Randy Adams


Location: Lincoln, NE
Country: US

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youtube videos: 98
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audio tracks: 7

The Noter Jedi Stutter

musician/member name: Music
Duration: 00:02:44
Old time dulcimer
12/02/24 12:17:05PM @davisjames:

You really put the boots to that one..in a good way.Love the beginning,for me at least it's all about getting started on the correct foot.Also,my theory of recording now that I don't make a living at it anymore:Every performance should have a mistake,also a place where you do something you've never done before.In my experience the 2 seem dependent on one aother,laugh.  

11/25/24 12:59:24AM @strumelia:

I love your sound Ran Man.  I too like that the hounds are gathered 'round, obviously they are fans.

Randy Adams
11/24/24 07:29:56PM @randy-adams:

The pups are used to me summoning the Force, only to be foiled by the Darkside momentarily.  

That's R2D2 singing at the end.


Robin Thompson
11/24/24 11:42:23AM @robin-thompson:

The force is strong.  dulcimer   The pups seem to think so, too.