Charles Thomas


Location: El Paso, TX
Country: US

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Three Strings To The Wind

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:33
Original Noter Style Dulcimer
Charles Thomas
12/11/18 08:35:10PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks Irene!! I really like playing with a quill, I used one for the pick and one for the noter. Sometimes I play with the quill in a vertical position, sometimes horizontally. Both positions allow subtle and soft playing and SLAM BANG!! I had to buy the feathers at Hobby Lobby, we don't have too many large birds here in the desert ( roadrunners are too hard to catch!).

12/10/18 11:46:12PM @irene:

THAT WAS REALLY COOL.   haunting....and thought provoking.  One doesn't need to SLAM BANG AND BE LOUD ON EVERY STROKE of a quill, or pick.   I'm going to strip off some feathers and see if I can do something like that.  Thank you for your example here.  aloha, irene

Charles Thomas
12/10/18 08:24:06PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks Terry! Funny thing, I recorded a version of this tune last week but I deleted the good audio(by accident) and saved the good video and I was wondering why I couldn't get them to sync ! It took many swear words to figure it out. I'm glad you enjoyed the second version!

Terry Wilson
12/10/18 03:18:42PM @terry-wilson:

Charles,  I really enjoyed your song.  

Charles Thomas
12/09/18 07:21:51PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks for listening and your support everyone!! DAC is one of my favorite tunings.

Robin Thompson
12/09/18 11:20:39AM @robin-thompson:

Charles, I really like the way you used your noter to give harmony, too.  So pretty! 

Lynn austin
12/09/18 09:33:13AM @lynn-austin:

Charles that was beautiful! Your style is so inspirational. Love the DAC tuning.

Lynn austin
12/09/18 08:50:45AM @lynn-austin:

That was awesome Charles!  Your improvisional style of playing is so inspirational. Love the haunting DAC tuning.

12/09/18 03:53:16AM @ariane:

Charles, I always enjoy your improvisational and experimental playing - thank you for sharing.

Charles Thomas
12/09/18 01:00:38AM @charles-thomas:

This one is tuned DAC. I used my noter on three strings on some parts.