John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Tumbalalaika (?play balalaika?)

streams: 11
video file: 7.7MB, 00:02:03

John Henry
09/29/13 05:45:42PM @john-henry:

Thank you Mary, one from a while back, inspired by one 'Geekling', of whom you may have noticed some comment of late. (a shrewd cookie, always ready with a suitable quip !)


John Henry
04/03/11 05:40:55PM @john-henry:

OLD CHAP , indeed !!! Hi Robin, you can get a variety of thickness/flexibilies from 'yer average shoe, and just as when using a quill it is possible to 'change' tone by adjusting grip. I am well pleased with the results that I am getting. I keep meaning to call in at the local cobbler's to pick up a few trimmings of new leather just to see what it plays like. (The 'other' Robin uses felt to some effect?)


Robin Clark
04/03/11 11:52:06AM @robin-clark:

Hi John,

Very nice indeed old chap Grin.gif

I like the leather - I've been looking for other trad picks (besides quills) for slow ballads. I'm always a bit dissapointed with the tone of plastic or nylon for noter playing Frown.gif

John Henry
03/31/11 07:57:34AM @john-henry:

Glad to have been of service Geekling, did you find "www." ? It is on there as well .

I have'nt worked out why you are around at roughly the same time as me 7.gif , it's nearly noon here in the UK 110.gif , your last message 3 hrs ago??? 39.gif ( Do'nt knock the bagel, I love 'em


John Henry
03/30/11 06:00:50AM @john-henry:

Hello Geekling, glad that you enjoyed the tune. I seem to have known it 'forever', I used to try to play Klezmer on my hammered dulcimer (very badly) and must have picked it up along the way, and recently while looking for something else came across it on Utube , and decided to 'give it a go'. I play mostly 'by ear' so there is no tab for what I played, (if you are really stuck I will try to write one so long as you don't laff!) but since reading your post I have googled 'Tumbalalaika' and there is lots to look at (?Yiddish Folk Song Sheet Music?) I should have gone there myself, I might have got the tune right !!! (Tho' as played by me it is fairly simple, I find that noter/drone allows for the odd bum note?)

best wishes


Dana R. McCall
03/29/11 10:53:06PM @dana-r-mccall:
Very nice JH I need to try other tunings. I loved the sound of this.
John Henry
03/29/11 06:47:22PM @john-henry:

Hello John, thank you for listening. Yes, the dulcimer was made in 1986, long before 'the world wide web' when information on the construction of our instrument was hard to come by in the UK. It is my favourite and most used dulcimer, of fairly 'lightweight' construction, a bit battered and bent, (just a bit like its owner) but with the relatively recent addition of heavier strings seems to have gained ' a new life', and I particularly like it tuned DAC.

my regards


John Henry
03/29/11 03:16:50AM @john-henry:

Thanks Randy, appreciated !


Randy Adams
03/28/11 06:31:17PM @randy-adams:
Like it lots John Henry. That piece of leather makes a fine pick. Particularly like the vibrato you have going there....noter innovation!
John Henry
03/28/11 05:07:50PM @john-henry:

Thank you razyn. Of course, my intention was not to try and replicate the sound of any form of balalika, merely to continue experimenting with various mediums while exploring my love of noter/drone dulcimer, the actual tune chosen was random. I note your comment on the use of stiffer leather, and will try it.


03/28/11 03:37:28PM @razyn:
In case anybody cares, actual prima (melody) balalaikas are played with bare fingers; but all the bigger sizes (sekunda, alto, bass and kontrabass) are played with leather plectra, of increasing size and thickness. My KB is played with a piece of bull hide nearly 1/4 inch thick, and a shade over 2" square. Lots of KB players use shoe leather -- but from the sole, not the tongue, of the shoe. It used to be possible to get scrap leather in the desired thicknesses from Tandy Leather Co. outlets. I'm not sure there are any such stores, nowadays. Most players want the leather stiffened in some way -- by soaking in water and drying, boiling, or some other harsh treatment.
John Henry
03/28/11 03:18:54PM @john-henry:

Thank you Daniel, I am glad that you enjoyed the tune. The piece of leather I used is just over 2" long , 3/4" wide (cut to taper), and just over 1/8" thick, and I held it quite low down on its length. I am sure that leather has been used many, many, times before for this purpose !!!


John Henry
03/28/11 03:10:28PM @john-henry:

Thanks Robin, I have been looking for a piece of thick felt to use as a pick for some time ( I wonder why???). Over the w/e I had to make some H/D hammers, and on going into my scrap box found the leather, and thought the tune would be good to try with my new pick !!


Robin Thompson
03/28/11 02:30:43PM @robin-thompson:
This is so very fine, John Henry. That tuning sets mood so well, too.
03/28/11 01:01:48PM @folkfan:
Mazel tov, well done. I enjoyed singing along to your playing.
Dan Goad
03/28/11 12:35:29PM @dan-goad:
That was very nice, John. I;ll have to find some leather scraps I have around here and try that for a pick. I haven't thought much about using a leather pick until I heard your song. Thanks.
BJ Jordan
03/28/11 07:29:40AM @betty-bj-jordan:

Very well done. Just love to hear that DAC sound.