John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Sherbourne Waltz.wmv

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Duration: 00:02:09
Developed from a English traditional Morris tune, Orange In Bloom, shown to me by John Shaw. Here played noter/drone on a Mahogany ,Cedar, and Rosewood hourglass instrument, which is Mean tone fretted and tuned DGD. ...
Brian G.
10/05/11 07:19:49PM @brian-g:
What a great tune. Beautifully played. (And I also like the shirt.) ;)
Dana R. McCall
10/05/11 07:58:41AM @dana-r-mccall:
Now John they ain't nothin wrong with my eye's I no purdy when I see it. 3.gif
John Henry
10/05/11 03:43:29AM @john-henry:

Beth, one of the features found in our English Morris dancing is a propensity to aim extra long heavy wooden 'noters' at each others heads, not the place for a lady such as youself, lol.

johnp, you have seen me in person and must know that if I stood on one leg I would surely fall over (good to hear from you)

Val, with the attention that our World Cup Rugby team seem intent on drawing upon themselves, it is imperative that I try to stay relaxed ! (just 'cos he's now a 'royal' is no excuse !)

Dana and John, you both refer to me as 'Beautiful', perhaps a visit to the nearest optician..............?

Thank you all for bothering to listen, I had just 'removed' about 1/16th of an inch from the top of that already 'finished' dulcimer, and considerably enlarged its sound holes, so it was really another test drive for it !


John Keane
10/04/11 06:45:24PM @john-keane:
So laid back and beautiful...really nice! Very stylish shirt as well...
10/04/11 02:11:20PM @beth-hansen:

I do love those English traditional tunes! Makes me want to get up and dance. It's great to see more with the noter as well.

john p
10/04/11 01:15:10PM @john-p:

Good stuff John Henry.

* hops on one leg and waves hanky *

john p

10/04/11 01:04:50PM @strumelia:
Very nice easy loping rhythm, John Henry. Pretty tune!
Jim Fawcett
10/04/11 09:09:44AM @jim-fawcett:
very nice, JH
Dana R. McCall
10/04/11 08:35:12AM @dana-r-mccall:
Beautiful John Henry.Grin.gif