Randy Adams


Location: Lincoln, NE
Country: US

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youtube videos: 98
images: 25
videos: 2
audio tracks: 7

Holding the Noter

streams: 22
video file: 7.5MB, 00:11:29

Randy Adams
02/19/10 09:28:36PM @randy-adams:
You explained it perfectly Suzanne! Like you I just started holding the noter that-a-way. I think it's just the body doing it's natural thing for some people. Thx for telling me that... now I don't hafta think I'm doing something wrong either!...b/c as far as I know it's just you & me baby!... : )....
Randy Adams
12/29/09 08:57:27PM @randy-adams:
Your welcome. I don't give music lessons to anyone & it makes me feel good to know you think the vid is helpful & I may be doing my little part to help the cause.
Robin Thompson
12/24/09 04:31:25PM @robin-thompson:
Your video will encourage more folks to hang with noter play long enough to explore the nuances of what happens physically when noting tunes. I'm hoping so, anyway. Fine noter play is called for by lots of great tunes. :)
Randy Adams
12/23/09 05:37:46PM @randy-adams:
I don't know about an art form but there's a little kinesiology in there somewhere huh? Glad you think it's helpful. Quite allright to post it wherever you want.
12/23/09 12:55:12PM @strumelia:
Wow Randy, you've got it down to an art form! Some great helpful stuff there.I hope you don't mind that I added a link to your demo on my noter blog post about holding and positioning noters. :)