How does your pet react to your Dulcimer playing?

2 years ago
67 posts

They must played that accordion really bad.


Oh my goodness I thought I was the only one who's pets react to playing an instrument.It is very odd I have two cats one loves music the other one loathes it.I also play Piano and accordion.When I play any of those instruments along with the Mountain Dulcimer my one cat goes crazy to the point of my having to stop playing. 

We got him as a kitten from the pound about 7 years ago he was badly abused.I am wondering if his previous owner played an instrument bringing back bad memories for him causing him to act this way.Or maybe my playing is really bad...gee..never thought of that. lol


2 years ago
358 posts

My cat is very indifferent to the dulcimer, but gets very concerned when I play the harmonica and hates when I play the pennywhistle. More than anything, I think he doesnt like that my dulcimer occupies my lap when he wishes he did.

3 years ago
2 posts

Well, my Cat doesn’t care at all. My Lab lays next to me and wags her tail when I pet her in between songs. My Australian Shepherd leaves the room.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
6 years ago
2,157 posts

Our cats react to my plying with complete indifference...

6 years ago
1 posts
My very large cat reached out and touched the strung when i had stopped like "OK keep going"
But I do not strum often / so it was not loud
Just my slow attempt at fingerpicking
Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
6 years ago
197 posts

He gets jealous & wants attention. 

At least he doesn't get as upset as when I try to play the concertina.  I presume it, my Native American flutes, my ocarinas all hurt his ears.  I try to not play when he's in the house, but really need to get back to the concertina.  (Held off while my wrist recuperated -- see the discussion on the thumb -- & forgot it.  Need to start all over, especially as it will exercise my wrist.)

(I notice he doesn't mind my husband's banjo playing.)wondering

7 years ago
4 posts

Lisa Golladay:

Do your pets (such as a sophisticated Vizsla -- which is a good title for a song) care about the mode you're in?  Seriously!

I had a small, loyal and intense tabby cat who would lie next to me in perfect contentment when I played dulcimer.  As long as it was Ionian or Mixolydian.  If I re-tuned to Aeolian or Dorian she would stiffen up, lay her ears back in fighting position, crouch there stubbornly for a few minutes waiting for me to reconsider the error of my ways, and eventually give up on me and leave the room in a snit.  No minor modes for her!

That is a very good question! I am kind of a slacker when it comes to tuning, so I stay in mixolydian (or as close as I can get to it) all the time. I may have to do the experiment though. If I were a gambling man, I'd wager a dime to a doughnut that she would be wigged out by phrygian and locrian modes. Probably just because those are the strangest sounding names to me though. I don't have the empirical evidence, yet.

Sophisticated Vizsla is a indeed great song name, and I am kicking myself for not calling dibs on that! According to my admittedly lame understanding of copyright law you might now have the rights to it, in perpetuity, and that's a mighty long time! I call dibs on 'The Synchopated Vizsla,' and 'The Exonerated Vizsla.' I think the former could be nice a jazz tune, and the latter a ballad about how her brother (black dog in the previous photo) was stone-cold busted after years of framing her for chewing up raw sweet potatoes while we were out of the house.

That is so funny about your tabby cat! She sounds like she was a real character!

Lisa Golladay
Lisa Golladay
7 years ago
108 posts

Do your pets (such as a sophisticated Vizsla -- which is a good title for a song) care about the mode you're in?  Seriously!

I had a small, loyal and intense tabby cat who would lie next to me in perfect contentment when I played dulcimer.  As long as it was Ionian or Mixolydian.  If I re-tuned to Aeolian or Dorian she would stiffen up, lay her ears back in fighting position, crouch there stubbornly for a few minutes waiting for me to reconsider the error of my ways, and eventually give up on me and leave the room in a snit.  No minor modes for her!

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
7 years ago
1,472 posts

Great picture!  I prefer drone-noter, too. . . Perhaps we're related!?! haha

7 years ago
4 posts

Robin Thompson:

@davesterino Vizsla is sophisticated!  :)

Indeed, she has good ears! I think she prefers drone-noter to chords, but she is generally amenable to both styles :)

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7 years ago
1 posts

Oh my goodness I thought I was the only one who's pets react to playing an instrument.It is very odd I have two cats one loves music the other one loathes it.I also play Piano and accordion.When I play any of those instruments along with the Mountain Dulcimer my one cat goes crazy to the point of my having to stop playing. 

