John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Flowers of the Forest

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video file: 9.7MB, 00:02:43

Rev. Wayne McAllister
02/27/16 02:47:40PM @rev-wayne-mcallister:


You made reference to Tonic Drones - just interested in what TD are.



John Henry
01/11/15 05:57:12PM @john-henry:

Thank you Lexie, glad that you enjoyed listening, you can thank Cy W for its (temp?) resurection, lol


(Cy, are you referring to the dulcimer in use ?)

Lexie R Oakley
01/11/15 01:38:14PM @lexie-r-oakley:

I love how you strum this tune to get the most beautiful sound from it..Thank you John it is just lovely.

Cynthia Wigington
01/11/15 12:11:22PM @cynthia-wigington:

So lovely John, made it a favorite. You should go into real estate. I think many of us want to join the John Henry Dulcimer Collective. This is great for number one, what do you think would be good for number 2 and 3?Smile.gif

John Henry
01/11/15 10:47:19AM @john-henry:

For Cy W


John Henry
08/22/11 07:32:16AM @john-henry:

Ken, good to hear from you, and thank you (both) for the kind comment. I trust that you are continuing to keep well?


Flint Hill
08/21/11 05:15:19PM @flint-hill:

I still love this John Henry, and it got great marks from my wife just now. It's majestic.

John Henry
08/21/11 08:31:35AM @john-henry:

Its heard a lot at millitary funerals these days Val, which is way I had the thought that it may not have been to everyone's taste to post it here , but I do not think that anyone has objected ? Yes, I heard Roger play it 'in the flesh' so to speak, he made a far better job of it than I, but as I have remarked before, he seemed to have had at least two extra fingers on each hand !!!


Brian G.
08/21/11 07:54:18AM @brian-g:
John - I have to agree with everyone else - this is beautifully melancholy and I love it. Flint mentioned about mixolydian tunes being eerily beautiful. I couldn't agree more. :) Thank you for sharing this.
John Henry
08/23/10 01:30:34PM @john-henry:
Thank you Jennifer. If I lived anywhere near to where you play out, I would love to bring my Hammered Dulc and bodran along to join in, just love the postings you make !John
Guy Babusek
08/22/10 11:41:45PM @guy-babusek:
I love your playing, and your choice of tunes. This one really is an excellent choice for the bagpipe tuning.
Robin Thompson
08/17/10 06:51:21PM @robin-thompson:
Bagpipe tuning and Flowers of the Forest go together so well. Thank you for posting this, John.
John Henry
08/17/10 02:35:10PM @john-henry:
Thanks for comment Rod. I intend to 'try again' this evening,and I hope that I can make it, it sounds as if you have some good stuff going on!John
John Henry
08/17/10 12:47:40PM @john-henry:
Strumeila, I am not sure if Ken's remark applies to me, or the tune...........?John
08/17/10 12:45:15PM @strumelia:
John Henry- this is a perfect example of why I feel some tunes do not sound good with a drone tuned to a fifth, such as DAA or DAd. If you play the same thing tuned CGC rather than the CCC you chose, it would just NOT have the same poignancy at all.I like playing most D tunes and C tunes with tonic drones only.
08/17/10 12:41:46PM @strumelia:
'eerie beauty'....what a delicious term!
Rod Westerfield
08/17/10 11:40:21AM @rod-westerfield:
well done John... I like it Smile.gif
Flint Hill
08/17/10 11:10:52AM @flint-hill:
That's melancholy and beautiful, John. Good work on this.It's Mixolydian, too, I believe, which gives it part of it's eerie beauty.
Dana R. McCall
08/17/10 10:46:37AM @dana-r-mccall:
I loved that JH very pretty tune.