Dusty Turtle


Location: Northern California
Country: USA

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DulciPlayer ianhr RobMachin DulcimerPlayersNewsEditor Mary_Adelee Bvmaestro ErthLing vetrn7 Beth T Homer Ross Laurie Traylor SusanM DavisJames Lorilee CarolynF AndiBear Learning Always Larry Walton MandaPanda jost Holly Tannen ocean-daughter Mary L Lisa C traildad Wendell G Mary Arndt Cheryl W suzym Diane Mayfield Ferrator wdwolf Leny-Sue Mary Barnsdale TwoGunBob hoodoo Fredr Booglefloop dulcidom Diane R Belinda Link ZeeAviatrix VictorValente Hobbyhorse Ron Zuckerman Elvensong Exukaden Ariane dtortorich fordferguson


youtube videos: 65
images: 24
events: 2
Groups: 2
videos: 8
audio tracks: 11

An educator and folk/roots music enthusiast living the good life in Northern California, I run a local dulcimer group called River City Dulcimers .  


♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫


When tyrants tremble thick with fear

And hear their death knells ringing,

When friends rejoice both far and near,

How can I keep from singing?


♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ 

Latest Activity

Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 days ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "limberjack":
"That's such a nice gesture on Glen's part, Jim. I love the vest! Several years ago I lent a stranger a dulcimer at a dulcimer festival. The next year at that..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 5 days ago • comments: 3
Liked a photos item created by @nate: 1000003677
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 5 days ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "International Appalachian Dulcimer Day":
"That's hilarious, @nate.  It certainly demonstrates the limitations of information from AI.  On the one hand, it found your information here. On the other..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 6 days ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Silicone Free Furniture Polish ":
"Neither of the two products I use occasionally--Howard Feed-N-Wax and Old English Lemon Oil--contain silicone.  I have to admit, though, that I didn't know..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one week ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Lute Dulcimer":
"Let's remember that the distinction between the lute family and the zither family is based on organology, which classifies instruments based on the way they..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one week ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "International Appalachian Dulcimer Day":
"We made it into the AI algorithms!  That constitutes success in my book, even if the information being spewed by the bots is factually incorrect. I feel like..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one week ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Lute Dulcimer":
"Well OK, so lute might be the genus, but we still need a species name.  "
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one week ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Lute Dulcimer":
"It may not be a dulcimer, but it isn't a lute either.  A lute usually has 11 or more strings. I believe a Renaissance lute has 15 strings, and some courses..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 weeks ago • comments: 4
Liked a music item created by @davisjames: Danville Girl.
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 weeks ago • comments: 2
Liked a music item created by @larry-conger: Bug In The Taters
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Hearts of the Dulcimer.":
"I hope you know, @lilley-pad, that the filmmakers responsible for the Hearts of the Dulcimer documentary are FOTMD members @Patricia Delich and @Wayne..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Scale length":
"Nate: Of course youd never be able to perfectly account for the difference in the actual fingerboards. I guess one possibility would be to have both..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Scale length":
"Yeah, to actually measure the difference, we would need to hold all the other variables constant.  We would need the same builder to make identical..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Scale length":
"Sustain.  I think longer VSLs have more sustain than shorter ones. Remember that modern instruments often have much larger boxes than do traditional..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 weeks ago • comments: 6
Posted a new Comment on Jesus Won't You Come by Here?:
"Thanks you so much, John, for this heartfelt offering.  "
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 3 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "A Question about dulcimer popularity...":
"Just what we need to get the kids interested! I have to admit I didn't expect such a strong voice from Amanda."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 4 weeks ago • comments: 12
Liked a group discussions item created by @david-bennett: Today In Mountain Dulcimer History: March
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 4 weeks ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "International Appalachian Dulcimer Day":
"How could we ever forget? It's the best day of the year!"
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 8
Posted a new Comment on Instruments for jamming:
"I can answer your question, @carolynf, either saying "yes" or "no." No: The most common keys in an old timey, folk, or bluegrass jam are C, D, G, and A...."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 7
Liked a youtube item created by @cristian-huet: "La pluie de Najeanne", Cristian Huet at home
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Question about the 6 1/2 fret":
"@overdrive, please note that your description of frets and scale positions only holds true if the open string is the tonic.  In traditional dulcimer playing,..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Newbie to Dulcimers / 1978 Yeoman":
"Good advice so far.  I have always had good results with Howard Feed N Wax, especially with older wood that might have dried out a bit."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Question about the 6 1/2 fret":
"@john-petry, normally I would say that that would be a good question for the I Have Extra Frets Group , but I see that @jan-potts asked that question 13..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 2
Liked a youtube item created by @beth-t: Y Pibydd Du/The Black Piper
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 13
Posted a new Comment on Chord Practice:
"@Jet3rry, the first thing to know is that over time the muscles in your fingers will stretch, so that chords that seem impossible now will slowly get more..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 2
Posted a new Comment on Confident with a Dulcimer:
"When I grow up I hope I'm as cool as you, Sam."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 2
Liked a group discussions item created by @sam-edelston: Confident with a Dulcimer
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 24
Posted a new Comment on Tell us your reason for choosing a chromatic dulcimer!:
"@jet3rry, I fully understand the desire to play a chromatic dulcimer.  There are several reasons to do so.  You mention Erin Mae, who plays a chromatic..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • one month ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "DAD........but no chords":
"@tonyg, I'm glad to hear of your discoveries on the instrument.  In traditional, modal dulcimer music, the tuning is dictated by the specific notes of the..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "RIP to our good fotmd friend Terry Wilson":
"Sad news.  For a few years Terry was very active here and always had encouraging comments for everyone.  There was true joy in his heart and respect for the..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Embellishments":
"Hi @karen-b, I arranged Beech Spring specifically to teach those left-hand techniques.  You can find my arrangement here . In general, I find slow airs and..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Dda tuning":
"Never heard of that tuning, but if the middle string is an octave above the bass string--which is indicated by the lower case "d"--it probably has to be..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "Backing tracks":
"Hey @lilley-pad, not everything is free, but . . .  * On YouTube, you can just search for a tune, as in "Soldier's Joy backing track" and find some stuff...."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "A Question about dulcimer popularity...":
"@randy-adams, I'm in the @Nate fan club myself, but neither you nor I are as cute as those Swifties who will be joining us once Taylor plays a jell-o mold..."
Dusty Turtle
@dusty • 2 months ago • comments: 0
Posted a response to "A Question about dulcimer popularity...":
"John C. Knopf: Has the dulcimer playing of artists such as Brian Jones or Joni Mitchell or Cyndi Lauper or Dolly Parton made a measurable difference?  I..."

Latest Group Discussions

Dusty Turtle

Raymond Melton workshop from 1974

I thought folks from this group would be interested in this audio...
@Dusty Turtle last year - Comments: 2
Dusty Turtle

What is the best way to clean old fret wire?

What is the best way to clean old fret wire? There are lots of methods...
@Dusty Turtle 2 years ago - Comments: 3
Dusty Turtle

Waiting for a Train (Jimmie Rodgers cover)

The classic tune by the Blue Yodeler.
@Dusty Turtle 2 years ago - Comments: 0
Dusty Turtle

Kentucky Waltz (Bill Monroe cover)

Bill Monroe is rightly known as the father of bluegrass, but he also...
@Dusty Turtle 2 years ago - Comments: 0
Dusty Turtle

how to add extra beats in a crooked tune

I am creating tab for a crooked tune by the Québécois accordion player...
@Dusty Turtle 2 years ago - Comments: 4
Dusty Turtle

key signature for modal music

I hesitate to ask this question, for I don't want to start a debate. My...
@Dusty Turtle 4 years ago - Comments: 15
Dusty Turtle

cleaning up cruddy geared tuners

How would you suggest cleaning up nice geared tuners that were stored...
@Dusty Turtle 4 years ago - Comments: 3
Dusty Turtle

tightening a pickup jack

The pickup jack on my dulcimer is loose.   It rattles around and...
@Dusty Turtle 5 years ago - Comments: 2
Dusty Turtle

Swedish origins of the dulcimer?

Found an interesting article arguing for the Swedish origins of the...
@Dusty Turtle 5 years ago - Comments: 7
Dusty Turtle

documentary on the dulcimer from Lexington Public Library

The Lexington Public LIbrary has produced a very nice documentary...
@Dusty Turtle 5 years ago - Comments: 5
Dusty Turtle

Is a Dmaj7 too weird for this song?

Hey folks.  I am arranging an old lullaby called "A La Ru" that...
@Dusty Turtle 5 years ago - Comments: 4
Dusty Turtle

changing the font size of chord names in Tabledit

Hi all.  In Tabledit I use the Text Manager function to indicate chord...
@Dusty Turtle 6 years ago - Comments: 2
Dusty Turtle

Surfer Girl on mountain dulcimer

Here's my three-stringed take on the Beach Boys classic.  Southern...
@Dusty Turtle 6 years ago - Comments: 7
Dusty Turtle

article and video on San Diego dulcimer ensemble

Hey Golden Staters.  Our brethren in San Diego got some positive press...
@Dusty Turtle 7 years ago - Comments: 0
Dusty Turtle

material to enter public domain this New Year!

On New Year's Day 2019, anything published in 1923 will enter the...
@Dusty Turtle 7 years ago - Comments: 10
Dusty Turtle

name that (partial) chord: 5-6-6+ in DAd

This is not a game, but a genuine question. I am working on an...
@Dusty Turtle 7 years ago - Comments: 9
Dusty Turtle

Margaret Wright's dulcimer ministry in the Baptist Press

Members of this group might be interested in this article from The...
@Dusty Turtle 7 years ago - Comments: 4
Dusty Turtle

teaching multiple versions of a song

I have had a lot of success teaching beginning dulcimer players by...
@Dusty Turtle 7 years ago - Comments: 3
Dusty Turtle

Smithsonian Folkways on Appalachian Women Heritage Fellows

I thought fans of Jean might find this short article from Smithsonian...
@Dusty Turtle 7 years ago - Comments: 2
Dusty Turtle

four notes in place of three

In a duple meter such as 2/4 or 4/4, when three notes take the place of...
@Dusty Turtle 7 years ago - Comments: 6

Latest Audio

Welsh Medley

Welsh Medley

@Dusty Turtle
2 years ago - Comments: 8
The Rose of Aranmore

The Rose of Aranmore

@Dusty Turtle
4 years ago - Comments: 9
Grasshopper Sittin' on a Sweet Potato Vine

Grasshopper Sittin' on a...

@Dusty Turtle
10 years ago - Comments: 10
The Ash Grove

The Ash Grove

@Dusty Turtle
10 years ago - Comments: 15
Dry & Dusty

Dry & Dusty

@Dusty Turtle
10 years ago - Comments: 7
The Wind that Shakes the Barley

The Wind that Shakes the Barley

@Dusty Turtle
11 years ago - Comments: 6
Fishin' Blues

Fishin' Blues

@Dusty Turtle
11 years ago - Comments: 0
Westphalia Waltz on baritone dulcimette

Westphalia Waltz on baritone...

@Dusty Turtle
11 years ago - Comments: 11
Hard Times on baritone dulcimer

Hard Times on baritone dulcimer

@Dusty Turtle
12 years ago - Comments: 4
Spanish Fandango

Spanish Fandango

@Dusty Turtle
13 years ago - Comments: 0
Lilliburlero fingerstyle

Lilliburlero fingerstyle

@Dusty Turtle
13 years ago - Comments: 0

Latest Videos

Fall in Cedar Falls (original)

Fall in Cedar Falls (original)

@Dusty Turtle
5 months ago - Comments: 10
Spanish is a Loving Tongue

Spanish is a Loving Tongue

@Dusty Turtle
2 years ago - Comments: 3
Loch Tay Boat Song

Loch Tay Boat Song

@Dusty Turtle
2 years ago - Comments: 6
Safe Haven (original)

Safe Haven (original)

@Dusty Turtle
2 years ago - Comments: 7
The Galway Belle

The Galway Belle

@Dusty Turtle
3 years ago - Comments: 6
Mountains of Mourne

Mountains of Mourne

@Dusty Turtle
3 years ago - Comments: 0
Gentle Annie

Gentle Annie

@Dusty Turtle
4 years ago - Comments: 17
Tahoe Winter Waltz

Tahoe Winter Waltz

@Dusty Turtle
4 years ago - Comments: 7
The Strawberry Blossom

The Strawberry Blossom

@Dusty Turtle
4 years ago - Comments: 7

Latest Photos

Bill Taylor quilted maple.jpg
DT with saz.jpg
dulcimer wall with Wayne's Kandinsky pic.jpg
Dusty in HoDPodcast shirt small version.jpg
DT at BDG Faculty Concert May 2016.jpg
moss covered tree in Muir Woods.jpg
Dusty singing at Gold Rush Days.jpg
Dusty harvesting bamboo noters small version.jpg
harlot limberjack.jpg

Latest Forum Discussions


International Appalachian Dulcimer Day

Posted: Friday March 21 2025, 11:37 AM
By: @Robin Thompson

Randy Wilkinson tab book for Elizabethan...

