Dusty Turtle


Location: Northern California
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In the Shaking Mist

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Duration: 00:01:53
Yesterday morning I was listening to the collection of Shaker tunes put out by Gourd Music and featuring William Coulter and Barry Phillips. As I walked my daughter to school, I began whistling the first part of this song, assuming it was something I had just heard. However, I can't find the melody on any of the CDs, so unless I find out otherwise, I'll assume I wrote it. The title evokes the Shaker inspiration for the song, which follows the minor scale or aeolian mode. I am playing a Blue Lion IC tuned DAC and using black bamboo from my backyard as a noter. Y'all know I don't play noter/drone, so any advice is welcome.
Dusty Turtle
02/24/14 01:18:55PM @dusty:

Thanks Janene and Robin. I appreciate your taking the time to listen and comment.

And Robin, the fact that I even had the courage to play a tune with a noter is certainly due to the influence of you and the other great noter players here on FOTMD. In some ways this tune is an homage to Shaker melodies and your noter playing.

Robin Clark
02/24/14 01:05:05PM @robin-clark:

Hi Dusty,

I'm just having a quick catch up with what's been going on recently on FOTMD and found your video. WONDERFUL tune and timbre Grin.gif

Janene Millen
02/20/14 02:40:09PM @janene-millen:

Never heard this before, but I'm loving the strum and just the entire feel of it. That's a sound I'm really drawn to.

Dusty Turtle
02/20/14 12:39:40PM @dusty:

Thanks, Peter. As I mentioned, the first part of the tune was just stuck in my head, but the second part was the result of a more conscious writing process. Hopefully I've captured the spiritual simplicity of the Shaker melodies.

Peter W.
02/20/14 12:08:00PM @peter-w:

That's great, Dusty - even greater that its your own composition! 113.gif

Dusty Turtle
02/20/14 11:46:31AM @dusty:

Marion, Brian, and John, thanks so much for listening. I appreciate it. (And I won't comment on the puns, but maybe Geekling and John Henry should play the Catskills. Now that Shecky Green isn't around . . . ).

Marion, the best known Shaker tune is "Simple Gifts," but there are a whole lot of others. Here are the instrumental CDs released by Neal Hellman's record label Gourd Music: http://www.gourd.com/SHAKER.html . If you sing, though, you may want to find another collection with vocals.

John Henry
02/20/14 07:28:21AM @john-henry:

Not only using a noter, but dedicated enough to grow his own, 39.gif I think I'm going to retire from posting !!!


like others have remarked, its a tune that 'sticks' (oh no, there's almost a horrible pun there somewhere)

Brian G.
02/20/14 07:19:10AM @brian-g:

Very nice Dusty. I really enjoyed this tune. Very very easy to get stuck inside my head. :)

Dusty Turtle
02/20/14 12:36:02AM @dusty:

Thanks, Phil. That's how this whole thing started! The beginning of this melody was in my head this morning and I tried to find out what it was only to conclude that I had invented it myself.

02/19/14 10:05:45PM @phil:

great job Dusty. Only trouble I have with it is now it stuck in my head.Grin.gif

Dusty Turtle
02/19/14 09:36:47PM @dusty:

Thanks, Randy and Geekling. Yeah, I can do this slow stuff OK with a noter, but I don't think I'll be doing any fast fiddle tunes anytime soon.

Bloodletting, Geekling? That is so medieval!


Randy Adams
02/19/14 07:18:51PM @randy-adams:

Look at you now DT! You're right handy with a noter. Sounds great and that's a good tune you gots there.

Dusty Turtle
02/19/14 07:07:16PM @dusty:

Thanks, John. I initially wrote the tune in a fingerpicking style on a dulcimer with a 1+ fret and tuned DAd but switched to this one and tuned the melody string to C when I realized I wanted to use a noter.

John Keane
02/19/14 06:44:36PM @john-keane:

I think that you did a wonderful job with this. I LOVE messin' with a noter now and then. Smile.gif

Dusty Turtle
02/19/14 06:40:04PM @dusty:

Benjamin and Karen, thanks for listening and taking the time to comment.

Karen Keane
02/19/14 06:12:43PM @karen-keane:
I always love the minor sound. Great tune!
Ben Barr Jr
02/19/14 05:05:24PM @benjamin-w-barr-jr:

Good one Dusty. I like the Shaker tunes and play two or three of them.

Dusty Turtle
02/19/14 04:08:42PM @dusty:

Thanks so much, Patty and Guy. I'm a bit out of my element playing in a 1-5-7 tuning and with a noter, but the melody seems to work this way.

Guy Babusek
02/19/14 03:14:24PM @guy-babusek:

Beautifully played, Dusty!!

Patty from Virginia
02/19/14 02:48:53PM @patty-from-virginia:

Very nice Dusty!!! I think you're a natural with noter droneSmile.gif