Welcome to my neck of the woods
I built my first dulcimer from a kit, from Cripple Creek Dulcimer in Manitou Springs, CO in late 2007 (the one on the far left). I have been playing ever since the build was done in early 2008. Self taught as it were. Love to sit on the porch swing when it's warm enough and strum away.
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AllA Good Night of Jammin...
Posted: Sunday May 15 2011, 8:10 PM
By: @Robin Thompson
By: @Robin Thompson
Hi Jim, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family! 🦃
Thanks Jim for the welcome.
Thanks, Jim, happy to be here!
Thanks so much!
Thank you, Jim!
Thank you for your kind reply! Learning and loving this new instrument!
Thank you sir - I appreciate it!
Thanks 🙂
Thank you so much for the warm welcome!
Thank you! Glad I found my way here, too.
Thank you so much. This is a new journey for me
Thanks so much to my new music friends. Can we share TAB music here? I am looking for some new songs to add to my collection, but I don't always know the titles to be able to look up online. If anyone has a good tune to share, I sure would appreciate it.
Glad to be here!
Thank you for welcoming me.
Thank you so much. I can't wait to get started and learn from you all. I'm sure I've come to the right place.
Jim , thank you!!! I am looking forward to getting to know everyone here better!
Howdy Jim,
Thanks for the welcome. I am happy to be here!
hi jim, i don't know of any players nearby, but then again I've only been playing for a month, myself. Via the internet the closest dulcimer club I found is about 75 minutes away by car and they seem to have only a facebook site. I'm hesitant to join a social media platform, especially facebook (it's a thing of mine) :) So for now I guess I'll keep on looking.
Thanks, Jim. This is my first venture into a forum, so please forgive my tardiness in acknowledging your welcome. I just recently bought my dulcimer online via The Guitar Center which listed it as a Dulcimer Factory instrument. Looking into it a bit more I think it is a Hill Country Dulcimers model. Do you know anything about either of these companies?