Robin Clark


Location: Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales
Country: GB

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youtube videos: 20
images: 21
videos: 2
audio tracks: 70

Ed Thomas Replica Mountain Dulcimer Coleman's March 24 Feb 13 Glentruim

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:02:14
A short video shot on a cheap digital camera. The dulcimer is a replica of an Ed Thomas from about 1890 built by John Knopf. It is strung with piano wire and...
Robin Clark
05/10/14 12:04:05PM @robin-clark:

Hi James,

It sounds like a standard 1-5-5 tuning - possibly D,A,A or E,B,B or somewhere around there anyway.

James Phillips
05/10/14 08:37:47AM @james-phillips:

Was going through the videos and found this. Great job! Any idea of what you were approximately tuned to?

Robin Clark
02/27/13 05:40:29PM @robin-clark:

Hi John - Yes it was Ann! She was complaining that she wanted a tripod so the camera would be steady. However, I thought that she may have done better if she had one less glass of wine before filming Grin.gif

John C. Knopf
02/27/13 03:31:00PM @john-c-knopf:


You never cease to amaze me. Looks to me like you're "living the dream"!

Super video. Who's your videographer-- is it Ann? Grin.gif

Robin Clark
02/26/13 12:54:47AM @robin-clark:

Dusty - I have been trying to get lighter and lighter in touch with a noter but I seem to burn through frets like there's no tomorrow on most dulcimersFrown.gif However, I made and installed music wire (as close in size as I could get to the old AWG 18 gauge 'piano' wire or 'broom' wire as was) as frets on that Thomas and have played and played it - there's not a mark on them! And they really ring out Smile.gif I have to say that modern nickle or even stainless guitar frets just don't play as well with a noter as that wire for some reason?

Rick - I've not had a chance to have a look at that quill action really myself! It does seem a little further back and more over the strum hollow to get the right tone comparedto where I would naturally playwith a guitar pick.

Rick Kennedy
02/25/13 11:44:37PM @rick-kennedy:

Sounds great as usual--and I appreciate that really good look at the upright quill action.Smile.gif

Dusty Turtle
02/25/13 09:28:52PM @dusty:

Very nice. You have such a soft touch with that noter. I'll be humming that one for a while now.

Robin Clark
02/25/13 02:23:02PM @robin-clark:

Thanks everyone! Ann and I had our last days skiing today and are heading back to Wales tomorrow.

Randy I have to say that the Highlands of Scotland are the best part of the UK if you like wild mountains. If you ever make a trip across from the US then it is well worth heading up to the Highlands. Where did your ancestors come from?

Jim Fawcett
02/25/13 06:27:43AM @jim-fawcett:

As always, nicely down.

Rob N Lackey
02/24/13 05:37:41PM @rob-n-lackey:

Another winner, Robin.

Patty from Virginia
02/24/13 05:25:29PM @patty-from-virginia:

Robin, even with the cheap digital camera that Thomas sounds greatSmile.gif

Randy Adams
02/24/13 03:31:10PM @randy-adams:

Nice delicate touch on this good old tune Robin. You get the sweetest sound with a noter.

My ancestors lived not too far away from there & I'd like to visit the area one of these years.

John Keane
02/24/13 03:21:05PM @john-keane:

Very nice!

Robin Clark
02/24/13 03:08:07PM @robin-clark:

Thank you everyone. We were due to leave Glentruim Castle estate on Saturday morning but Ann and I decided at the last minute (we had packed!) to stay a few more days and just chill out. It has given me the chance to play and just enjoy the environment up here in the Highlands. I lived just down the valley from here for a number of years, so I really have an affinity with the place Smile.gif . Mind you - I did have to put quite a few layers on to sit outside playing - and required a certain amount of medicinal lubrication!!!!


02/24/13 02:51:03PM @strumelia:

Lovely playing, Robin. Lyrical, yet crisp.

Kevin Messenger
02/24/13 02:20:23PM @kevin-messenger:

Very nice Robin, I like the sound of that Thomas.