

Location: Villingen Germany
Country: DE

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Sandy boys-dulcimer

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Duration: 00:02:10
Sandy Boys Dulcimer DAD capo 4.fret, 19th Century minstrel tune, Oldtimer fiddle tune key of A
Patty from Virginia
01/19/15 05:04:08PM @patty-from-virginia:

Thank you for sharing your photos of your capo. It's great too!Smile.gif

01/19/15 04:46:04PM @luigi:

Im relieved to hear that. After all Im German and playing an American fiddle tune.

01/19/15 03:41:47PM @tumbleweed:

That was fine playing Luigi, and to your question:

"Can I improve something? "

Remember that ole' saying " if it ain't broke why fix it?"


Ben Barr Jr
01/19/15 10:33:14AM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Wow Luigi, nice finger-dancing! Well, if that works for a capo, why mess with it? Thanks for sharing. BenSmile.gif

01/19/15 10:00:17AM @luigi:

Thank you for the nice compliments . Can I improve something? The capo consists of a round timber 8mm diameter with grooved ends, covered with a piece of hose. It works fine.

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Cindy Stammich
01/18/15 09:24:23PM @cindy-stammich:

This is great Luigi! What a treat! I love fiddle tunes!!!Smile.gif

Patty from Virginia
01/18/15 09:10:29PM @patty-from-virginia:

That was great! Did you use a pencil with plastic tubing for a capo with a rubber band to hold it down?Smile.gif

Lynn austin
01/18/15 07:41:37PM @lynn-austin:
That was awesome Luigi!!!!...thanks for sharing....
Ken Backer
01/18/15 05:06:31PM @ken-backer:

That is one nice bit of playing there, Luigi. Thanks for posting.

robert schuler
01/18/15 12:26:21PM @robert-schuler:
One of my favorite fiddle tunes... Thanks
Lexie R Oakley
01/18/15 12:13:57PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Very nice playing Luigi! Like your capo, it seems to work well and loved seeing your technique with the fiddle song.

Guy Babusek
01/18/15 10:20:27AM @guy-babusek:
That was excellent, Luigi! Thank you so much for posting it.
Rob N Lackey
01/18/15 06:35:18AM @rob-n-lackey:

Very good, Luigi. Never thought of playing it with a capo. Sounds really good that way.

John Keane
01/18/15 06:15:02AM @john-keane:

Nice job!