Posted: Thursday January 16 2025, 11:03 AM
By: @Strumelia

How do I create a new forum discussion?

Posted: Friday December 6 2024, 1:24 PM
By: @Ken Longfield

squeakless nylon strings?

Posted: Tuesday October 8 2024, 8:23 PM
By: @RevDave

RIP Happy Traum

Posted: Sunday September 1 2024, 2:34 PM
By: @robert schuler

baritone guitar

Posted: Thursday April 28 2022, 10:41 AM
By: @Dusty Turtle

Rosin the Beau and recycling melodies for...

Posted: Monday October 4 2021, 11:53 AM
By: @Dusty Turtle

50th anniversary of Joni Mitchell's "Blue"

Posted: Thursday June 24 2021, 1:34 PM
By: @Robin Thompson

How is the COVID-19 coronavirus affecting...

Posted: Saturday June 12 2021, 11:28 PM
By: @B. Ross Ashley

Leonard Bernstein explaining the...

Posted: Friday May 28 2021, 3:51 PM
By: @Steven Berger

Lego Microtonal Guitar

Posted: Friday April 2 2021, 12:47 PM
By: @Robin Thompson

music and the pleasure center of the brain

Posted: Wednesday March 31 2021, 10:12 AM
By: @Ken Longfield

Where have all the beginners gone, long...

Posted: Sunday February 21 2021, 7:05 PM
By: @Strumelia

How to add a new Discussion in a Group

Posted: Thursday January 28 2021, 7:00 PM
By: @Dusty Turtle

Giving Thanks

Posted: Thursday November 26 2020, 6:01 PM
By: @Strumelia

The Mountain Minor movie

Posted: Wednesday October 28 2020, 11:36 AM
By: @Dusty Turtle

If I Had a Hammer (dulcimer) but no left-hand

Posted: Wednesday September 16 2020, 8:33 PM
By: @Dusty Turtle

North Carolina dulcimers getting media...

Posted: Saturday January 11 2020, 6:31 PM
By: @Robin Thompson

Holiday Music Recommendations

Posted: Tuesday December 10 2019, 3:44 PM
By: @Dusty Turtle

online sources for traditional music

Posted: Wednesday August 21 2019, 12:13 PM
By: @Dusty Turtle

Si Bheag Si Mohr dulcimer duet

Posted: Wednesday June 21 2017, 8:14 PM
By: @Ken Hulme

What's your favorite FOTMD smiley?

Posted: Tuesday March 7 2017, 9:19 AM
By: @Strumelia

Where are all the dulcimers by Gary...

Posted: Saturday August 27 2016, 8:37 PM
By: @D. chitwood

Dulcimer Week at Cigar Box Nation!

Posted: Tuesday July 19 2016, 9:31 PM
By: @Patty from Virginia

Oh Fiddlesticks!

Posted: Friday June 10 2016, 10:15 AM
By: @Bob Reinsel

pocket tunes and maintaining the backpack

Posted: Friday March 4 2016, 9:55 AM
By: @Skip

Joni explaining and playing the dulcimer

Posted: Friday February 26 2016, 12:58 PM
By: @Dusty Turtle

acoustic bass guitar

Posted: Wednesday November 18 2015, 1:23 AM
By: @Dusty Turtle

Celtic Tunes Commonly Played on the Dulcimer

Posted: Sunday April 5 2015, 11:36 AM
By: @john p

help me name that fiddle tune -- please!

Posted: Tuesday January 20 2015, 11:14 AM
By: @Janene Millen


Silver Owl
12/30/24 02:16:50PM @silver-owl:

Thank you!  I will pursue your suggestion - Happy New Year!

Lowell Moore
02/13/23 08:23:47AM @lowell-moore:

Hey Dusty, I messed up my courting dulcimer post on the classified forum. I flipped the pictures and did not realize it now looks left-handed, which it is not. Can I get those pictures removed from the post so I can add the unflipped, right-handed, versions?



02/06/20 06:18:43PM @wdwolf:

do you have a tab for your surfer girl?

Bill S
06/22/19 08:27:21PM @bill-s:

Really liked Surfer Girl.  Lovely rendition.

