Martin Oesterle


Location: Ludwigsburg, Baden Württemberg
Country: Germany

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youtube videos: 52
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Duo Dulcimus feat. "Die Ziegenklopfer"

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:57
description: Die Ziegenklopfer spielen Deep Elem Blues (Traditional American Music) im in Ludwigsburg. Dulcimer, Djembe, Bass-Marimbula, BigBass, Cajon, Waschbrett, Percussion.
Martin Oesterle und Andi Schubert ( Duo Dulcimus ) feat. "Die Ziegenklopfern" Dulcimerschop Ludwigsburg.
Die Ziegenklopfer - Musik machen weil es Spaß macht!
Martin Oesterle
04/06/18 02:23:09AM @martin-oesterle:

Liebe Ariane,
recht herzlichen Dank für deinen aufbauenden Kommentar. Er hat uns sehr erfreut.
Fröhliche Grüße

04/05/18 04:01:24AM @ariane:

Ihr seid ja eine tolle Combo - klasse Musik und sehr interessante Instrumente!

Martin Oesterle
12/11/17 04:53:53AM @martin-oesterle:

Thank you Janene for the komment. Yes that is a shruti box. In some "Dronesongs" i use this box. I can pump the box with my foot. So i can play the dulcimer together with the shruti box. In my youtubevideo " Polska från Hällefrosnäs - Dulcimer - Martin Oesterle" you can hear the sound of the shruti box.

@ Karl: Danke für deinen netten Kommentar. Auch deine Gitarrenaufnahme finde ich sehr schön. Super gespielt.

Janene Millen
12/09/17 09:52:00AM @janene-millen:

I am not only impressed with your blues-y sound but impressive collection of instruments!! Do I see a shruti box??

Karel Votanek
12/07/17 11:33:01AM @karel-votanek:

Sehr schön!

Vielen Dank für so unterhaltsame Aufnahme.

Da kommt gleich die gute Laune mit!


Martin Oesterle
12/06/17 05:59:12PM @martin-oesterle:

Thank you Robin and thank you Brian! 
@ Irene: Thank you. The instruments on the wall are all Dulcimers with 4 strings and ddAD. I love the appalachian dulcimers.
@ Dusty Turtle: Thank you. Yes i like the capo. It´s very easy to install and to handle.

@Salt-Sprigs: Dankeschön für das nette Kompliment. Es freut mich sehr hier im Form dabei sein zu dürfen.

Salt Springs
12/06/17 09:50:51AM @salt-springs:

Das war toll!

Dusty Turtle
12/05/17 07:16:07PM @dusty:

Well how much fun is that?  Deep Elllum Blues was never better!  I like that homemade capo, too!

12/05/17 05:59:21PM @irene:

I'd love to make a large Kalumba like that.  wayyyyyyyy cool your playing and having fun!!  very cool Hummels on the wall and such!!!  aloha, irene

Brian G.
12/05/17 05:48:34PM @brian-g:

Very fun!

Robin Thompson
12/05/17 07:59:18AM @robin-thompson:

What fun!  Would love to be able to sit-in with y'all, Martin.  

Martin Oesterle
12/05/17 07:28:16AM @martin-oesterle:

Thank you Marc! Thanky Rob!

Rob N Lackey
12/04/17 07:50:01PM @rob-n-lackey:

Yeah, Deep Ellum.  Y'all were having too much fun there.  LOL.... Wish I could have been there too.