John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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youtube videos: 42
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Groups: 1
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Grey Cat On A Tennessee Farm

streams: 13
video file: 7.2MB, 00:01:48

John Henry
07/12/14 05:01:43PM @john-henry:

Thank you James, and I will bear the later part of your comment in mind, tho' I should aquaint you of the fact that a queue presently exists for the instrument. lol

best wishes


James Phillips
07/12/14 10:30:02AM @james-phillips:

Looking through the archives, and discovered this. Fantastic! And if you ever tired of that music box, let me know3.gif

John Henry
10/09/13 11:29:11AM @john-henry:

Why thank you Helen, I'm glad that you enjoyed the tune, its far from polished as posted, but I do play it a lot ! I aim to play it just like David Schnaufer one day. I should be so lucky (or live that long !!!,lol)

Thanks for watching


John Henry
10/08/13 05:35:15PM @john-henry:

Thank you for watching and making comment Peter! Appreciated !


Peter W.
10/08/13 03:29:31PM @peter-w:

A great looking TMB - and you know how to handle a quill! Smile.gif

John Henry
05/28/11 04:47:55AM @john-henry:

Good morning Robin, I always appreciate your comment, thank you


Robin Thompson
05/27/11 09:01:17PM @robin-thompson:
I love it, John; I love the sound of David's play on the tune AND I love the sound of your play on the tune. It's nice that everyone's play doesn't sound the same. Smile.gif
Jim Fawcett
05/27/11 06:17:04PM @jim-fawcett:
Good job there John. I see the FOTMD pins made it across the pond!113.gif
John Keane
05/27/11 05:54:51PM @john-keane:
Really nice job on that! If you get tired of that TMB just send it on to me!
John Henry
05/27/11 05:36:28PM @john-henry:

Thanks for the comment Garey, gives me pleasure to make music on things that I have made !
