John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Messin' with June Apple.

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:25
I was introduced to this tune a long time ago by John Shaw. Here played noter/drone (noter being the 'pointy bit' of a turkey feather) on a Mahogany, Cedar, and Rosewood, meantone fretted dulcimer , tuned DAd, and strung with 0.011, 0.011, and 0.020 plain steel strings
John Henry
10/30/14 07:32:15PM @john-henry:

Thank you for watching and making comment Brian !

best wishes


Brian G.
10/21/14 10:54:13AM @brian-g:

Hi John Henry! Another version of this tune recently posted has led me to yours. :) Very nice!

John Henry
12/23/13 07:08:44PM @john-henry:

Hey Geekling, thanks for watching, enjoy this holiday, and give Keitha smackeroo of a kiss from me, for looking after you so well, such a task is not so easy as it would seem, as I have found out this last eleven months or so!

best wishes to you both


John Henry
12/23/13 02:08:33AM @john-henry:

Thank you for watching Karen ! (you may have noticed that I sometimes position my dulcimer on a 'dropped' left knee, this in response to someone some time ago who wanted to see what my left hand does ? It alsogives the instrumentsomedownwards slant,thus allowing any acculmulated moisture to drain freely thro' the spit hole, which is to be found on the underside heel of the scrollhead ! 3.gif )


Karen Keane
12/22/13 06:27:01PM @karen-keane:
Excellent playing JH, but I can't believe you didn't put a spit valve on that dulcimer LOL
John Henry
12/22/13 05:50:06PM @john-henry:

LOL, James, I freely gift it to you, and thank you for taking time to search it out !


James Phillips
12/22/13 10:16:01AM @james-phillips:

Like your rendition of this, as well as the dulcimerSmile.gif I'll be going to the UK and stealing it while you're sleeping LOL

John Henry
07/30/12 03:43:44AM @john-henry:

Dana, backtracking a bit here, what sort of noter do you have ?


John Henry
07/27/12 11:44:30AM @john-henry:

Dave (Ismay) missed your comment up to now, thank you !

Chopsticks ???


Chpsticks ???

John Henry
07/27/12 11:41:47AM @john-henry:

Thank you Geekling, comment appreciated. You still working at 'stripping' ??? Tongue.gif


Patty from Virginia
07/26/12 09:25:05PM @patty-from-virginia:

Okay Wayne, in the words of a mutual friend, you ain't right, LOLGrin.gif

John Henry
07/26/12 01:14:56PM @john-henry:

Wayne !!! Don't you dare get Pattie 'into trouble' ???


Patty from Virginia
07/26/12 09:33:49AM @patty-from-virginia:

John, I was speaking of the song and your playing but besides my husband you're pretty tooGrin.gif Okay Wayne, don't get me into trouble, LOLGrin.gif

John Henry
07/26/12 02:25:50AM @john-henry:

Glad you enjoyed it Jordan, perhaps you'll "tell 'yer Ma" about it (a favourite of mine too!)

Dana, I am sure that you could use a noter (assuming that you have one?) Give me bed and board for a month (or two?) and I'd be happy to provide some good 'ole side by side 'tuition' 3.gif

Rob! There's a wealth of 'June Apple's' on Youtube, mine ain't too much like any of 'em, lol, but you are welcome to it !

thanks for watching


Rob N Lackey
07/25/12 06:46:16PM @rob-n-lackey:

Well, John Henry, you've done it again. There's another tune I have to learn. You were getting a good slide on that noter; made a real purty sound, it did.

Dana R. McCall
07/25/12 11:51:32AM @dana-r-mccall:

I love June apple and you did wonderful playing it. You make me want to learn how to play with a noter. I still ain't got the hang of it yet.113.gif 113.gif 113.gif

John Henry
07/25/12 11:44:28AM @john-henry:

Patty, please define your comment / 29.gif (tell her Wayne! your precision is to be admired !)


John Henry
07/25/12 11:40:26AM @john-henry:

Glad that it served a purpose Jim !


John Henry
07/25/12 11:39:38AM @john-henry:

Oomph ? Aw, just put it down to the strapping on my wrist Dave, lol. Thanks for watching,


Jim Fawcett
07/25/12 10:52:37AM @jim-fawcett:

Sounds great, John. I just started playin' around with this tune. Thanks for posting it. Easy access.113.gif