Charles Thomas


Location: El Paso, TX
Country: US

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Growing Old

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:56
Mountain Dulcimer played noter style with a quill
Charles Thomas
08/23/17 05:47:07PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks Marg!!! I like to experiment with different picks,thin,thick, soft ( felt or leather ), hard or no pick at all. They all make a slightly different sound. Different tunings make the same old dulcimer a new beast!!

08/23/17 12:20:30AM @marg:

 Not sure if it's the quill or the different tuning but your have your Berg sounding so different than I ever could do mine. Very nice, thank you

Charles Thomas
08/22/17 08:30:42PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks Papasims! Glad you enjoyed it!

08/22/17 07:00:09PM @papasims:

Just getting started with this amazing instrument, my banjos are being quiet for a while, and love all styles.  This is particularly lovely and fits my age genre...I'm 71.

Charles Thomas
08/22/17 05:48:42PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks, Steve! I really like using a quill, I can strum soft or loud with ease or I can pick delicately. It's very versatile. Since there are few barnyard fowl hereabouts I buy decorative feathers from a local hobby store. I wonder if roadrunner feathers would work? Catching one might prove difficult!!

Steve Battarbee
08/22/17 03:15:46PM @steve-battarbee:

Charles, that sounds good.

you're getting a lot 'feeling' into your strumming

Charles Thomas
08/05/17 05:05:34PM @charles-thomas:

Thanks everyone!! I was trying to think of a name for this tune and nothing was coming to mind. I thought to myself "man, I'm growing old" A dim light bulb went off in my brain... "That's what I'll call it!!!".


08/04/17 09:37:13AM @strumelia:

I can relate!  oma    lol

08/04/17 07:02:24AM @dan:

Love it!

Charles Thomas
08/04/17 01:14:02AM @charles-thomas:

This was played on a Bill Berg 5 string tuned DdGCC