Robin Thompson


Location: in the Appalachian foothills of southeastern Ohio
Country: US

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Golden Slippers on Appalachian dulcimer and tiny guitar

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:30
Both our instruments were made by Bobby Ratliff of Slate Creek Dulcimers-- thanks, Bobby!
Robin Thompson
12/10/17 07:51:21AM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, Charles and Janene.  I have a great playing partner!  I enjoy playing with a quill a lot yet my rotator cuff can only take so much.   ;)

Charles Thomas
12/09/17 08:28:47PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks for that Robin and Mark! Robin, I realy like your quill and noter playing!! 

Janene Millen
12/09/17 09:50:30AM @janene-millen:

This is so fine!! Love love the chime-y sound of the tiny guitar with the dulcimer. You are the dynamic duo!

Robin Thompson
12/09/17 07:30:47AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks, John!  Making music at home is one of my very favorite things to do.  

John Gribble
12/08/17 07:43:18PM @john-gribble:

Very sweet and fun. Thank you.

Robin Thompson
12/08/17 06:12:31AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks, Folks!  My playing partner always makes me sound better.  ;)

Jan, the pitch and tone of the tiny guitar puts "mandolin" in my head when I hear it.  :)

Jan Potts
12/07/17 02:54:19PM @jan-potts:

What a great duet to cheer us up these days!  Bobby did a great job on these instruments and I actually did think that was a mandolin being played!  I started wondering if Bobby could make me a mandolin lol.  I know you will enjoy playing a lot of your favorites on these 2 instruments!

Martin Oesterle
11/24/17 04:06:23AM @martin-oesterle:

Great - i like this song

Robin Thompson
11/05/17 08:24:43PM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, friends!  We're happy you enjoyed our homemade music.  

11/05/17 07:52:31PM @selah:

Delightful! Thank You! 

Ben Barr Jr
11/04/17 11:35:11PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

That was a nice duet.

Robin Thompson
11/04/17 11:27:03PM @robin-thompson:

Hey, Lexie, thanks!  Bobby did a nice job.  

Lexie R Oakley
11/04/17 04:32:50PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Love your two instruments that Bobby made, they sound really sweet together.

Robin Thompson
11/01/17 11:15:18AM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, fellas!  We're enjoying pairing these two instruments. 

Bob Reinsel
10/31/17 12:05:26PM @bob-reinsel:

fun.  Good to hear :-)

10/30/17 05:56:21AM @sam:

Really, really love that you kept the tune traditional. You did the chorus so well. The instruments compliment each other wonderfully. You and Mark done good and a BIG shout out to Bobby. OOORAH! 

Robin Thompson
10/28/17 07:55:38AM @robin-thompson:

Thanks, Randy!  To my ear, the little cigar box has a mando vibe backing the dulcimer. 

Randy Adams
10/27/17 08:55:37AM @randy-adams:

Love this song love the way u2 play it! That cbc rings like a bell fits perfectly

Robin Thompson
10/26/17 10:40:21PM @robin-thompson:

Thank you, Val!  We plan to get lots of enjoyment from playing these instruments. :)

10/26/17 10:06:11AM @macaodha:

Well played Robin and Mark, lovely instruments.