John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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John Henry
10/03/11 12:05:41PM @john-henry:

Hello again Vicky, I have just read your comment on 'Samantha' again, found the bit where you say "especially if you're not singing"3.gif Point taken, lol , I know me limitations !67.gif


10/03/11 11:40:47AM @beth-hansen:
That was really beautiful! I like it as played too. Smile.gif
Brian G.
08/19/11 09:58:15PM @brian-g:
Great tune and nicely played!
John Henry
08/06/11 03:17:07PM @john-henry:

Thanks for the comment Ken, much appreciated coming from you. ( I enjoyed your videos, it is good to be able to put a face to the name !)


Ken Hulme
08/06/11 01:22:56PM @ken-hulme:
Either DAG or EBA. Both would be Dorian Mode. EBG is sorta halfway in between, but it does sound nice... Very nicely done!
John Henry
07/17/11 09:49:42AM @john-henry:

Appreciated Randy! I have only recently truely discovered one Don Pedi (I think you may know of him LOL) and having found out that he helped Rod W. with his book, I've been hooked on the sort of music we don't hear much of over here! Thx for listening

John ( I just love that pic of you and John Keane, as Strumelia nearly said, "Scheitholts at the OK C............"

Randy Adams
07/17/11 07:34:36AM @randy-adams:

You've got a real knack for hearing these 'dark' scales....& then finding a suitable tuning for them...& then playing 'em like you mean it....thx for sharing your music & your dulcimer builds with us John Henry.

& you're the funniest dulcimer person.....yeah....ox blood brogues...... : )....

John Henry
07/16/11 05:03:22PM @john-henry:
Val, an I've never even seen the stone never mind kissed it !!! (size 9, broad fitting, a nice pair of ox blood brouges to go with me cords ............?)
John Henry
07/16/11 07:39:08AM @john-henry:

Hey, it's possible to be too trusting of people, you know !!! 9.gif 9.gif 9.gif 105.gif 105.gif 105.gif


07/16/11 03:31:50AM @magictime:

"Just dont get confused and do it on porpoises!"

Why not? You might have a whale of a time.

John Henry
07/16/11 03:25:31AM @john-henry:

Hi Geekling, good of you to comment ! I have to ask. WHAT were you doing on porpoises whilst confused ,lol



John Keane
07/15/11 07:40:23PM @john-keane:
Yep...he done good. It's the "on purposes" ya gotta watch out for.
John Keane
07/15/11 10:43:02AM @john-keane:
Yes I am, and I can tell you that you won't regret your purchase. I recently added 1+ and 8+ frets to it (actually, Jim Woods of McSpadden did it, I just asked him nicely lol) and it has REALLY opened up the fun possibilities of the instrument! I understand that the Yocky electric may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I love mine and the hours of fun it has provided. Good luck with yours!
07/15/11 10:31:02AM @magictime:

John Keane, no probs.

Btw, am I right in thinking you're a Yocky electric owner/player? I've got one on order myself.

John Keane
07/15/11 10:17:59AM @john-keane: post simply means that I enjoyed what John Henry performed regardless of mode, key or dietary habits. Without clicking the link you provided, I can tell you that you are correct in your dorian assertion. I merely wanted him to know that I enjoyed his performance. The "phrygian with accidentals" comment is my sense of humor, or evidently the lack thereof lol. Sorry for the confusion.
07/15/11 09:37:06AM @magictime:

John Henry, I'm a dulcimer newbie and in no position to be slapping wrists! Nor would I presume to tell you how this tune 'should' be played. The 6+ fret is there to give you the option of playing Dorian tunes in 'Phrygian' tunings, Ionian tunes in 'Mixolydian' tunings, etc... you may as well use it. I likethe tuneas played too!

John Keane: not sure what you mean by 'phrygian with accidentals'.Surely if thetuneuses onlythe notes of the Dorian scale, it's best described as being in Dorian?(Otherwise we may as well just call everything 'Ionian with accidentals'!)

I'm not trying to be a smartass for the sake of it - just thought thatsince you liked the modal 'flavour' of this tune and might be interested to explore other tunes in the same mode, it would be worth my pointing out what mode that is.

John Keane
07/15/11 08:35:24AM @john-keane:
Okay...I love the sound of phrygian with accidentals! Nice job, John Henry.
John Henry
07/15/11 08:21:55AM @john-henry:

Hi magictime, wrist acknowledged as being duly slapped for getting it wrong !!! I'm a maker not a musician. Yes, I took it from Don Pedi's book, and yes, I tried it in Dorian first, but did not care for the result achieved on that particular dulcimer, or the baritone that I have, so went back to EBG, I will delete the reference to 'Phrygian', I am always ready to listen to the comments of other folk (and their music ?)


07/15/11 07:54:11AM @magictime:

John Keane, actually I don't think this is the sound of Phrygian! The use of the 6+ fret is a dead giveaway that the tune being played is not in the mode traditionally associated with the tuning being used. The tune is actually Dorian; you could play it in D on a DAG-tuned dulcimer (even a pure diatonic dulcimer with no 6+ fret) by shifting the melody down one fret.

Don't take my word for it - I did a bit of Googling to check I'd got this right, and came across this: