I am retired and live in the Appalachian Mountains of Pennsylvania. I built my first mountain dulcimer in 1974. I continue to build mountain dulcimers, hammered dulcimers and do repair work on them as well as guitars and banjos. I enjoy old time music, bluegrass, and folk music from before and after the folk scare of the 1950s and 1960s.
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Latest Group Discussions
AllAnother Tabledit question
Yesterday I updated my Tabledit for Mac to version 3.03 a4a. I can no...
@Ken Longfield 2 years ago - Comments: 10
T - 6
This is my sixth teardrop dulcimer. The shape comes from plans by Scott...
@Ken Longfield 4 years ago - Comments: 12
Latest project - Prichard
I started to build a C.N. Prichard reproduction, but made a mistake...
@Ken Longfield 5 years ago - Comments: 9
Making wood tuning pegs
For those of us who make wood tuning pegs, what finish do you put on...
@Ken Longfield 5 years ago - Comments: 3
Current build
Here are some photos as I near the completion of this project. The...
@Ken Longfield 5 years ago - Comments: 15
Tuning peg knobs
I have a customer who is having the tuning pegs replaced on two of his...
@Ken Longfield 6 years ago - Comments: 23
Wood Choice - Food For Thought
I came across this experiment for classical guitars and found it...
@Ken Longfield 9 years ago - Comments: 13
The Ugly Dulcimer - A Story
Somewhere and at sometime someone decided to build a mountain dulcimer...
@Ken Longfield 7 years ago - Comments: 8
Repairing a Diamond Dulcimer
While this is not a build, we do not have a specific area to show...
@Ken Longfield 11 years ago - Comments: 17
PA German Zitter
Here are some photos of PA German zitter reproduction I'm making. There...
@Ken Longfield 8 years ago - Comments: 17
Not a Mountain Dulcimer
A few folks here at FOTMD know that I was working on a hammered...
@Ken Longfield 12 years ago - Comments: 9
A New "Old" Project
Back maybe 20 to 25 years ago, my sister was wandering through a yard...
@Ken Longfield 8 years ago - Comments: 2
Stanley Hicks article
Although not dulcimer specific, Stanley Hicks played a significant...
@Ken Longfield 9 years ago - Comments: 8
The Story of the Dulcimer, Second Edition
This is just a notice that it is available for pre-ordering on Amazon.
@Ken Longfield 10 years ago - Comments: 14
PA German Zitter
As I understand it, Jean Ritchie saw a PA German Zitter in the...
@Ken Longfield 10 years ago - Comments: 0
Old-time West Virginia bands
County Sales currently has these two CDs on sale for $7.00 each if...
@Ken Longfield 10 years ago - Comments: 1
Wartz Tab Book Corrections
In the Wartz tab book for the DAA "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms," the...
@Ken Longfield 11 years ago - Comments: 2
My First Prichard
It is not quite finished, but I thought I would share a photo of my...
@Ken Longfield 11 years ago - Comments: 14
J. E. Thomas Dulcimer #1465 played by Joe Collins
Here is a link to a video of Joe Collins playing my James E. "Uncle Ed"...
@Ken Longfield 11 years ago - Comments: 6
String tension calculations
Over at the Banjo Hangout I saw a posting for a string tension...
@Ken Longfield 11 years ago - Comments: 5
Latest Photos
AllLatest Forum Discussions
AllAppalachian Dulcimer Museum
By: @Jerry Posner
Pete Seeger
By: @Robin Thompson
Something Old with a new surprise
By: @Ken Longfield
Folklife in Ohio
By: @cairney
Dulcimer Players News demise
By: @Ken Longfield
Something to watch
By: @Ken Longfield
Robert N. Lackey, rest in peace
By: @Dusty Turtle
Just For Fun - sayings regarding the...
By: @shanonmilan
By: @Strumelia
Gary Sager
By: @Robin Thompson
John Crocker
By: @Ken Longfield
Mike Clemmer
By: @Skip
Don Pedi honored
By: @Susie
Joni Mitchell and Mountain Dulcimers
By: @Dusty Turtle
Zoom group invitation
By: @Ken Longfield
An Interesting News Story from West Virginia
By: @Ken Longfield
Bonnie Carol
By: @Ken Longfield
Newspaper Article
By: @Robin Thompson
Jon Pickow's last performance
By: @Ken Hulme
Sad News -- RIP Ralph Lee Smith
By: @Robin Thompson
Dr. George Orthey, Mountain dulcimer and...
By: @Robin Thompson
Anyone bidding"
By: @Susie
The New ED
By: @Ken Longfield
Guitar project
By: @Susie
Sad News
By: @jeffrey charles foster
Capritaurus Dulcimer - Oh My!
By: @Robin Thompson
Hindman Dulcimer Homecoming
By: @Jan Potts
Ukulele construction
By: @Ken Longfield
Hindman, Kentucky
By: @John C. Knopf
Wayfaring Strangers
By: @Ken Longfield
Thank you for the welcome Ken. Surprised you visited El Cajon, glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks for the kind welcome. Just starting to navigate my way around.
Thank you Ken, I'm excited to be here and to explore the great information about the mountain dulcimer. I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions along the way, and I appreciate the friendly atmosphere. I look forward to learning from everyone.
Thanks Ken,all worked out well and I have spent the afternoon getting acquainted with my first ever dulcimer. Judging from my experience with guitars, suspect this will not be the last as I already have another in the works at another shop with chromatic frets. This one is my intro so started with the diatonic with the 6 1/5 fret and have been having a great time with it. Hoping my shipping experience goes better with the next one. I did indeed wait overnight, mostly because it arrived late in the evening. I am used to that with acclimation on acoustics though, especially as it is very dry and cold here right now. I have humidifiers in my guitar room so he spent the night with them. I am calling it a "he" as it has howling wolves staring up at two moons for sound holes. One of my favorite books from the Seventies (aging myself here) was "Women who run with the Wolves". I am currently painting a wolf scene as it is my spirit animal, so the design sold me on this one. Thanks for your response. Jan
Good morning @Ken-Longfield and thank you for the welcome. I'd be happy to connect with all the Indiana dulcimer players but it would be a reach. I am in Garden City, Idaho. Looking forward to learning enough to play for myself and with others.
Thank you for welcoming me in. I have started building from scratch. My time is very limited and I have a bunch of projects on my bench. I am also trying to learn to play. I have little musical experience but I also like the challenge. At some point I think having an in person teacher will be very helpful.
Thanks for the welcome, Ken. I am a beginner to the mountain dulcimer, although I play guitar, banjo and a little mandolin. I am trying to be intentional about learning, rather than reading tabs and trying to mimic arrangements I hear. I’d prefer not to rely on tabs, in fact, but rather learn the notes so I can play from regular music. Right now I am working my way through some Brett Ridgeway you tube videos, but if you have other advice, I’d be happy to hear it. I have been playing in DAD so far.
Thanks, guess I'll call Just Strings for a little help since the Dulcimer is new to me.
Virtually any lap dulcimer can be strung with the common package sets for either DAA or DAD. Typically plain Steel .012, .012, .014, Nickel Wound .022.
I'm planning to try .014 melody strings one of these days since I ONLY tune to DAA. I don't expect to hear much difference. The .014 strings often break if tuned much above A# or so.
Thanks, Ken. I think you solved the middle string as being a 0.014 gauge, the "A" string. So, if I wanted to buy strings to restring the instrument for D A D tuning in the pattern that the nut and bridge are cut for, can you suggest the correct gauges?
Thanks Ken. It's that sound that got me interested in Dulcimer playing.
Rich H
Ken I am new to this world of instruments but am looking forward to making and sharing.