Dusty Turtle


Location: Northern California
Country: USA

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Farewell to Whisky

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Duration: 00:01:38
In 1799 the barley crop failed in the Scottish Highlands and it was forbidden to "waste" barley by making it into whisky. Neil Gow (1727-1807) wrote this tune to lament the loss of one of life's most salient enjoyments. Today the tune is often played as a reel rather than a lament and usually in the key of G rather than D.I am playing a Modern Mountain Dulcimer made of lacewood and tuned DAd.
Dusty Turtle
09/28/13 01:04:16AM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, Sherry.

Dusty Turtle
09/25/13 04:10:26PM @dusty:

Thanks, Carrie.

Dusty Turtle
09/23/13 11:47:21AM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, Patty.

Patty from Virginia
09/23/13 09:28:30AM @patty-from-virginia:

Really nice Dusty!!!113.gif

Dusty Turtle
09/22/13 11:43:08AM @dusty:

John and Karen, thanks so much for listening, and Randy, you crack me up, man. Kris Kross -- that's too much. What I was born to do, indeed.

So all y'all with the Dr. Seuss riddles . . .

Randy Adams
09/22/13 08:00:05AM @randy-adams:

Agreed you're a dulcimer player f'sure. Don't look back!

"warm it up DT....what u were born to do!"

...reminds me of kris kross....

Karen Keane
09/22/13 07:48:49AM @karen-keane:
Well done Dusty!
John Henry
09/22/13 02:33:11AM @john-henry:

Have always liked this played as a lament, thank you for reminding me Dusty !!!


Dusty Turtle
09/22/13 01:11:52AM @dusty:

Thanks, Richard. Yes, the MMD is a wonderful instrument. It has a loud, deep, round sound and also remarkable action. Although the video doesn't show it very well, the lacewood has an almost iridescent quality in the right light.

Dusty Turtle
09/22/13 12:26:54AM @dusty:

Mary, on both mandolin and guitar, I got to the point where I could play a tune like Blackberry Blossom or Ste. Anne's Reel up to bluegrass speed, but I couldn't improvise that fast. Since bluegrass jams are always super fast, I had a plan: I would compose solos to the bluegrass standards and memorize my compositions. Then, when it was my turn to take the lead, I would play my composition. Everyone would think I was improvising.

So about 4 years ago I began to scour YouTube for ideas on variations of standard bluegrass fiddle tunes. That's when I discovered Stephen Seifert playing Whiskey Before Breakfast on the dulcimer. I had never seen anyone play a dulcimer before and I was blown away. About four months later I had my first dulcimer and I've never looked back. The dulcimer is the instrument I was meant to play. I wish I had found it thirty years ago, but I'm grateful that I found it at all.

09/21/13 10:48:11PM @pristine2:

Nice playing .. and a very fine instrument too.

Dusty Turtle
09/21/13 10:38:31PM @dusty:

Thanks, Mary, my stink sister! I appreciate your listening and your kind comments. As a lament, it should probably have been played even slower, but certain parts of the melody seem to want to speed up. And my right hand picking was developed during a failed attempt several years back to play bluegrass guitar and mandolin.

Dusty Turtle
09/21/13 03:07:05PM @dusty:

Thanks so much, Rob and Brian.

Rob, I haven't yet tried anything with four equidistant, but I've been thinking about it more and more.

Brian G.
09/21/13 10:51:14AM @brian-g:

Very nice playing of a great tune. Love the sound of that dulcimer also. :)

Rob N Lackey
09/21/13 09:43:47AM @rob-n-lackey:

Dusty, that's a right pretty tune, and well played. Those who are interested in using a pick should pay particular attention to Dusty's right hand! Also liked the open strings; to me that's one of the things that "make" the dulcimer and a reason I like 4 independent strings. With 4 I can get a lot more open string ringing drones, or maybe it's just easier to get them. (I have been called lazy.)

Dusty Turtle
09/20/13 11:12:16PM @dusty:

Thanks for listening, Mike. Glad you enjoyed it.

Dusty Turtle
09/20/13 10:06:47PM @dusty:

Cheryl, Mark, John, and Mike, thanks so much.

Yes,my own preference is a smoky single malt,and I would certainly lament its absence as well.

John Keane
09/20/13 08:41:30PM @john-keane:

Very nice!

Cheryl Johnson
09/20/13 06:30:42PM @cheryl-johnson:

Twould be a sad life without whiskey! I would lament as well.....Nice work Dusty!!

Dusty Turtle
09/20/13 05:36:36PM @dusty:

Thanks, Wayne and RW. There is lots of mandolin tab for this tune online, but I would think a tenor banjo would work just as well. Most versions are in G, but I wanted to use the open strings so I do it in D.