Robin Clark


Location: Tywyn, Gwynedd, Wales
Country: GB
Robin Clark

Robin Clark


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Sally in the Garden - mountain dulcimer

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Duration: 00:01:39
Sally in the Garden played on a cherry McSpadden in noter/drone style. D,A,c tuning This is just about the only truly aeolian mode tune I have found (it uses...
Linda Jo brockinton
11/21/13 01:37:47AM @linda-jo-brockinton:
Very nice Robin. Love the Aeolian!!
04/11/12 08:41:49PM @pine:

That's the going back in time. Wonderful tone from the instrument captured nicely in the space you chose. Fine timeless mountain feel to the piece and your playing is wonderful. You can really make 'em sing. Nice post Robin!

04/11/12 07:41:17PM @sam:

Sounds great Robin. I really like most anything that can be played in DAc. I don't know modes that well but 'Washington Square' plays pretty nicely in DAc (if I could only PLAY it). Like the McSpadden too.

Karen Keane
01/12/12 06:16:03PM @karen-keane:

I play a McSpadden too. You can't beat the tone. Great Job!

01/12/12 01:54:12PM @pristine2:

Haunting stuff! Really enjoyed it.

Brian G.
01/10/12 07:59:22PM @brian-g:

Robin - that was very nice! Thanks for sharing it.

Sue Simms
01/10/12 09:44:17AM @sue-simms:

This is awesome , love it ! Smile.gif

Robin Clark
01/09/12 05:07:13AM @robin-clark:


John you are right - I've been miss counting my frets - it is the 6th that is flat in aeolian and not flatin dorian.

Best I stick to simply playing the darn tunes rather than trying to work out the theory behind them LOL!!!!

Thanks - Robin

john p
01/08/12 10:00:42PM @john-p:

Sounds like you've got this off pat now Robin, I remember you working on this before, very nice playing.

The characteristic interval in the Aeolian is the min 6th BTW. (Mixalydian is the min 7th).
As you say, there arn't that many around. 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman' is one that comes to mind.

The majority of tune's played in Aeolian are either gapped at the 6th (Dorian/Aeolian), or gapped at the 2nd (Aeolian/Phrygian).

john p

Dusty Turtle
01/08/12 05:05:18PM @dusty:

Very nice, clean playing, Robin. You really capture that haunting, ole timey quality of the song.

Robin Clark
01/08/12 04:44:06PM @robin-clark:

Thank you Barbara - I'm pleased you enjoyed the tune!

Yep - those cherry McSpaddens sound lovely but then so do all the others LOL!!! You'll need to make your own decision on which dulcimer to buy - As I said in your thread; you'll find one that speaks to you and that will be it!


Robin Clark
01/08/12 02:18:17PM @robin-clark:


That cherry McSpadden is a lovely instrument. I had a fewas stock and fell in love with the tone of the cherry instruments so I asked Jim Woods to make one for me without the 6+ so I could get my noter playing just a little bit cleaner.

Dave - that's the first time I've seen myself play from that angle too!!!! It was a quick one take recording today as my battery was running low and I've not played that tune for a couple of months - I could get it smoother. I've not noticed befor just how I keep the strumming quill moving even though I'm only striking the strings to play the tune notes. I don't really think about that, it just sort of happens! I always thought that playing noter/drone felt like rubbing your tummy while patting your head - and the more you relax and stop thinking about playingthe easier it isLOL!!!!!

John Keane
01/08/12 02:01:36PM @john-keane:

Very nicely done! That McSpadden sounds great!