John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

streams: 15
video file: 7.6MB, 00:01:52

11/17/22 10:30:49PM @dtortorich:

Thank you for your rendition of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.  I enjoyed it.

John Henry
01/06/12 07:13:22AM @john-henry:

Thank YOU for listening Dusty. I also enjoy those extra little bits of info which help the learning process, tuning, string gauge etc.


John Henry
12/15/11 02:49:20PM @john-henry:

Hi Glyda, I hope that I have managed to give you a link one of my photos showing the infilled fret. If I have'nt, it should be easy to find, ?


John Henry
12/10/11 05:28:35AM @john-henry:

Chuckle ! thanks Ronnie, I play alone at home most of the time, and guess I manage to carry over 'bad habits' when I post tunes here !


John Henry
12/08/11 10:51:11AM @john-henry:

Hello Glenda, thank you for listening. Yes indeed, after removing the fret it's original saw cut was 'exposed', I could have left it as such, but filled it with a piece of matching veneer, not perfect, but acceptable by me at least ,lol. Will try for a pic ?


John Henry
12/08/11 07:50:36AM @john-henry:

Now Val, that's not an excuse to open that Christmas bottle of Tullamore Dew ! thanks


John Henry
12/08/11 03:18:28AM @john-henry:

Thank you Steph! And Bob, I agree with you entirely, thanks for listening


robert schuler
12/07/11 10:08:58AM @robert-schuler:

Nice work. I always play this song when I tune to a minor. I don't think of it as a Christmas song just a great sounding melody to play anytime of the year... Bob.

John Keane
12/07/11 07:25:48AM @john-keane:

Well...thanks then! It was awesome. Grin.gif

John Henry
12/07/11 06:19:42AM @john-henry:

JohnK, it was just for you ! 11.gif


John Henry
12/07/11 06:18:27AM @john-henry:

Carrie, good to hear from you, if you and I (and anybody else so minded) can do just a little toward a less commercial Christmas and just share a bit more, it can only be for the good?


John Henry
12/07/11 06:14:57AM @john-henry:

joaquin, and Brian, thank you for watching, and please post your version/s as you intended, I for one would love to hear them. That is what this site is about, sharing!, and thus, learning and improving?


John Henry
12/07/11 06:10:46AM @john-henry:

Wayne!!! You may have noticed that I rarely involve myself in discussions about the 'rights and wrongs' concerning our instrument, and do not intend to now, I'll leave that to those who have more knowledge than I.

To answer your question tho' in a very simplistic manner, dulcimers may be tuned to a 'natural scale' whose intervals seem pleasing and harmonious to the human ear (older instruments are often found as thus, and some singers will sing to a natural scale when not influenced by instruments), but this is not what pianos and other fixed pitch instruments are tuned to,they use an 'equal temperament scale, more or less standard since the time of Bach (and the music for his 'well tempered clavier') Mean tone scale could be said to fall between natural and equal temperaments, and offers, at least in my opinion, a 'sweet' sounding dulcimer, which is good for singing with.

It might be argued that that such an instrument will be out of tune with some fixed pitch instruments, again, in my opinion, not enough to make a difference. I am sure that someone else will offer a better explaination, lol ! Thank you for your comment, (I do believe the Christmas 'happenings' did take place in the 'mid-east?)


John Keane
12/06/11 08:20:54PM @john-keane:

My absolute FAVORITE Christmas tune! You did a remarkable job with this and the lighting of the video is SO appropriate for the tune. I can't even tease you with this's just too beautiful!

Brian G.
12/06/11 07:40:09PM @brian-g:
Very nice John! I almost posted a version of this. Glad I didn't as I like the mood of this one more. Thanks for sharing it. :)