07/10/18 05:48:26AM @macaodha:

Dusty, recorded a couple of video clips recently on Achill Island, was wondering if Vimeo and Youtube were the only way of posting Videos here on FOTMD. Val.

Brian McC
06/05/18 11:03:38PM @brian-mcc:

Just coming back to playing after too long a lay off. Opened the case and "POP" went the string... I am so very glad you posted the info about the Smother;s string calculator, Must wanted to say THANK YOU!!

03/02/17 04:54:15PM @macaodha:

Again Dusty thank you, what you say about true use of chords answers that very clearly.

03/02/17 04:05:47PM @macaodha:

Thank you Dusty for you very prompt and easy to understand reply. So would I be right in saying that back in the day when the ladies and gents were sitting on their porches playing ND or melody drone, whether they new it or were playing melody and chords? and does this mean that the Dulcimer is not just a melody instrument but also a chordal instrument?

03/02/17 09:11:19AM @macaodha:

Hello Dusty, Was going to put this question out there then thought you would be one of many who could answer it. Firstly from a young age I was a whistle player so playing melody was my thing, the jigs, reels etc. Left others to worry about chords. When I started playing Dulcimer I was playing mainly melody drone and at that time mainly in Dad. That was down to lack of knowledge of other tunings. I still play melody drone but now have a few more tunings. The tunings I use mostly are Dad, Dgd, Ddd, Dac and Ddc. The question I want to put to you is, in any of those tunings, playing melody drone and starting to strum at the first fret and working my way down the fret board is there a chord or part of a chord being played? It might be a silly question but have my reasons for asking which I will explain later. I have no interest in getting in to chord playing at my age, but in songs and slower tunes I do play chords not knowing what they are but if they sound good to me they go in. The answer to my question may not be a simple yes or no. You do not have to go into too much detail in your answer. Look forward to hearing from you Val.

Karel Votanek
06/14/16 02:14:03PM @karel-votanek:

Hi Dusty,

thank you very much for your nice comment.


David Pedersen
05/03/16 05:50:44PM @david-pedersen:

Thanks for the latest tab "Fair Flower of Northumberland" .

03/21/16 11:00:51PM @strumelia:

Dusty, this is just a test post- ignore!  :)

11/14/15 03:01:33PM @susie:

Hey Dusty, how do you like your (daughter's) Eede Beede? Is it something for an adult to consider for travel?

alan kolman
11/08/15 05:50:22AM @alan-kolman:

hi dusty - have enjoyed your playing since i found this website - just wish your reggae video continued to the end of the song. i see that you play a probst dulcimer in 3 of your vids - could you tell me how you like it? sounds very balanced, but hard to tell on youtube. thanks, and keep posting -lots of fans out here!   alan

David Pedersen
10/25/15 10:40:28PM @david-pedersen:

Dusty, still can't figure the PM bit. However, I do have a 1+ so can play John Henry. Still working on it. Thanks for showing Polly wolly ... did'nt need that at this time. Like it also.

You mentioned Walter Lay, did'nt see any dulcimers on web site. Bonnie Carol--way up there. What are you playing that you favor at present, cause you have some good sounding Dulcimers.


I play a Jenny Lind from Ron Gibson and my fingers catch on some fret bars. Kinda hurts on John Henry slides.  Its a Black Walnut.

Tried following instructions for PM but did"nt work.

By the way, I do like my Jenny Lind.  Just want to upgrade.


David Pedersen
10/24/15 10:33:12PM @david-pedersen:

Hi Dusty, can we PM I had some questions on a Dulcimer comment you made to me and wanted more info. Thanks.  Dave

David Pedersen
10/15/15 10:06:37PM @david-pedersen:

Hey Dusty,  Been watching your youtube from 1yr ago of John Henry. Fairly addicted to it at this time. Told my wife give me 3 weeks and I'll have it. Might do it in 10 days. thats all I play.

Loving it. Such a gruve on it. 

Nancy Garrett
09/23/15 04:57:46PM @nancy-garrett:

Dusty, I do like how you played Booth Shot Lincoln! I've learned it from Bing so it will be interesting to compare your tab to how he plays it in A. I'm back here in WI.

Mill Branch Dulcimores
06/19/15 11:06:44PM @mill-branch-dulcimores:

Thanks Dusty!

Cynthia Wigington
06/19/15 03:24:12PM @cynthia-wigington:

Dusty, can't figure out how to send you a message, but thank you. All are purr-fect.