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Pigman the limberjack dancing to Do Mr. Boker Do, on banjo

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Duration: 00:02:12
This is Pigman the limberjack (also known as a jig doll), made by Chris Harvey: . Here I make him dance to an old minstrel song that I'm playing on my banjo, called Do Mr. Boker Do. I got the song directly from Phil Rice's banjo tutor book of 1858, playing it here as an instrumental. There are few things in music more fun than a dancing limber jack!
03/24/19 12:11:10AM @irene:

over the top cute.  I went on his site and looked at all the videos.  darling dolls.  thanks for posting and I tool love the banjo playing.  aloha, irene

03/23/19 11:49:29PM @irene:

I can ONLY SMILE after a hard day looking at this one.  THANK YOU FOR SUCH A HAPPY LITTLE PIG MAN and happy banjo playing.  I've missed your posts while in Hawaii.  aloha, irene

Dusty Turtle
03/22/19 12:16:33PM @dusty:

Does that little guy get dizzy dancing on his head?  Hey, I know this video is all about Pigman, but I kinda like the banjo playing, too.

Patty from Virginia
10/27/12 10:04:35AM @patty-from-virginia:

Wonderfull41.gif 41.gif 41.gif . I love the handstands113.gif .

Robin Clark
10/27/12 03:17:27AM @robin-clark:

Hey that's GREAT Grin.gif

And I just love your banjo playing Lisa, it's wonderful! What a beautiful touch and tone - just perfect 77.gif

10/26/12 11:49:46PM @strumelia:

Gayle, yes those are tambourines.

10/26/12 12:55:21PM @strumelia:

Sam, you bring up an interesting point-

When I am actually 'playing' a limberjack, I see them as little personalities on their own, but I also am part of them, the dancing/musical thoughts and decisions flow through me to the dancing figure. But when I watch a video of me making them dance, I am able to more completely step out of the picture and see them from an observer's side, as totally independent 'little folk' with their own life. It's almost like i'm not even there when i watch the video. Such is the magic of puppetry.

Thanks everyone for your nice comments!

Carolyn Fleming
10/26/12 12:51:02PM @carolyn-fleming:

So cute. good job thanks for making myday.

Macy Jayne
10/26/12 12:07:14PM @wendy-coons-karrasch:

So cuteGrin.gif Also nice to see John Henry's epinette on the wall

10/26/12 10:19:32AM @sam:

Lisa you HAVE to love watching the video. Even if you did the instrumental, even though you 'danced with' Piggy, you have just got to love watching as much as we do. Thanks for sharing him (and Froggy). Good stuff!!!

John Keane
10/25/12 07:57:48PM @john-keane:

Yay Pigman! 41.gif

Jim Fawcett
10/25/12 04:43:52PM @jim-fawcett:

Way to go Pigman!113.gif

Cheryl Johnson
10/25/12 04:23:24PM @cheryl-johnson:
How fun!! He dances upside down too! got a way with those lumberjacks!