John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Oh come, Oh come, Emmanuel. (music adapted by Thomas Helmore, 1811-1890, from a French Missal)

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Duration: 00:01:41
I always like to play this Advent hymn before I get sucked into the hurley burley of Christmas music ! This is a second posting here of this tune for me, played in a different style , ie. noter/drone on a 'home made' Honduras and Butternut mean tone fretted, teardrop dulcimer, 27" VSL, tuned DAc, strung with 0.024 wound PB, and 0,013 & 0.012 pl...
John Henry
03/17/14 11:06:57AM @john-henry:

Gregory ! I am so sorry, I missed this comment at time of posting, thank you for making it, and yes, I always enjoy playing this, it has strong links to the courtship of my wife and I over 60 yrs ago ! (about 3 life sentences in the English Penal system..................sigh !)


Greg Patterson
02/18/14 09:09:06PM @greg-patterson:

Excellent! Hope you enjoyed playing this at least as much as I enjoyed listening to it!

John Henry
12/16/13 06:41:22PM @john-henry:

Maryann, I thank you for watching this, and for your comment!


John Henry
11/28/13 03:43:10AM @john-henry:

May I once again thank the very many of you who have taken the trouble to watch this video !41.gif Must have been the right tune at the right time ? It's played on one of my favourite instruments, which, well it may look OK in the vid, actually has a large hole/split (sorta like a 'depressed fracture'?) in one side, the bits held in place by clear Sellotape, the result of me dropping it down a flight of stairs a long time ago !102.gif Must get round to repairing it one day !!!

And to all who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a great day !!!


John Henry
11/28/13 03:27:56AM @john-henry:

Macy, Phil, and Brian ! Thank you for watching, your comments very much appreciated !


Brian G.
11/28/13 12:02:39AM @brian-g:

Very very nice, John Henry. Thanks for sharing this one.

Mr. Phil Mcdaniel
11/27/13 03:43:52AM @mr-phil:


Macy Jayne
11/26/13 07:28:44PM @wendy-coons-karrasch:

You still got it John Henry! Beautiful, the whiskers tooGrin.gif

John Henry
11/26/13 03:37:37PM @john-henry:

Thank you Anna ! (and a belated 'hippo birdie two ewes')


John Henry
11/25/13 06:50:45PM @john-henry:

Peter, thank you for the comment, the piece hassentimental value for me, my wife often sang it as a solo in happier times, and its one of the tunes that gets played first on any new instrument I build. I am sure that your family will enjoy the treatment you afford it !

best wishes


Peter W.
11/24/13 10:31:06AM @peter-w:

John, that's really beautifully played - and it is a great piece for DAC-tuning. Thanks for sharing that - there are good chances my family will hear that during Christmas time this year... Smile.gif

John Henry
11/24/13 08:01:30AM @john-henry:

Marion , maybe because of that common thread, they are easy to remember and for the most part, uncomplicated and easy to play, cos' they are there in our heads. It seems possible to me that is why the simplicity of older instruments and old hymns/carols seem to have made for a happy 'marriage' back in the day?


Steve Battarbee
11/23/13 06:53:31PM @steve-battarbee:
I've probably done a bit more wassailing than church going but I will certainly be exploring hymns and church music in future because it may be that my preconceptions have caused me to overlook some good music
John Henry
11/23/13 06:31:11PM @john-henry:

Hello Carrie, no worries, it's nice that you have actually bothered to comment, always good to hear from you


And James, my pleasure to reciprocate, you have shared with us recently, thank you for the comment


John Henry
11/23/13 06:27:40PM @john-henry:

Thanks Steve, glad that you enjoyed it !. Not saying you should or should'nt have gone to chuch more, but one generally accepted understanding of the word 'Carol', is to sing in a loud and joyous manner, and up until the 19th c, carols were most likely to be found sung by wassailers and carolers in the squares, streets, pubs and homes of Britain, (and its wholly possible that some of our carols date back to at least the 13th c, and with their association with holly and ivy ect not necessarily derived from 'Christian' association ?)

best wishes


Steve Battarbee
11/23/13 05:36:00PM @steve-battarbee:
This is and some of the carols posted recently is making me think I should have gone to church more. Really enjoyed this. Thanks
James Phillips
11/23/13 05:07:54PM @james-phillips:

this is wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

John Henry
11/22/13 04:43:06PM @john-henry:

Thank you Maryann !, (and fairly easy to 'do'using noter ?)


John Henry
11/20/13 03:22:58AM @john-henry:

Kristi ! Thank you for your comment ! I share your feelings on what you refer to as 'Rudolph Land'! Apart from some 'forward planning' with certain gifts, Advent Sunday and its Carol Service, has been our signal to start thinking about getting ready for Christmas, our tree/evergreen decorations ect go up the weekend before the 25th! I maintain a slant toward the traditional 'Twelve Days of Christmas', tho I acknowledge it is difficult to do other than follow what the commercial world throws at us, particularly where children are involved. I hasten to add that my intention is not to preach, just saying what suits me !

best wishes


John Henry
11/19/13 06:12:27PM @john-henry:

Thanks Karen, I get uneasy when he's kind to me !!!29.gif Ben, I have enjoyed it ever since I heard it first, when my wife to be sang it as a solo, a loooong time ago, and Rick, I have lost weight these last months, but will persevere with the dark clothes, (kinda like 'svelte' !!!)5.gif ! Thank you all for your comments
