John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Reubens Train.wmv

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:02:09
This tune for Robert McCallum, in lieu of a pint ! (the shirt for Bobby Ratclffe, lol) Played noter/drone, using a soft 'ex credit card' pic to achieve a definate 'clack', the noter being the plastic barrel of a discarded biro type pen, on a Mahogany ,Cedar and Rosewood , mean toned fretted ,diatonic three stringed dulcimer, tuned DAc
01/14/12 08:17:01AM @foggers:

I see you continue to work your charms upon the world John!! Tee-hee!!

John Henry
01/10/12 08:08:12AM @john-henry:

Thank you all for listening, and even more for making comment, good or bad its always useful to get feedback !


Jim Fawcett
01/09/12 01:58:53PM @jim-fawcett:

Nice one John.

John Henry
01/08/12 09:02:28AM @john-henry:

Appreciated Randy, I try, but always enjoy ! (wish I knew how you played them fretless thingy's ???)


Randy Adams
01/08/12 08:19:08AM @randy-adams:

yeah....uh huh....

Robin Clark
01/08/12 06:35:15AM @robin-clark:

Nice one John Grin.gif

01/07/12 01:38:00PM @strumelia:

This is great. It has a nice crisp sound and I really like the improvised little ornaments.

John Keane
01/07/12 09:23:19AM @john-keane:

Great job! Bobby will be proud of the shirt I'm sure lol. You are quite a snazzy player and dresser!