I've been playing dulcimer since 1979. I built a kit complete with friction peg tuners. I played the heck out of that dulcimer for 7 years and performed on the Arena Stage at the 1986 Folklife Festival and the World's Fair in Vancouver, BC. I donated it to a friend's kid and decided to buy a Blue Lion and have been playing it ever since.
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• 7 years ago
• comments: 3
Seeing Aaron O'Rourke, Janita Baker and Karen Mueller play makes me feel like I'm playing my dulcimer with a ball peen hammer. lol
Latest Group Discussions
AllMenucha Dulcimer gathering - Corbett, OR
Heading to Menucha Gathering in Corbett, OR April 11 - 14, 2018. If...
@Elvensong 7 years ago - Comments: 3
Hi Elven- the email address you are using for your FOTMD account is not jiving for our site notification system- all your site notifications are not being sent out to you because of it (like for when someone 'likes' your items, mentions you in a post, comments on your page, sends you a private message, etc). To fix this situation you must use a different domain email address (gmail, outlook, yahoo would work fine, for example). You can change this in your Account Settings. I sent you two notes about this but I don't know if you've received them at your email address. Thanks!
Elvensong: just love your profile picture of the dulcimer in a flower field. Is it a painting?
Thank you!
Hi Elven, and welcome to the wonderful world of the Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It's a good place to come, spend some time, learn about the dulcimer, and to meet some good people.
Welcome, Elvensong to Friends of the Mountain Dulcimer. It is awesome you are going to compete at Walnut Valley this year. Best wishes. Glad you joined.
Hi Elvensong...Welcome...glad you are here!
Welcome, Elvensong, to this little corner of dulcimer heaven. Hope you enjoy it here.
Hey Elvensong, welcome aboard. Glad ya found us.