Patty from Virginia


Location: Manassas, VA
Country: US

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Quill experiment

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Duration: 00:02:20
experimenting using a quill to strum
08/07/12 09:32:08AM @folkfan:

Birds can carry the virus and transmit it through mosquito bites to humans and other mammals. I just commented about not picking up the feathers as some states seem to be more aggressive when it comes to sticking to the letter of the law about migratory birds than other states do. And that if someone just goes out and picks up feathers without taking some precautions then the possibility of disease comes into play. Like snitching a quill from a road kill.

Or carrying parasites home on goose turd covered shoes. And everywhere there are geese there are turds. Some of the parking lots and parks near any body of water around here are nigh on knee deep in the stuff. Blasted geese.

Fleas and lice UGH. I had an incident with bird lice when I cleaned out a bird house. I took of the bottom and realized that there were still critters living in the box. YUCK Made my skin crawl.

Patty from Virginia
08/06/12 03:26:50PM @patty-from-virginia:

FF, I'm not sure how it is where you live but in my neck of the woods West Nile Virus is contracted by mosquito bites. Also, bird flu is linked to poultry farms. My state has strict guidelines as I'm sure other states do too for farming practices. I did want to post something about Resident Geese because they are problematic for my area especially for farmers that is why the USFWS and our VDGIF along with the Dept. of Agriculture issued depredation orders.My husband and I hunt and fish. We always take the necessary precautions most of which are common sense. Did you know that you can catch a disease from a pet store pet? Pet Iguanas are notorious for carrying salmonella. Also, and I'm sure my health care friends could give input on this, hospitals and nursing homes can harbor very dangerous bacteria. I have a friend who is battling CDiff currently which she contracted at the hospital. Unfortunately there are dangers everywhere but I think when people take common sense precautions and follow guidelines they'll be just fine. My dog got fleas this springGrin.gif We got rid of them. She's okay and we are tooGrin.gif Okay John K. no flea got me laughing so hard the other night I about fell on the floorGrin.gif

08/06/12 11:01:16AM @folkfan:

Patty, I think part of my caution about picking up feathers or getting near dead birds, comes from the West Nile Virus and bird flu. Here in Illinois we lost flocks of various birds a few years ago to disease. There were dead birds every where and we were cauctioned about not picking them up, but report the birds to the correct state dept. I used to have a backyard that hummed and chirped with life and then it was all gone. Though this year I have seen 1 cardinal, a couple of robins, and a hummingbird. There are some huge flocks of Canada geese at different areas in the surrounding villages but even those aren't the sky darkening flocks of years ago, and people are warned against going near them. Fleas, lice, and parasites in the poop are frequently mentioned.

Also a few years back, I remember reading about a weaver who had picked up feathers an added them to a wall hanging. She was fined for possession of illegal bird feathers.

So I don't want to dissuade anyone from trying playing by quills, but to take some precautions with the type of quill they get and how they get it. That's all.

08/06/12 08:55:48AM @sam:

We have similar legislation here, but so far I can only find it in place for agricultural activities. Canada geese have devastated large sections of a formerly beautiful area here. Due to a burgeoning overpopulation situation it's only a matter of time until nature steps in and disease will do the job our ... ahem ... wildlife management folks won't.

Patty from Virginia
08/06/12 08:33:24AM @patty-from-virginia:

Just to clear up something in reference to Resident Canada Geese. The USFWS, Feds, have issued depredation orders for Resident Canada Geese in my state. You can read about it here, . I'm not sure about other states. You can check your DNR. I only know that Resident Canada Geese are a major problem in my state.

Patty from Virginia
08/05/12 06:44:21PM @patty-from-virginia:

Robin, Thanks for the adviceSmile.gif . I did try the in-strum and it is easier. And yes, I do need more control.

Robin Clark
08/05/12 06:12:06PM @robin-clark:

Hi Patty,

Have a go at holding the quill a little more towards the middle rather than right at the fat end. Also have a go at working off an in-strum lead rather than an out-strum lead. You'll get a little more control by holding the quill at its balance point. And an in-strum lead comes off the melody string last and so emphasises the melody over the drones.

Patty from Virginia
08/04/12 10:41:21PM @patty-from-virginia:

Sorry FF, these feathers were on private property, already molted and in poor condition. They were either going to get picked up or mowed up. I thought I would pick them up before they got chopped up in the mower. And yes I will pick up feathers on my private property. If the feds want to put me in prison for picking up feathers on my private property then so be itGrin.gif

08/04/12 09:33:15PM @folkfan:

Can't spell tonight "residents"

08/04/12 09:32:17PM @folkfan:

Safer to buy goose feathers from a craft store rather than pick up molted feathers, as Canada geese are covered by Federal law. It's actually a legal no-no to have the bird, it's parts including feathers, nests, eggs etc. in your possesion. Even if the Canada geese are permanent local residence who are really bad neighbors (poop all over the place)

Robin Thompson
08/04/12 09:25:54PM @robin-thompson:

If any of you find your quills not lasting long, try leaving a bit of the fuzzy stuff on the feather.3.gif (I always do.)

I just pick up feathers that birds have dropped. No birds harmed. :)

RavenMadd Garcia
08/04/12 08:41:44PM @ravenmadd-garcia:

molted feathers thats it .....the canadien geese population has boomed in jersey they fill up the big field in my local park ....I'll walk around with my cup of coffee in the morning and check ....I know where two of our mated pair of golden eagles nest .....I love watching them flying and catching local rabbits

Patty from Virginia
08/04/12 08:33:53PM @patty-from-virginia:

Raven, I shaved the barbs off with a razor blade. Folkfan, the Canada geese population, especially the locals, are just about considered a nuisance species around here but thanks for the heads up. And to allay anyone's fears I did not harm any birds. The feathers I collected were molted. The geese molt about this time of year. JK, no possums this timeGrin.gif

RavenMadd Garcia
08/04/12 08:02:26PM @ravenmadd-garcia:

just walk around my local park .....I have a few crow feathers I found that I need them memory fails me Frown.gif

08/04/12 06:27:45PM @folkfan:

Take care when you hunt for feathers. There can be big fines for collecting and keeping certain bird feathers. The federals will get you if you don't take care.

John Keane
08/04/12 05:37:11PM @john-keane:

Awesome...but no possum? Grin.gif

RavenMadd Garcia
08/04/12 04:21:36PM @ravenmadd-garcia:

poor seagulls ,turkeys and golden eagles around my zone are in trouble tomorrow

Robin Thompson
08/04/12 03:36:08PM @robin-thompson:

Gee, thanks, Patty!9.gif You'll be strumming away once you've had a chance to spend more time doing it!113.gif

I wish I could tell you exactly what type feathers I use but I don't know birds as well as I should. 5.gif I find feathers dropped by wild turkeys and crows. Size-wise, I like the Goldilocks feathers-- they're not the big wing feathers and they're not the smallest feathers either.Smile.gif As you demonstrated well in your video, by trying different things, you can hit on what works for you.

Patty from Virginia
08/04/12 11:21:46AM @patty-from-virginia:

Robin, what type of feathers do you use? I love to hear you play. I hope I can get close to being as good as you some daySmile.gif

Robin Thompson
08/04/12 11:13:51AM @robin-thompson:

Patty, for the type of strumming I do, I prefer smaller quills than those big ol' wing feathers. For Galax style strumming, though, those big ol' wing feathers are just the thing! Smile.gif