A sorry here to those of you who made comment re 'The Odd One Out' . Had a bit of a crisis here on the domestic health front! It was interesting to see the varied thoughts expressed (took me back to when I used to lecture for a living) and of course it would be difficult for anyone to read my mind on the choice,which is the Mawhee, 'cos I cannot warm to playing it, try as I might ! Thanks again for your participation
(for those of you who have requested same, I will try to post a couple of detailed pics of the Mawhee later today)
Thank you for the comments made to date, all interesting ! Await a few more perhaps ?
Lisa ! I believe Bobby is referring to the extreme LH instrument, the one with the 'D' end, which is reasonably near in appearance to the dulcimers made in Grayson County, Virginia, 1910-30 ish ?, by Samuel F Russell, contemporary with Ed Thomas and Jethro Amburgey. And the top middle one you refer to , based on the Mahwee pattern, was made in 2012 , finished just before Mary became ill, maybe because of that it rarely gets played, certainly not posted a tune played on it (irrational or what ?)
I have no hesitation in saying that the most interesting (to me anyway) dulcimer constructions I have carried out have been as a direct result of being a member on this site ! remember, I live in the UK, no nipping off to view exhibits such as that posted by Laura Elder which has recently resurfaced here, (and which prompted this 'odd one out' theme.) All your fault you see
I should be happy if others indicated that which might signify something that made an 'odd one out', I will explain why later.
All of these instruments might be considered as being different to 'the norm' , but one of them is quite definately the 'odd one out' ! Any thoughts on which , and why ?
A sorry here to those of you who made comment re 'The Odd One Out' . Had a bit of a crisis here on the domestic health front! It was interesting to see the varied thoughts expressed (took me back to when I used to lecture for a living) and of course it would be difficult for anyone to read my mind on the choice,which is the Mawhee, 'cos I cannot warm to playing it, try as I might ! Thanks again for your participation
(for those of you who have requested same, I will try to post a couple of detailed pics of the Mawhee later today)
They are all beautiful! In that respect none are different.
It was a BIG table leg john !
The Ed Thomas is the only one made out of a table leg
I remember when you first posted about it I had to find some plans to see how it could be done.
Darn it, I knew that last post was taking to long, lol, sorry Bobby
Thank you for the comments made to date, all interesting ! Await a few more perhaps ?
Lisa ! I believe Bobby is referring to the extreme LH instrument, the one with the 'D' end, which is reasonably near in appearance to the dulcimers made in Grayson County, Virginia, 1910-30 ish ?, by Samuel F Russell, contemporary with Ed Thomas and Jethro Amburgey. And the top middle one you refer to , based on the Mahwee pattern, was made in 2012 , finished just before Mary became ill, maybe because of that it rarely gets played, certainly not posted a tune played on it (irrational or what ?)
I have no hesitation in saying that the most interesting (to me anyway) dulcimer constructions I have carried out have been as a direct result of being a member on this site ! remember, I live in the UK, no nipping off to view exhibits such as that posted by Laura Elder which has recently resurfaced here, (and which prompted this 'odd one out' theme.) All your fault you see
I should be happy if others indicated that which might signify something that made an 'odd one out', I will explain why later.
thank you JohnH
I'm probably wrong - but the TMB. Because it's the only one held together with nails!
Which is the Russell one?
The Prichard, because you did not make it.
OR... the Early Virginia, which is the only one with added frets.
OR... the TMB, which is the only one with the tuning mechanisms at the 'tail' end.
OR... the top middle one, which might be the only one made before you joined FOTMD? (correct me if I'm wrong about that)
Regardless, they are all AMAZING.
As to 'why'...well I can't imagine!
on 2nd thought, the Prichard replica, b/c Kevin Messenger made it and the others you made.
either the music box or the Keith Young inspired Early Virginia.
All of these instruments might be considered as being different to 'the norm'
, but one of them is quite definately the 'odd one out' ! Any thoughts on which
, and why