John C. Knopf


Location: Westland, MI
Country: US

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John & "Uncle Eddie" 11/20/13

musician/member name: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:01:08
10/17/23 05:51:59AM @nate:

John, this is really incredible, and it makes me think of how the original hurdy gurdies were played by two people, due to their size, one to excite the strings, and another to fret.
Really glad that you made this

jeffrey charles foster
10/13/15 11:05:22PM @jeffrey-charles-foster:



Robin Clark
07/09/15 03:08:39AM @robin-clark:

Hey - that's great John thumbsup    I bet it would work great in a group with one person plucking or bowing the strings and a second noting the melody grin

Robin Thompson
06/18/15 10:09:05PM @robin-thompson:

thumbsup  John, your Uncle Eddie is just cool.  

Lexie R Oakley
06/17/15 12:56:17PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Excellant John, I really love hearing the deep voice of Uncle Eddie!thumbsup

John C. Knopf
06/17/15 11:07:10AM @john-c-knopf:

Thanks for your comments, Patty and Ken.  I strung it with .033" music wire from a spool, Ken.

The other 2 strings when played at the same time sounded very muddy, so I stuck with just the melody string for this sample.

Ken Backer
06/17/15 09:45:02AM @ken-backer:

John, I am impressed!  I can see a dulcimer section in a band, like a sax section.  A couple of standard size, a couple of baritone size, and yours on the on the bottom (like a baritone sax).  What did you string it with?

Patty from Virginia
06/17/15 08:54:44AM @patty-from-virginia:

I love this!!! Nice bass, John!!! I still think a broom handle would make a great noter, LOL Laugh