Have you got any more close ups of the wear up and down the fretboard on that Huntington, Pritchard? That wear mark under the bass string right at the bottom of the photo looks like it could have been made by a false nut being regularly slipped into place? I have similar marks on my dulcimers. In which case it would show that the player changed modes. Historically, this could be pretty important!!!!!!!
Hi Kevin,
Have you got any more close ups of the wear up and down the fretboard on that Huntington, Pritchard? That wear mark under the bass string right at the bottom of the photo looks like it could have been made by a false nut being regularly slipped into place? I have similar marks on my dulcimers. In which case it would show that the player changed modes. Historically, this could be pretty important!!!!!!!
Kevin, you got pictures of the scroll head