We got him as a kitten from the pound about 7 years ago he was badly abused.I am wondering if his previous owner played an instrument bringing back bad memories for him causing him to act this way.Or maybe my playing is really bad...gee..never thought of that. lol

Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson
7 years ago
1,472 posts

@davesterino Vizsla is sophisticated!  :)

7 years ago
4 posts

Our vizsla barks, growls, and gives me some distance when I play ukulele or penny whistle. She doesn't seem to mind at all when I play dulcimer though!

David Bennett
David Bennett
7 years ago
60 posts

Our previous cat really liked me to play the dulcimer. She'd walk over to it and meow at me then lay down when I'd start playing.

The new cat, Sally, at first didn't show any interest the first few months when she was a little kitten. Maybe it was scary to her.

Sally is 7 months old now. Now when I play she comes over to me squeaking and rubbing my legs. I haven't figured out if she is saying she likes it, if if she's saying, "if you're not doing anything worthwhile give me a hug..."

7 years ago
6 posts

Our last cat (of the four we adopted 20 years ago) sleeps quite peacefully on our bed most days, but when I tune up, she yells to beat the band and gets up.  She is a sweet girl, but at over 100 in human years, a bit of a crank...

Steve Smith
Steve Smith
7 years ago
33 posts
Here's Maggie as I was playing this morning. She always comes to be with me when I play, and loves to sit on my case and get the occasional scritch. Cloudy, our other cat, is content to stay on her perch on the sofa, instead.
Norman Arrington
Norman Arrington
7 years ago
4 posts

I like to sit outside early in the morning to quietly play some slow airs and hymns on my whistle. This Spring the Doves and Robins come to the fountain and sit and appear to be listening. They stay  within a flew feet of me as long as the music lasts. They seem indifferent to the dulcimer. 

7 years ago
7 posts

My cat runs out of the room if I so much as touch an instrument. Maybe it is a comment on my playing ability? They say cats can hear an octave higher than dogs even.

Janene Millen
Janene Millen
7 years ago
28 posts

My dogs sleep.  My one bird loves it...boogies the entire time...

Birdie Boogie

Did a little experiment to test his reaction

Richard Streib
Richard Streib
7 years ago
254 posts

David Bennett:

Sally Ann will be four months in a few days. For some reason she thinks she's the boss.

So, David, Sally Ann is a cat. If she is like our cat, she IS the boss. Tis the nature of house cats.

David Bennett
David Bennett
7 years ago
60 posts

It's hard to imagine that she's not this size anymore. The good thing is we don't have to treat her like something very fragile (she's pretty tough, in a nice way, now). This pic is about two months old.

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David Bennett
David Bennett
7 years ago
60 posts

Sally Ann will be four months in a few days. For some reason she thinks she's the boss.

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Lois Sprengnether Keel
Lois Sprengnether Keel
7 years ago
197 posts


That one of the kitten and the dulcimer got me thinking of an old piano instrumental piece called "Kitten on the Keys" and how there needs to be one for Kitten on the Dulcimer -- maybe with some meowing.

As long as Sally Ann doesn't  mistake it for a scratching post, may she learn there are people's toys, too.😉

Richard Streib
Richard Streib
7 years ago
254 posts

That's one beautiful cat. I know you will enjoy her. Thanks for adopting a rescue.

7 years ago
509 posts

Precious! kittywink

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
7 years ago
2,157 posts

She's a sweetie, David!  Congrats!


David Bennett
David Bennett
7 years ago
60 posts

We brought Sally Ann home Friday and introduced her to our dulcimers. Right now she thinks our house is one big cat toy. I'm thinking she's about 8 weeks old. She could be 9 weeks old.  

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updated by @david-bennett: 05/13/18 06:58:50AM
Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Heather, that is hilarious! I can so picture it because my Labradoodle likes to play the "squeaky" too!

10 years ago
2,315 posts

Though this thread is "Pets and Dulcimers "....don't forget about our ever-popular "Show Us Your Pets!" thread:     grumpycat    toivo


Site Owner

Those irritated by grain of sand best avoid beach.
-Strumelia proverb c.1990
Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Now that's a vieable pic, and not too shabby of a dog either! 

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

BTW, while I do know a little about a lot of things, I’m not a FOTMD site moderator. I’m just a naturally helpful person. kittyscratch  But please don’t hesitate to go to the “Ask the Moderators” area and, well, ask away anytime!

