Samanthra (loosely based on 'Christian Harmony')

musician/member name: JohnH
Duration: 00:02:29
Duration: 00:02:29
Played noter/drone (with quill as noter and pick) on a Black Walnut, Butternut, and Ebony/Mahog Hourglass Baritone dulcimer, 27" VSL, tuned A ,E, c. (blame it on Janene Millen, her last vid reminded me that I had Baritone !) This a 'repost' for me, just wanted to try it on a different instrument ? Recorded ...
Thank you John, it is so haunting and misterious sound. I really enjoy watching you play this song.
Why thank you Lynn, so pleased that you enjoyed it ! And thanks to you Cynthia for taking the trouble to dig around to find it ! As for 'what kind of dulcimer......' It is of course, 'one of a kind' 'cos I made it from scratch to suit the timber I had knocking around the workshop, and initially there were only the 'big' soundholes, I added the smaller ones to achieve an increase in volume.
Cy !!! its 0145am here, literally
just returned from a taxing day at the hospital with Mary, so just having a brief wind down here, saw your comment about 'snow signing' will try to show Mary tomorrow (and I bet you did'nt write your names in the same manner in which we used to write ours !)
What a beautiful haunting melody JH....The tone of your dulcimer is lovely !!!!...Thank you for sharing with us....
This was a perfect haunting song for this endless snow storm we're having...I'm wondering what kind of a dulcimer this is, I know I've seen this sound hole pattern, Modern Dulcimer maybe?
Thank you for watching, and making comment Rick !
Hello Patric ! Thanks for listening and making comment !
(hope life is good for you ?)
What a wonderful tune! Playing it on a Baritone really does add to the melancholic aspect of it!
Thanks for listening Gregory !
Thank you for watching Janene, comment much appreciated !
Congrats on reintroducing yourself to your fine Baritone!Sounds really fine--- and playing with a noter and quill on the Baritone!! Have never tried that. Now I'm inspired! Sounds terrific. The song is haunting and well suited.
Thank you Helen, pleased that it may have been helpful !
Thank you for watching John, comment appreciated
Thank you Val ! (and the best of luck to your lads this weekend, they deserve it should they win !)
LOL, you had better pack more than an overnight bag then Robin, have made a few !!! Thanks for listening.
Lovely playing John and lovely tune.
The instrument is as lovely as the play of the tune, John.If I ever cross the ocean and arrive at your house, may I please strum all the dulcimers you've made before deciding which to borrow? :)
Glad that it pleased Patty !
Thank you Carrie, so pleased that you were able to watch it here !