John Henry


Location: Bristol
Country: GB

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Westphalia Waltz - You can blame Robin Thompson for this !!!

musician/member name:
Duration: 00:01:37
ZOOM Handy Video Recorder, Old style Virginia, Galex tuned, all cherry dulcimer, strung with 0.010. 0.010, 0.009, 0.009 plain steel strings, played noter/drone using the butt end of a turkey quill for a noter and a .46 'Jim Dunlop' pic, ala Phyllis Gaskins
John Henry
03/08/14 08:49:04AM @john-henry:

Thank you Cindy, as Robin has indicated, (did you listen to her's?) some of us more or less decided at about the same time to attempt to play 'waltzes', although played often on HD, not too many folk seem to like playing them on our MD, difficult to 'visualize' that old 'one-two-three' tempo perhaps ?


Robin Thompson
03/07/14 11:27:44PM @robin-thompson:
I'm happy to be blamed for this! :)John, a waltzing fever did strike some of us back in '12. Perhaps it'll strike again in '14. ;) It's a good fever.
Cindy Stammich
03/07/14 10:36:19PM @cindy-stammich:
Ok so we will blame Robin! I am glad we can blame her because this was lovely!
John Henry
11/11/12 02:34:48AM @john-henry:

Thank you for the comment Tom, glad that you found it pleasing


John Henry
11/01/12 06:32:24PM @john-henry:

Hi Kevin, I thought I did this yesterday (not groundhog day is it, lol) Thank you for r watching and finding time to make comment,


John Henry
10/31/12 10:59:42AM @john-henry:

Thanks for watching and making comment Barbara, appreciated !


Kevin Messenger
10/30/12 09:29:24PM @kevin-messenger:

John Henry I dont now how ,but , I missed this . That was a great song, played wonderfully. I hope I get to hear you play that Prichard in the near future. Im sure Robin will let loose of it for a min. or three. Allways enjoy seeing your videos keep them a coming. Kevin.

John Henry
10/21/12 12:09:54PM @john-henry:

My playing makes you laugh ? Thanks Karen 3.gif !


Karen Keane
10/20/12 05:21:53PM @karen-keane:

That was just awesome! You brought a smile to these tired eyes! Great job!!

John Henry
10/20/12 11:58:18AM @john-henry:

Thank you Macy Jayne, we aim to please ! And Mike, I know what you mean about waltz music, for some reason I find it much easier to 'do' properly on the HD, something to do with the hands replicating the rythm I suspect ?

Gayle, a galex dulcimer has all its strings tuned the same, the noter plays 'the tune' on either one or two of them, the remainder happily drone along as a constant accompliment ?

Thank you all for your comments


Macy Jayne
10/20/12 07:20:01AM @wendy-coons-karrasch:

Jolly good playin John HenryGrin.gif

John Henry
10/19/12 10:36:20AM @john-henry:

Thanks Brian, if you could enjoy it with all the bum notes, just think what you might have got from it were it perfect, lol.7.gif

Randy, your comment 'has a charm of its own' links in with what I have just said to Brian 39.gif , still, I will take it as a compliment, chuckle, thank you. I think the playing of waltzes ain't as simple as it might be, I really do have to imagine (read 'remember what it was like' ?) that I am dancing.

And Robin it surely is my privilege to share a dance with you over such a distance ! And I can assure you it is better for you that way 78.gif


Randy Adams
10/18/12 09:55:20PM @randy-adams:

Sure do like this rendition John Henry.....has a charm all it's own. She's got me playing waltzes the last few days too.... : )...

Robin Thompson
10/18/12 09:37:26PM @robin-thompson:

John, I love this and it's a privilege to take any blame for it.Smile.gif

Hugs from both of us, friend!

Brian G.
10/18/12 08:36:52PM @brian-g:

That was excellent, John H. Don't know what else needs to be said. I really enjoyed it. :)

Rick Kennedy
10/18/12 06:57:10PM @rick-kennedy:

Another good one, John--and a different view of Maison Crocker. I also loved that last bit when you looked up at the camera--doesn't hurt to say a few words, either!Grin.gif

John Henry
10/18/12 11:27:07AM @john-henry:

Carrie, Kimberly, thank you so much for your polite comment on my tune, really appreciated !!!

Hey johnp, until about three years ago my computer looked just about the same as that shown in Stumelia's pic, and boy, was it sloooooooooooow45.gif !


john p
10/18/12 07:43:44AM @john-p:

Hey ... I've got one of them in the back of the cave somewhere.

All the latest stuff on it, the hard drive is clockwork, although the floppy still has to be cranked by hand, latest multicolour screen(amber on black), connects to the internet by semaphore.
Not very green though so I stopped using it - it's oil fired.

Have to agree about waltzes, folks love 'em.


John Henry
10/18/12 06:25:43AM @john-henry:

"HD"? Hmmm, judging by Strumelia's representation of me that would be 'Hard Done-by' I guess, ( kids today got no respect for their elders!!! )

Thanks for listening Steph,


Cheryl Johnson
10/17/12 08:37:16PM @cheryl-johnson:

Now that there's funny. Caveman John Henry... you've come a long way! :)