Jim Fawcett


Location: Cowansburg, PA
Country: US

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June Apple in A

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Duration: 00:02:27
Tuned DAA and using a false nut that I made out of a small piece of bamboo, to put the dulcimer in the key of A.
Jill Geary
01/28/22 12:29:44AM @jill-geary:

Thanks! Wonderful!

01/09/16 12:21:52PM @strumelia:

Wow I just noticed this one Jim-  just terrific!   So helpful and so fun.  clapper

John W. McKinstry
03/18/15 10:23:27PM @john-w-mckinstry:

Thanks Jim for a swinging tune. Love DAA too but liked that tip about getting into the Key of A.

Jim Fawcett
03/15/15 02:41:34PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Randy. That little triangle file I have did the trick.

Randy Adams
03/15/15 02:00:47PM @randy-adams:

& that noter hold looks nice and natural....

Randy Adams
03/15/15 01:57:55PM @randy-adams:

Real nice playing Jim....you have that little nut set right in tune!

Jim Fawcett
03/15/15 11:29:24AM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks so much for you're kind words, Robin.

Robin Clark
03/15/15 11:19:56AM @robin-clark:

Lovely Jim Grin.gif That's a wonderful sound you tease from your dulcimer 113.gif

Jim Fawcett
03/14/15 08:23:49PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks for the kind comments, Steph and Lynn. Greatly appreciated.

Lynn austin
03/14/15 04:29:08PM @lynn-austin:
Awesome Jim, I love it tuned to EAA...Great tip...thanks for sharing...
Jim Fawcett
03/14/15 06:09:14AM @jim-fawcett:

Me sing???107.gif You don't want that, Oliver.117.gif 104.gif . But thanks for watching. Thanks to you Patty.

Oliver Ogden
03/14/15 06:02:54AM @oliver-ogden:

Liked the songand your playing. When are you going to do the vocals?

Patty from Virginia
03/13/15 10:31:05PM @patty-from-virginia:

Excellent!!! I love that new camera. Sound is really good on that Jim. It really is. Thanks for sharingSmile.gif

Jim Fawcett
03/13/15 09:05:25PM @jim-fawcett:

Thanks Rob and Kev...not only a new camera, but a brandy new tripod, too.113.gif

Kevin Messenger
03/13/15 08:54:56PM @kevin-messenger:

Wow Jim that sounded really good. I need to learn that one.

Rob N Lackey
03/13/15 08:37:40PM @rob-n-lackey:

You did real good there, Jim. That new camera really does a good job.

Ken Backer
03/13/15 06:01:52PM @ken-backer:

Sounds great, Jim. Strummin' while swingin' looks real fine.Grin.gif

Bob Reinsel
03/13/15 02:10:22PM @bob-reinsel:

Thanks Jim. That's a great lesson on how to use a false nut, and also how to play June Apple. Enjoyed it!

Lexie R Oakley
03/13/15 02:05:30PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Love your porch swing Jim.Smile.gif

You played that song very good. Thanks for showing me the false nut, I believe they are also referred to as a reverse capo too. Hope you enjoy strummin' on the swing.Grin.gif