John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Ten Thousand Charms.wmv

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:01:34
Played with noter and bow on a mean tone fretted Poplar TMB, Maple fretboard, VSL 27", tuned DAd, ('flat bridge'). Trial effort using a full size violin bow (which is why I am standing up, me arms don't match the length of the bow, lol!)
12/07/15 07:45:20PM @strumelia:

So haunting and beautiful.  Gives me goodebumps whenever you touch on those drones with the bow.  Amazing and so inspiring.

John Henry
08/19/15 03:07:46AM @john-henry:

Thankyou for listening and making comment Gary !


Gary McNaughton
08/18/15 04:17:59PM @gary-mcnaughton:

Sounds Good!

John Henry
07/01/15 11:28:03AM @john-henry:

 Lynn !   Have accepted your 'follow'request ?


John Henry
06/30/15 12:31:18AM @john-henry:

Thank you for watching and making comment Jeffrey-Charles, much appreciated !


jeffrey charles foster
06/29/15 10:12:47AM @jeffrey-charles-foster:

awesome John Henry.


John Henry
06/26/15 06:40:03AM @john-henry:

Steve, as an afterthought..........check out the audio by John Shaw, 'Bonnie at Morn', admittedly not noter/drone per sa,but still a good sampler of what a TMB with part frets can sound like ?


John Henry
06/26/15 05:44:39AM @john-henry:

Hello Steve, thanks for comment.   Sorry about time lag in replying, things a bit hetic here !    I have used a bow on most of the many MD's I own, with varying degrees of success, while by no means an expert a couple of thoughts may be worth a mention.

It is useful to have a decent 'height' to your fretboard, in the absence of a radiused bridge it does allow just a bit of 'single string' selection, and also helps in avoiding the bow string hitting the edges of the instruments body.   Thicker gauge strings seem to give a better tone, and in my experience the bow does not want to be violin full size.   I currently have a 'half size', Rick Long , who makes Bowed Psalteries, makes a very nice , relatively inexpensive bow , tho' I must confess that I mostly use a homemade jobbie, just a piece of bent ash, with some horse hair knotted to it !!!     As for an excuse for buying a TMB............I think you might be pleasantly surprised at the rich return you might get from your money should you invest in a well made instrument.   Tho' I went for screw eyes as a tuning medium, zither pins might suit most folks needs

best wishes


Steve Battarbee
06/24/15 06:25:20PM @steve-battarbee:

That sound hauntingly good JH

I think you need a new blade for that hacksaw thoughLaugh

Seriously though I love that sound.Could any MD be played N&D with a bow like that or do I now have an excuse for buying a TMB?

Ken Backer
06/23/15 12:27:59PM @ken-backer:

I think it is an interesting sound to work with, JH.  If I can find a bow I might give it a go.  What kind of bow would have been traditional to use..

John Henry
06/23/15 10:08:20AM @john-henry:

No rush to make your mind up Ken, the MD dulcimer (and its near cousins ) has been bowed down thro' the years with varying degrees of success, if you don't try you don't get to know ?   Not noticed any cats coming around so far, maybe the sound is not cool enough ! 


Ken Backer
06/23/15 09:04:43AM @ken-backer:

Very interesting, JH.  Undecided as to what to make of the sound.  You might attract a lot of catsfiddle

John Henry
06/22/15 07:22:59PM @john-henry:

Lexie, Lynn, Pattie, thank you for watching and making comment, this posting really was a desparation effort after some time spent trying to navigate our new site ! Lynn, I hope that you are not disappointed in your 'catch up' search, the recording quality is not always of the 'best' !   Patty, Robin  uses a bow in a far better manner than I, most often on a purpose built bowed dulcimer !   Lexie, give it a whirl if you have the chance, you may well be surprised at what your dulcimer is capable of giving back to you !   And Cy............... I have told you before about the veiled compliments you pay me, people will talk you know!

thanks one and all !


Cynthia Wigington
06/22/15 05:39:12PM @cynthia-wigington:

Keep it, hauntingly beautiful...

Patty from Virginia
06/22/15 05:31:35PM @patty-from-virginia:

Are you sure you want to delete this? I think it's great. We are not often treated to a song being played with a bow and on a TMB. You and Dave are about the only ones that bow. Although if memory serves me I believe I saw Robin Thompson in a video using a bow. 

Lynn austin
06/22/15 01:10:21PM @lynn-austin:

That was very nice JH!...I know what you mean about navigating the site. I think I posted the same thing about 10 times trying to upright a photo. It's tough for the non techies like me! ...I'm thrilled though that I am now able to view all of the videos!!!...I've missed so many of yours from the old site. It's time to catch up on!!!!

Lexie R Oakley
06/22/15 12:19:31PM @lexie-r-oakley:

I always like hearing your music John. It is a very melotic song with the bow.happys

John Henry
06/22/15 12:13:51PM @john-henry:

Phew !   Sorry about a repeat posting of this !   Still trying to find me way around the site, and having just had a fruitful tutorial from what must be one sorely tried lady this past week, went for the easy option !!!

Now to find out how to delete................
