John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Lament for Johnp - 'Flowers of The Forest'

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:03:09
Played Noter/Drone on a Mahog/Cedar Meantone fretted, bagpipe tuned, hourglass dulcimer
John Henry
04/14/16 05:08:04AM @john-henry:

Anne Bowman:

Very nice ....

Thanks for listening Anne


John Henry
04/14/16 05:06:24AM @john-henry:

Thanks for comment RobinC..............Norway eh ! Alright for some !       Hope you did'nt mind the Heritage comment........but have had some queries.     They are a bit similar.............fiddle edges, head shape, width, upward pointing hearts, non Eq.temp. fretboard, but as said, I made mine some while ago !

best wishes


Anne Bowman
04/12/16 06:03:20AM @anne-bowman:

Very nice ....

Robin Clark
04/12/16 05:05:45AM @robin-clark:

HI John,

I've just got home from a trip to Norway and found your tune this morning.  Wonderful !  What a beautiful tribute.

Take care,


John Henry
04/12/16 03:35:18AM @john-henry:

Thank you for all comments!   Can I collectively reply here to Emails received asking if I am playing one of Robin Clark's excellent Heritage dulcimers...........the answer is no........ the instrument being played is one I made a long while ago before the recent intro' of the Heritage line


John Henry
04/06/16 01:22:02AM @john-henry:

Again, thanks for all comments, much appreciated !


Dusty Turtle
04/04/16 08:21:36PM @dusty:

That's quite moving, John Henry.  Thanks for honoring John P with such appropriate music.

Steve Battarbee
04/04/16 05:45:40PM @steve-battarbee:

A lovely tribute John. Nice to hear you again

Terry Wilson
04/04/16 08:47:09AM @terry-wilson:

Hi John

Good musuc.  Nice scenic background.   Doesn't get much better than that combo.

robert schuler
04/03/16 07:23:18PM @robert-schuler:

Love that sound... Robert...

Robin Thompson
04/03/16 07:22:54PM @robin-thompson:

What a lovely tribute, John, from one friend to another!  

I'm so sorry you aren't able to spend more time with us here and well understand why. 

Sending love from our home to yours! 

James Phillips
04/03/16 06:59:30PM @james-phillips:

Nice, and I am sure John is smiling on.....

John Henry
04/03/16 05:38:12PM @john-henry:

Thanks to you all for listening and making comment, really appreciated !   Must try and find time to post more often, tho' difficult at the present time...still full time caring for my wife (and it really is 24/7 1)

Ken Hulme
04/03/16 05:00:56PM @ken-hulme:

Beautiful rendition of Flowres of the Forrest, John; and like the original, a fitting tribute to our friend who has passed. 

Rick Kennedy
04/03/16 02:52:34PM @rick-kennedy:

Very touchingly and well played (as always), JH.  Listened a couple of times already and was inspired to look up the tune.

04/03/16 02:27:35PM @strumelia:

John Henry...just beautiful.  

I am certain John is 'playing on'...  

Lexie R Oakley
04/03/16 11:33:19AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Wonderful to hear and see you play J. H. Really nice tribute to our friend, his music lives on in our hearts. Beautifully played.

Gwen Caeli
04/03/16 10:09:02AM @gwen-caeli:

How respectfully lovely, John. Makes one pause in the rush of life to reflect on things that matter.

Cynthia Wigington
04/03/16 08:21:56AM @cynthia-wigington:

How perfectly lovely JH. Deepest respect for the music you play and the way you play it. You just helped me with this one.

04/03/16 05:06:45AM @macaodha:

A lovely tribute to John P, great to see and hear you play John, beautiful.