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Click on the "Embed Local Media" icon in your msg., right next to Mr. Smilely. You will then see the dropdowns.

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Okay, if we don't hear from you in 10 minutes, we are sending in the troops. 

D. chitwood
D. chitwood
10 years ago
139 posts

Ok..I'm going in.  Will try to post. blush  Got it!!  This is Bear. He's an English Shepherd. Slightly neurotic, always 'ON ALERT'

updated by @d-chitwood: 08/05/15 05:24:07PM
Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

D, when you upload a photo you can pick a different size from the dropdown. Play with it. If you don't like the size, or location of the photo. click on it in your message, and try again. thumbsup

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

So definitely not a pet, but PROOF that those rascally squirrels are stealing my tomatoes!

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

D, think about resizing your pic to large so we can see without downloading it. nerd we wouldn't want to miss a cute pet shot!

Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas
10 years ago
77 posts

my cats look at me and say " put down that piece of wood and pet me "

Stephanie Stuckwisch
Stephanie Stuckwisch
10 years ago
45 posts

The older cat, Tyrie, just ignores it. Maggie (she's in my icon) rubs up against the tuning pegs and generally gets in the way.

Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas
10 years ago
77 posts

d-chitwood, I have a dog that is afraid of her water dish! She approaches it like a gazelle drinking at a water hole with a croc waiting in it . 

D. chitwood
D. chitwood
10 years ago
139 posts

We have a lab and a very sensitive, slightly neurotic English Shepherd (picture a black and white border collie). He is extremely sensitive to any change in the atmosphere, whether it's a slight tone shift in a conversation, or maybe a cat is tip-toeing up the street in the middle of the night. He hears it all and is aware of everything.

Depending on which song I play, he might just lie still on his bed and quietly cry the whole time. Other times, say with something like Black Mountain Rag, he might huff and run purpose circles around the downstairs. The other animals ignore me. 

10 years ago
620 posts

my pup, saint is right with me when I'm playing. If I go to long (way over an hour) he will come around in front, look at me than put his head on the strings. He is sweet and as soon as I pick up the dulcimer he goes right to our spot. He is a good companian.

10 years ago
27 posts

My girl Shylo tried to play my dulcimer.  I set it on the floor for a minute and she pawed at the strings.  After my heart rate slowed down. I told her she did a good job.  Didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

Looks like Wiskers wants to know where the carpet covering is on her new cat tree. happys

Joseph Buchanan
Joseph Buchanan
10 years ago
3 posts

Just found a New/Old Hammnerd Dulcimer and my cat wiskers wants lessons!!!!


Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas
10 years ago
77 posts

Do you know what else they love- an open case or gig bag! It's the Purrrfect size for my cats and my small dog even tried it ( just once, she thought it smelled too much of cats, and being a dog she does have some standards! )

Frank Ross
Frank Ross
10 years ago
32 posts

As one can see in this previously posted photo, our three cats find my playing interesting. They seem to particularly like "Grey Cat on a tennessee Farm"

My 3 furry amigos . Usually one or two will wander in and plop down next to me or even rub the dulcimer as I try to play it.

Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
10 years ago
2,157 posts

You think that's funny?  Murray (the Manatee) wants to take the vocal solo and the instrumental break on Old Man(atee) River!

Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas
10 years ago
77 posts

Ken, that's too funny!

Sheryl St. Clare
Sheryl St. Clare
10 years ago
259 posts

My dog was jelous at first, of the time I spent focusing on playing, but after awhile she got used to it. 

Lexie R Oakley
Lexie R Oakley
10 years ago
229 posts

Smiley Friend, does a humming type howl when I am listening to dulcimer music, he especially likes to hear Ken Backer and other deep male voices, then he really sings. Smiley just stares at me when I play. surprised

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updated by @lexie-r-oakley: 08/28/16 12:15:04PM
Ken Hulme
Ken Hulme
10 years ago
2,157 posts

Sally's dog and cats pretty much ignore my playing.  On the other hand, my pet Manatee and I are working up a duet set of water songs.

Charles Thomas
Charles Thomas
10 years ago
77 posts

How do your pets react to your playing? My older cat Fifi likes to sleep on my feet as I play . My dog Scout doesn't know what to make of it (that's her reaction to most things), and my young cat Baby is too busy causing mayhem, bringing in her trophys for us to admire , to care.

updated by @charles-thomas: 08/01/23 01:54:39PM