.gif

Kevin Messenger
08/15/12 09:10:02PM @kevin-messenger:

Nice job Jim, wish I could get the hand of mine well enough to post a tune.

Jim Fawcett
08/15/12 07:28:39PM @jim-fawcett:

Gayle, they almost pulled it off, too. Foolishly I let her take it to the car, didn't think I had to tell her my car.40.gif

Thanks everyone for the comments.113.gif

Robin Thompson
08/15/12 06:43:15PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, Jim, way to go!41.gif And I do like to see a dog in a video! Smile.gif

Rob N Lackey
08/15/12 06:42:33PM @rob-n-lackey:

Jim... ya done good, buddy! Loved it!

Cheryl Johnson
08/15/12 06:11:46PM @cheryl-johnson:
Jim, really enjoyed that. Agree with JH...that is one vigorous dulcimer...very nice sound!
Jim Fawcett
08/15/12 06:09:06PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks, John. Really like my Cripple Creek Dulcimer.

Tracks (my dog) has a mind of his own. I was waiting for him to bark wanting to go on the run. Which starts right where I was sitting. He drives me nuts.

John Henry
08/15/12 05:57:55PM @john-henry:
Great to see and hear Jim, that dulcimer sure does project ! Waiting for those Civil War tunes now ?John(maybe need to tether that hound tho', I'd restrict rations if a dog of mine showed lack of interest by walking away !!! lol)