jeffrey charles foster


Location: Oswego, NY
Country: US

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Playlists: 1
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videos: 7

Video 15 - Holy, Holy, Holy

streams: 20
video file: 6.1MB, 00:01:56

03/14/15 01:01:29PM @strumelia:

That's the same suggestion Ken Bloom gave me for my bowing hand. I'm still working on relaxing it, and it's great advice!

Robin Thompson
03/14/15 10:28:51AM @robin-thompson:
Jeffrey, you are off to a good beginning.Something folks told me when I first began playing was that the strumming hand is the more important hand when it comes to producing a tune. If I might make a suggestion, it would be to relax your strumming hand.
Happy strumming!

03/13/15 11:57:25PM @strumelia:

Thanks Noah!

Noah Aikens
03/13/15 09:45:52PM @noah-aikens:

Holy, holy, holy- is the name of the song

03/13/15 09:41:02PM @strumelia:

Jeffrey, would you mind putting the name of the tune in the titles of your videos in the future please? It helps others who are looking for tunes among all the videos. Thanks very much.

What is this tune called?- it sounds like a hymn to me...

Lexie R Oakley
03/13/15 07:01:09PM @lexie-r-oakley:
Very nicely played Jeffrey. Seems you were inspired from your class last weekend.
jeffrey charles foster
03/13/15 06:36:58PM @jeffrey-charles-foster:
