Terry Wilson


Location: Leesburg, GA
Country: US

My Latest Followers:

AndiBear Elvensong Ariane Ron Stewart hugssandi Blondie Black Dog Bess sleepingangel Mill Branch Dulcimores Dan Charles Thomas Lisa Golladay Cat Brown Bob Reinsel Lexie R Oakley Cynthia Wigington jeffrey charles foster Mark Runge Karel Votanek Stewart McCormick James Phillips Cindy Stammich Gordon Hardy Kevin Messenger Patty from Virginia Jan Potts Richard Streib Guy Babusek John Henry Jim Fawcett Robin Thompson Strumelia


youtube videos: 8
images: 3

I just love learning to play music and various instruments. My favorite song is, "River (take me along)", by Bill Staines. It's about life's journey. The song conjures up our victories, defeats, losses, gains, heartbreak, happiness, changes, and what's constant throughout our lives. And now our rainbow has followed us here, to this chapter of our story. Perhaps the best time of our life should begin now.

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Terry Wilson

Christmas songs

Hello.  For you folks who play at senior homes, I am just curious as to...
@Terry Wilson 7 years ago - Comments: 10
Terry Wilson

New Song (for me)

I started learning a new song last week, called; "I feel like...
@Terry Wilson 7 years ago - Comments: 0
Terry Wilson

Donated beginner dulcimer for elderly lady...?

A friend of mine, an 87yr old lady, has engaged me to teach her...
@Terry Wilson 7 years ago - Comments: 29
Terry Wilson

Ever bombed? Big time.

This morning I did my usual gig at a local Assisted living home.   The...
@Terry Wilson 7 years ago - Comments: 6
Terry Wilson

Senior Ministry

I'd sure like to see this group revived.  Senior Ministry is my heart....
@Terry Wilson 7 years ago - Comments: 20
Terry Wilson

Baritone Dulcimer

Hello I am thinking of buying a Baritone dulcimer.   Never had one...
@Terry Wilson 7 years ago - Comments: 65
Terry Wilson

Playing in a different octave

As a beginner 3 years ago April 1st, I began playing in DAd, and didn't...
@Terry Wilson 10 years ago - Comments: 10
Terry Wilson

TAB for a song

Help, I need TAB for a song. I don't know if this is the right place to...
@Terry Wilson 10 years ago - Comments: 10
Terry Wilson

First paying gig

Well, after two years of playing I have my first paying gig. I was asked...
@Terry Wilson 11 years ago - Comments: 40
Terry Wilson

Music notation article

Something I wanted to share.Music notation has been a like a ghost to...
@Terry Wilson 11 years ago - Comments: 1
Terry Wilson

Student Dulcimer

For those considering purchasing a "student dulcimer" you might consider...
@Terry Wilson 12 years ago - Comments: 3
Terry Wilson

Popsicle stick

Recently I have become somewhat serious about playing noter/drone style....
@Terry Wilson 12 years ago - Comments: 27
Terry Wilson

AEA tuning

Hi folks,I don't post very much anymore but still check in at least...
@Terry Wilson 12 years ago - Comments: 22
Terry Wilson


I am learning a new song, I can't help falling in Love With You (Elvis)....
@Terry Wilson 13 years ago - Comments: 10

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Waterbound using noter

Waterbound using noter

@Terry Wilson
7 years ago - Comments: 15
Boil Them Cabbage Down

Boil Them Cabbage Down

@Terry Wilson
7 years ago - Comments: 15
Farther along

Farther along

@Terry Wilson
10 years ago - Comments: 17
3 song melody

3 song melody

@Terry Wilson
10 years ago - Comments: 13
Pay me my money down

Pay me my money down

@Terry Wilson
10 years ago - Comments: 13

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Tabor Pipe and Drum

Posted: Monday July 29 2024, 3:16 AM
By: @shanonmilan


Posted: Saturday August 22 2020, 11:19 AM
By: @Lulu

Whatever happened to singing?

Posted: Thursday April 9 2020, 7:39 PM
By: @Terry Wilson

Idle time. What to do.

Posted: Saturday March 14 2020, 7:54 PM
By: @Terry Wilson

Beginners dulcimer book

Posted: Monday November 25 2019, 12:31 PM
By: @Strumelia

The Dulcimer

Posted: Sunday December 9 2018, 3:02 PM
By: @Ken Hulme

Happiness in a new song

Posted: Thursday July 12 2018, 6:43 PM
By: @Terry Wilson

Christmas songs for seniors?

Posted: Wednesday December 21 2016, 7:21 PM
By: @Terry Wilson

Tinny sound

Posted: Friday December 18 2015, 9:26 PM
By: @Sheryl St. Clare

Song quest

Posted: Monday March 16 2015, 2:48 PM
By: @Terry Wilson

Tremolo harmonicas

Posted: Wednesday January 14 2015, 7:23 PM
By: @Terry Wilson


Posted: Thursday October 10 2013, 9:07 AM
By: @Terry Wilson


02/07/25 11:00:17AM @strumelia:

RIP to our good friend Terry. You brought so much joy and happy energy to so many people on this earth!

Richard Streib
02/28/18 10:29:21AM @richard-streib:


Will keep you in prayer for uncomplicated healing and quick recovery from your surgery.



Terry Wilson
07/28/17 12:05:31PM @terry-wilson:

 Hey to you, Maria.  I have been going through a lot in the past 10 months.

Another back surgery,  hand surgery, and dealing with taking care of my grandson since the death of his 38 yr old mother last April 2016.

But life goes on.  I am much better, but laying off stringed instruments until strum hand heals 100%.  Arthritis will always hang around.

Still playing harmonica, and leading singing and devotions, at a senior center each week.   This past Monday I helped bus 14 seniors, average age 88, to a church to minister to the seniors at that church.  Go figure☺.  63 in attendance. 

Anyways, thanks for asking.  I know you are doing well with your many music endeavors. 

To all, stay kind to others.

07/28/17 11:09:09AM @sleepingangel:

Terry I haven't heard from you in a while and I'm hoping you are well. I couldn't send you a private message for whatever reason. So I thought I would just post here!!

Take care


Lexie R Oakley
06/09/16 03:04:48PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Terry, I see on Christine's post you are ill. I just wanted to check in to wish you a good recovery. Let your music pass your time and comfort you.

Lexie dulcimer

Gordon Hardy
04/05/16 10:55:52AM @gordon-hardy:

Terry there's also a box just under your name in the private message center that says refers to blocking users, you may want to click on that to unblock users. I see you have me blocked from sending private messages.

Cynthia Wigington
04/05/16 10:54:40AM @cynthia-wigington:

Terry I haven't responded to you because I get the message back "This user is not accepting messages at this time". I am deeply sorry for your loss and for your son.

Gordon Hardy
04/05/16 10:43:12AM @gordon-hardy:

Terry, some folks want to private message with you. Re your comment about not being able to see the whole message - on the blue-green banner at the top of the private message box, there is a box that says expand all replies, if you hit this it will allow you to read the messages completely.

Lexie R Oakley
03/23/16 11:41:25AM @lexie-r-oakley:

I am so sorry to hear the sad news in your family. Your Son and Grandson and your family will be in my prayers.

Take Care....Lexie

Lexie R Oakley
03/22/16 04:47:31PM @lexie-r-oakley:

I have the faith, it just takes lots of patients, I appreciate you saying a prayer for me.

According to my Physical Therapist I am doing very well I just need to listen to my body and she will keep realistic as far as to know what my knee can and shouldn't do for now. The healing process feels slow, but I know I am getting better each week.

My dulcimer and NA flutes have really helped during this time, they are my comfort and joy!

Thanks my friend for thinking of me......Lexie

Happy Easter to you and your family.

Lexie R Oakley
03/22/16 11:32:07AM @lexie-r-oakley:

Terry; I am happy you get to play flute with your brother, what a great family gathering you will have. It was nice you played for your brother-in-laws memorial service, my sympathy to your family. What a wonderful gift you have to be able to share your music during family times.

Well my poor little knee has a ways to go, but yesterday I saw my surgeon at 9 weeks after surgery and the xray looks great. I don't have to wear that big brace on my leg any longer, I feel a little naked without it and my knee feels a little unsteady so  I will use my cane when I am out and about.

I begin Physical Therapy today and will begin riding my stationary bike. I am looking forward to learning about how to strengthen and stretching out the tendons, seems like they are very tight.

I am sure it is time for the hard work now, getting back to walking properly will be nice.

Take care my friend....Lexie dulcimer

Gordon Hardy
03/14/16 11:01:59AM @gordon-hardy:

Hello Terry, in response to your question about my dulcimer. It was built by a local northern Alberta builder, probably the only builder here. He lives in Fairview, Alberta which is about an hour and a half north of me. He hasn't built many, only about 25 at the time when he built mine which was in 2012 and he had been building for 20 years then. He is very "pernickety" and does beautiful work and only builds as the spirit moves him. I haven't spoken to him for at least a year (that's a shame, isn't it). His name is Reg Davy, his phone number is 780-834-7681 and his email is regdavy@telusplanet.net . He's a good man.

Gordon Hardy
03/09/16 01:18:59PM @gordon-hardy:

Hey Terry re "Softly and Tenderly" that's nothin', you should see me play standing on my head! LOL

Lexie R Oakley
03/04/16 03:12:52PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Hi Terry, I kinda broke my knee cap and was at my Mom's for a couple months, doing really well and finally home.

Yes, I have been practicing my flutes and got my Mom to play with them. I still just play to hear the sounds and love them.

I will consider a pocket flute they sound nice and are fun to have with you where ever you go.

Wishing you well with that back injury and hope you get back out camping.

Take Care....Lexie 

Salt Springs
01/05/16 07:54:29PM @salt-springs:

Terry, got your note and am glad it was helpful.   If you really want to get into the flute, I would suggest you get a copy of John Vames' book on Native American Flute methods.  He has one for traditional music and another for Jazz on the NAF.   Also, Clint Goss has a couple of CD's out that have various drumbeats that you can use as background music while you play or practice.


The NAF is an amazing instrument, though the modern ones do not sound anything at all like the ones natives used.  There are a few recordings around of native players from long ago.  Perhaps this link will work:



You might get a kick out of going to Coyote Oldman's web site, there is a play button on the upper left of his home page that Michael put there so you can here what the Anasazi flute sounds like.  the one he makes is an exact replica of one found somewhere around Chaco Canyon.  I bought one years ago and I'll tell you it is a bear to play....rim blown, now sound box, just a 28" straight tube.........take a listen and you will be amazed what Michael can do with it. He also made a Mojave rim blown for me... same story, shorter, 4 holes but great sound........when you get going the next thing you will want is a hand drum, I use Keith Little Badger's......there is a website where you can buy one......traditional builder and not out of the ball park price wise.

Gordon Hardy
12/15/15 10:20:29AM @gordon-hardy:

Hi Terry, just thought I would post to your wall what I use to record rather than to the general discussion. I have a little canon vixia hf r500 camcorder on an inexpensive tripod. I set it up 3 or 4 feet from where I'm sitting and start filming. When I finally get a good "take" I download the whole "movie" into my computer. Then I use a video converter. I use a free off the internet soft ware product called "Any Video Converter". You can certainly pay for better products, but this one works just fine for me. I load the entire movie into the converter and cut out the segment I want to keep, then I "convert" that segment into a smaller more manageable video, rename it and voila. I'm sure my audio and video is no way professional but hey I'm just doing this for kicks and it's lots of fun for me.

10/12/15 10:13:51AM @strumelia:

Hi Terry, I've had to delete your two "River" videos because the Bill Staines song is copyrighted.  Please see my private message in your INBOX-  thanks!

10/08/15 09:24:08AM @strumelia:

Hi Terry, please see my private message in your INBOX. Thanks!   :)

Lexie R Oakley
03/23/15 04:12:42PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Terry Blessings to you and your wife. Have a wonderful camping tripSmile.gif

Lexie R Oakley
03/23/15 02:53:38PM @lexie-r-oakley:

Hi Terry; I am excited for you to get your new Prichard reproduction by Kevin Messanger.

You ought a have happy dulcimer hands and I am sure Kevin will only build the best.

I am so glad you chose the dyed dulcimer, I have not seen one such as it is and I really think it has that old look to it and it is beautiful.

We'll be waiting for the sweet sound of your new beauty!Smile.gif