Cynthia Wigington


Location: Fairlee, VT
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

lmcwilli Jeff Curtis Ansis Beth T StudentofRhythm DavisJames CarolynF Lisa C Nate Liza Combs kjb dulcidom Celtic Cowboy granto Ariane terry ritchey Banjostray PapaSims Don Grundy sweetbriar mbethical cairney Julia Gabriele Tennessee Jed Laurel K Scott Billy T Jennifer Ranger JenniferC E.Vincent Kevin R. hugssandi Redmando dulcinina Kandee Mill Branch Dulcimores Kevin Burns Charles Thomas Annie Deeley Monica Cat Brown Volha David Pedersen Bob Reinsel Noah Aikens Oliver Ogden Lexie R Oakley Vicki Moore Michael Ebersohl Stephen Addison Don Kemper


Playlists: 1
youtube videos: 34
images: 9

Latest Activity

Cynthia Wigington
@cynthia-wigington • 5 years ago • comments: 0
There is a very positive first aid initiative in this country called "Stop the Bleed". Bleeding from trauma is the 2nd major cause of death in this country. Anyone can take these courses as it's pretty straight forward. As a longtime EMT who was on our rural first aid squad for a decade, I am so thrilled we are doing this in the US. Our local fire department gives the courses, free.

Latest Group Discussions

Cynthia Wigington

Interactive Rhythm Tutor on-line

I see a lot of beginners, and any who come to me for help really...
@Cynthia Wigington 10 years ago - Comments: 10

Latest Photos

Spat with a cat.jpeg
Robin & Mark.jpeg
Charles Thomas All is Well.jpeg
Robin Bowed Dulcomer.jpg
BBarr, LR w llama and merino sheep.jpg
Scan 2.jpg
Scan 9.jpeg

Latest Forum Discussions


Tenor Guitars

Posted: Wednesday May 15 2024, 9:59 AM
By: @shanonmilan


Posted: Thursday August 15 2019, 8:13 PM
By: @Dusty Turtle

Stewart-MacDonald Black Walnut dulcimer kit

Posted: Friday October 3 2014, 4:45 PM
By: @Cynthia Wigington


Jeff Curtis
12/05/22 08:39:46AM @jeff-curtis:

Thank You Cynthia,

I am looking forward to learning from and receiving great advice from the members of this forum. Thank you for your encouragement.

Ken Longfield
07/17/22 11:20:14AM @ken-longfield:

Hello, Cynthia,

Betty and I recently traveled through southern Vermont on our way to Camp Calumet in New Hampshire. We spent a week camping with family there.

Best wishes,


Cindy Stammich
05/19/18 03:30:33PM @cindy-stammich:

Hi Cynthia!

How are doing?

I hope you post some new videos sometime soon!happys

Cynthia Wigington
02/18/18 09:29:15AM @cynthia-wigington:

Still here Terry, I was out roof raking this morning when you were on. We'll catch up on chat soon I'm guessing.

terry ritchey
02/17/18 08:41:24PM @wiseraven2000:

hello how are you i miss you from the old sight


terry ritchey
02/12/18 02:36:17AM @wiseraven2000:

hello i didnt want you to think ive forgotten you just wanted to say hi and i miss our chats


Robin Clark
01/31/18 06:53:43AM @robin-clark:

Thanks for your offer about sending some Peg Drops Cynthia.  If no one in the UK can point me towards a supplier I'll send you a PM with my address and we can sort out payment via PayPal.


terry ritchey
01/19/18 06:15:08PM @wiseraven2000:

Awesome how are you doing these days I left comments on your videos

terry ritchey
01/19/18 04:37:11PM @wiseraven2000:

I can't it says it's pendingthat means I have to wait for your approval honey

terry ritchey
01/19/18 06:22:49AM @wiseraven2000:

Lol I'm awaiting your approval so how have you been

12/30/17 01:06:36PM @bonger:

Thanks Cynthia, we are frigid too, but probably not as cold as Vermont.

12/30/17 08:21:56AM @fordferguson:

Thanks for the advise Cynthia, yes I do love hymns, very anxious to receive my dulcimer, not due until the end of January, not even made yet

Cat Brown
12/14/17 08:24:20AM @cat-brown:

Oh bless you!    This will be so peaceful...


Dan Goad
08/26/17 07:37:57PM @dan-goad:

Cynthia, I thinik this article will interest you and your friend.

bear 1.pdf  •  594KB

Bear 2.pdf  •  761KB

Bear 3.pdf  •  709KB

Bear 4.pdf  •  646KB

06/10/17 08:39:23AM @pluckette:

Thank you Cynthia.  Yes, The Villages Beginning Dulcimer club that got me into playing is a great group and really helps us newbies get started. I do love to play the Covered Bridge Waltz as you noted.  Love this site--so fun and so useful.


06/09/17 01:04:55PM @mbethical:

Thanks so much, Cynthia.  Some day I hope to be able to play that mash up (and find the tabs for it!).  I have relatives in your area - maybe we will strum together some day!

Mary Beth

David Pedersen
05/02/17 07:17:38PM @david-pedersen:

Hi Cynthia, just followed you, perhaps you could do the same so we can talk about Uke and MD.




Cindy Stammich
04/29/17 10:15:43PM @cindy-stammich:

Hi Cynthia!  So you lived in France???  How long did you live there?  Just wondering smile

Have you been playing?  I hope so!

Cynthia Wigington
03/29/17 06:58:13AM @cynthia-wigington:

Se vuoi podere communicare con altri qui, devi accetare "follow Cinzia". Come questo possiamo communicare privatamente senza annoiare tutti bli altri lol. Non credo che viaggero piu fuoiri degli Stati, ma qui sa, non? Mi faceva molto piacere di conoscerla anche a me - di dove sei in Italia?

Tennessee Jed
03/22/17 04:11:48PM @tennessee-jed:

Thanks for the warm welcome.   I like this site and the people just amaze me. I am trying to find a Dulcimer that I will like to start playing on. There doesn't seem to be any stores local though.  I may have to travel down to WV to sample some dulcimers.