Martin Oesterle


Location: Ludwigsburg, Baden Württemberg
Country: Germany

My Latest Followers:

MD_Swede Bvmaestro Homer Ross DavisJames MandaPanda Ubulele Elvensong dora71 Ariane DianeL DulcimerJones sleepingangel Salt Springs Kevin Burns Charles Thomas Annie Deeley Cat Brown David Pedersen Oliver Ogden Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington Bill Robison john lashley Luigi jeffrey charles foster Bob Karel Votanek Steven Berger Mike Thurman James Phillips Peter Searle Miriam Storz Gordon Hardy Peter W. Wayne Jiang Susan Johnson Bill S Dusty Turtle BJ Jordan Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 52
images: 7

Epinette des Vosges

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:02
Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit. Gespielt von Martin Oesterle auf einer Epinette des Vosges.
Das Epinette des Vosges ist eine Griffbrettzither die im 18. Jahrhundert in Frankreich populär wurde und auch heute noch gespielt wird.
Das Instrument kann in der Dulcimerschule / Dulcimershop in Ludwigsburg besichtigt und gespielt werden.
John C. Knopf
06/28/19 12:52:26PM @john-c-knopf:

Wunderbar, Martin!

06/28/19 11:32:02AM @elvensong:

Wonderful sound. So much bass for such a small instrument!

06/28/19 07:55:55AM @ariane:

Wonderwonderwonderful!!! So schön, Martin! Eine Epinette des Vosges würde mich auch interessieren, die so schön klingt, wie Deine : )

06/24/19 01:37:53PM @strumelia:

I always love what you post, Martin.

06/23/19 11:35:50PM @irene:

WOW, that's just wonderful.   thank you for playing for us and I like the angle of the camera so we could follow how you chord.  Love the bass sounds.  What are the strings tuned to?  aloha, irene

Dusty Turtle
06/23/19 08:13:21PM @dusty:

What a big, rich, bass tone that instrument has.  Wow!

Ben Barr Jr
06/23/19 06:11:11PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

That is lovely.

Cindy Stammich
06/23/19 01:33:35PM @cindy-stammich:

This is beautiful!!!  I love the sound and the instrument is beautiful!

06/23/19 11:06:22AM @tautwire:

Lovely, that bass drone really rings out! Thanks for putting this out. I would be interested  to hear other instruments, like the scheitholt, also?

Steven Berger
06/23/19 10:21:59AM @steven-berger:

Well played, Martin...beautiful sound! music