John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Duration: 00:02:09
Based loosely on a Sacred Heart Hymn, from the playing of the late, well respected member of this site, Rod Westerfield, here played with bamboo noter, and, in turn, bow, nylon plectrum, and trimmed quill. Played on a poplar and maple, mean toned, part fretted diatonic TMB, tuned EAd.
John Henry
02/22/15 01:47:47PM @john-henry:

Lynn, 'hauntingly beautiful' My looks or the tune ?,lol. With your skills a TMB would be a 'walk on the park ! How about it ?

Thanks for sparing the time to comment !


(I have had a bit of 'me' time today, grand daughter has been fussing over Mary on this her first day out of hospital, so catchup time here for me)

John Henry
02/22/15 01:43:32PM @john-henry:

I very much appreciate that comment Janene, thank you for listening

Janene Millen
02/22/15 11:18:41AM @janene-millen:

listening to this I felt transported to some other time and nice, thanks

Lynn austin
02/22/15 09:20:15AM @lynn-austin:
Hauntintingly beautiful!!!!!! gave me chills.....thanks for sharing JH!!!!!!!.....
John Henry
02/22/15 02:35:04AM @john-henry:

Lexie, I collected her from Hospital last evening, not well but well enough to sent home. Saves me a bunch of travelling, but now the work begins !!!

thanks for the thought


Lexie R Oakley
02/21/15 01:50:27PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Excellant John, what a great demonstration enjoyed the sounds of them all on your box.

Hay, Your wife is sure in my thoughts, I am sure this is a challenging time for you also.

Take care of each other, wishing her a good recovery.

John Henry
01/11/13 06:21:03PM @john-henry:

Thank you Strumelia, and Christopher just checked my emails and saw that you had watched and commented on this on YouTube, and for a moment I found some 'Consolation'!

For those of you who have queried 'where I am' ? a short collective message. I have some fairly hefty health problems concerning a loved one, (my wife) and cannot find time to enjoy this site and your offerings, but will look in now and then if posible. Have enjoyed you all !


01/11/13 10:43:25AM @strumelia:

I just think this is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world! Played to perfection.

Brian G.
02/08/12 07:16:17PM @brian-g:

Very nice John Henry! I enjoyed seeing/hearing it. :)

B. Ross Ashley
02/07/12 06:58:28PM @b-ross-ashley:

John, porcupine quills are barbed, I would not want to try to hold one without a glove. Ouch.

John Henry
02/07/12 05:30:12PM @john-henry:

Nila, as Ken has already said, goose feathers will work fine, I have a stock of those as well, but they do not last as long as turkey. I also like to use the thick (butt) ends as noters, and the goose feathers I have had are not quite as big around as turkey ?

Hmmm ......Just had a thought about quills, wonder if porcupine would do the trick ?3.gif


Ken Hulme
02/07/12 03:52:43PM @ken-hulme:

Goose feathers will work justfine. But you only want to use the wing Primary feathers - the 2 or 3 longest feathers on each wing. The reason we usually specify Turkey feathers, and specifically the Primary feathers is that they are larger in diameter and thicker-walled (read tougher) than most other readily available feathers.

John Henry
02/07/12 08:45:35AM @john-henry:

Nila, glad that you found the sound pleasing ! I am using authentic USA turkey feathers, I was lucky enough to be able to aquire a 'whole wing' some years ago, stock running down now ,however !

Someone (Sam?, without checking?) was offering quills on this site within the last day or two. If you are interested, worth a back check ?

best wishes


John Henry
02/07/12 08:40:16AM @john-henry:

Hello Dave, . Gratifying that you picked up on the 'variations', did'nt start out to record it, but having just restrung , and playing around with the result, lead me into a 'what if'' mood. A bit clumsy therefore, should have attempted a bit of polish here and there !

thanks for listening


John Henry
02/07/12 08:32:02AM @john-henry:

Robin, thank you ! (don't forget' I must be very near tha top of the list for that CD !!! Keep us posted )


John Henry
02/07/12 08:30:04AM @john-henry:

Carrie, "evoked great emotion"7.gif If what you mean is that the playing was so bad that it made you cry, just right out and say so !!! 3.gif

thanks for listening


John Henry
02/07/12 08:25:08AM @john-henry:

Wayne, to answer a question that you posed, I did make the box, and was able to use timber sent to me by a member on this site from the USA, and I am happy with its sound (I have remarked before, to hear its full potenial, look for the audio here by one John Shaw 'Bonnie at Morn', he really makes it sing !)


John Henry
02/07/12 08:19:07AM @john-henry:

Thanks John, if you really want "different" I could try singing again..................?



John Henry
02/07/12 08:17:04AM @john-henry:

Thanks for the comment Karen, appreciated, "just liked the bowed parts"> Oh dear, must try harder ?

Karen Keane
02/06/12 06:33:55PM @karen-keane:

Hey John Henry, that was totally awesome. The tone was great and I like the bowed parts very much. It was so sad and moving. I love the sound of the instrument. Grin.gif